It’s Back Again To The Global Cooling Headlines Of The 1970s: ‘Climate science has collapsed into a state of complete confusion. It is very clear that they now have no idea where the climate is headed and never before has the science found itself in such a state of open dispute’

It’s Back Again To The Global Cooling Headlines Of The 1970s … Climate Science Now Clearly In Total Confusion, Chaos!

In the 1940s and 50s, amid the Arctic meltdown, climate scientists back then warned of an ice-free Arctic and a warming planet.

USS Skate at an ice-free North Pole in the 1950s. Public domain photo.
Then in the 1970s the sea ice at the Arctic recovered and the globe again struggled with bitterly cold and long winters. Immediately scientists issued dire warnings of a coming potential ice age, like Newsweek reported in 1974:

 Newsweek, April 28, 1974.
Later in the 1990s, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation had swung back to their warm phases and they reheated the planet, like a bathtub with hot water warms a bathroom. The global temperature jumped a half degree and the panic quickly switched, this time back to global warming and melting Arctic – just like we what we had seen in the 1940s and 50s. And this time environmental activists seized the opportunity and tried to blame it all on human CO2 emissions. The UN set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and governments worldwide committed trillions of our tax money to fight nature by holding profligate conferences and inventing schemes to control human behavior.
But then in the 2000s the planet unexpectedly refused to warm up further, which left many scientists stumped and clueless. Finally over the last years, signs of a cooling planet have been mounting and becoming impossible to deny. Today we see the first scientists bolting for the back door. Just yesterday renown climate scientist Professor Mike Lockwood of Reading University told the world through the BBC that we are possibly looking at “a new mini ice age“.
It’s back to global cooling – climate science is now going back 40 years to the headlines of the 1970s!
So quickly are they able to turn on a dime.
If anything has become clear since the release of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report released last month, it is that climate science has collapsed into a state of complete confusion. It is very clear that they now have no idea where the climate is headed and never before has the science found itself in such a state of open dispute.
Politicians take note!
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