ISIS Climate Change Claims:
Warmist Professors: Global Warming Created ISIS – ‘Formed because of a severe drought in Syria from 2006-2010′ – Charles B. Strozier Professor of History, The City University of New York; and Kelly A. Berkell Attorney and research associate, Center on Terrorism at John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Watch Now: Morano on TV about poll showing Dems believe AGW more dangerous than ISIS
Marc Morano: ‘Surveys have shown global warming is dead last or near dead last as a concern. Americans rank global warming dead last among environmental issues.’
On Gore’s failed Arctic ice predictions: ‘Gore has egg on his face’
Report: French President Hollande Says ‘ISIS Terror Caused by Global Warming’ – ISIS are ‘climate refugees’ – Hollande at UN claimed ‘climate refugees’ are swelling the ranks of terrorist movements, not only in the Middle East but also in Africa.