Warmist Aussie Leader Turnbull gives prize to scientist for questioning warming catastrophism


Malcolm Turnbull, a warmist, has seen his Prime Minister’s Prize for Science go toProfessor Graham Farquhar for his work on photosynthesis.

Farquhar has won for work that actually challenges the apocalyptic global warming models we’re told not to question:

Professor Farquhar has also worked to unravel the mystery of why wind speeds and evaporation rates appear to be slowing under climate change, a phenomenon that goes against most climate modelling.

“We studied the meteorological records at all these sites and discovered from the physics of it that it was actually the wind speed going down that was causing the majority of decrease in evaporative demand,” he said.

He said the discovery meant climate change could be a lot wetter than many people realised.

That’s actually good.

In fact, Farquhar sees even more good in man-made warming:

“My reckoning is that if we could get rid of all the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emitted since the industrial revolution, then agricultural productivity would drop by 15%,” he says.
