Warmists Retrench As Climate Refuses To Warm — ‘Climate crystal ball gazers can predict anything they want, but physical reality will not be denied’

The complexity of the climate system is further compounded by feedback mechanisms—how factors such as clouds, evaporation, snow and ice interact with one another. Uncertainties about the impact of feedback mechanisms make it very difficult to predict future climate change. Moreover, predicting how much of the rise in Earth’s mean surface temperature is due to manmade emissions is nearly impossible in the face of our lack of knowledge.

The bottom line on this report is that Greenland’s ice sheet, even when subjected to significantly warmer temperatures than today, did not melt rapidly and disappear as some alarmists would have us believe. Those who point to Greenland’s melting ice and predict massive sea-level rise are in for some disappointment. And need I point out that those higher Eemian temperatures occurred when what few humans existed had only campfires to contribute to their carbon footprints.
