This is Deceased Warmist Stephen Schneider’s ‘Sound science’ legacy?! Climate Freak Show: ‘Speakers include Ben Santer; Naomi Oreskes; Joe Romm; Michael Oppenheimer & Teresa Heinz-Kerry’
Watch Now: The late warmist Stephen Schneider takes on room full of skeptics(Full Transcript here)
Debunking Stephen Schneider’s Blacklist Paper, Part 1
Analysis: Late Stephen Schneider’s ‘Blacklist’ Paper ‘violates every ethical standard…I think it is clear that the paper, wrong on the facts, is unethical in its intent and outcome’
The late Schneider speaks about Climate Depot: ‘Implying that our [black] list is comparable to that created by Marc Morano when he worked for Sen. Inhofe is decidedly unconvincing and irresponsible’
Physicist mocks Oppenheimer: ‘The descendants of Oppenheimer should sue Oppenheimer and prevent him from using and contaminating the name of their ancestor – and the good name of physics’
Stephen Schneider in 1977: ‘We just don’t know enough to choose definitely at this stage whether we are in for warming or cooling – or when’
Filmmaker: ‘Schneider posed as an academic but hated tough questions and debate…he called an armed security guard to have our cameras switched off’
Shock News: RIP Stephen H. Schneider of Stanford University 1945-2010: ‘Died of a heart attack today as a flight he was on was landing in London’
Schneider warns blogs could create ‘civil war’! ‘I don’t want to see a civil war, and I worry about that if the blogosphere is carried to a logical extreme’