NY Times Revkin: ‘A representative of Sony Corporation (Europe) sent a note to an angry viewer of video that was then forwarded to me by Marc Morano of Climatedepot.com’
Sony, Kyocera bail out of Splattergate video outfit
Splattergate: NY Times Cites Climate Depot: ‘What is actually very revealing, is that their impulse –the intellectual strain that runs through alarmist movement –is to try to silence their critics’
Flashback: Depicting Dying Kids is Old Hat for Warmists: ‘Provocative’: Ad depicts small child with noose around neck standing on melting iceberg
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on Splattergate: ‘The global warming fear promoters are in desperation right now. Their idea to get attention was to blow up school kids’
Splattergate extra: Child actor in film: ‘I think it is vital that children should be exploded in a good cause’
Flashback 1999: Splattergate Actress Gillian Anderson Warned of Y2K Disaster!
Splattergate video: ‘It’s a Greenpeace meets Hamas moment’
NYT’s Andrew Revkin: ‘Is there a marketing Nobel Prize? Blow up kids to get folks to cut CO2. Yeah, that’s the ticket…’
Splattergate fallout: The 10:10 video ‘No Pressure’ is a new symbol–not one that the Establishment will cherish. It’s a symbol of failure to communicate’