UN IPCC Lead Author: 25 Years Of Failed Global Warming Policies Have Made Us Poorer

Environmental economist Richard Tol wants the world to deal with global warming, but his data shows the past 25 years of climate policies in rich countries have done nothing to fundamentally tackle the issue.

If anything, Tol argues, current and past climate policies have only served to make most people a little poorer while benefiting those in politically favored industries or with connections to powerful politicians.

“Twenty-five years of climate policy has made most of us a little poorer,” Tol told an audience gathered at the libertarian Cato Institute Friday, adding that such policies also made “some of us a little richer” — referring to those getting green energy subsidies and government grants.

In Tol’s view, climate policies have been more about “rewarding allies with rents and subsidies rather than emissions reduction.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/11/03/ipcc-lead-author-25-years-of-failed-global-warming-policies-have-made-us-poorer/#ixzz3qSdjR23B
