Climate Skeptics turn tables on ‘attribution’ studies – Ask: Is ‘global warming’ causing a decrease in ‘extreme weather’ events?
Washington DC — Despite the fact that the climate data clearly shows declining or no trends in many major indicators of “extreme weather” like tornadoes, hurricanes, rainfall, droughts and heatwaves, climate activists are once again seemingly trying to link every storm to “global warming.”
Man-made global warming proponents are touting yet another study claiming to attribute “extreme weather” to man-made global warming. See: Scientists: ‘Links Between Climate Change and Extreme Weather Are Clear‘
While such studies rely on modeling claims and other assorted statistical methods to “attribute” “global warming” to specific storms, these studies never examine why “extreme weather” is not increasing. The Associated Press is claiming that “Starting in 2004, dozens of complex peer-reviewed studies found the odds of some extreme events — but by no means all — were goosed by man-made climate change.”
Yes, the AP is claiming that “complex” studies found “the odds of some extreme events” are being “goosed by man-made climate change.” Complex? Odds? Goosed? Really?
The AP’s resident climate activist writer Seth Borenstein continued: “When it comes to heat waves, droughts, heavy rain and some other events, scientists who do rigorous research can say whether they was more likely or more severe because of man-made global warming.” Rigorous? (Note: AP’s Borenstein relies on a small cadre of activist scientists to support the “rigorous” claims. Activists like UN IPCC’s Michael Oppenheimer, David Titley and Katharine Hayhoe)
Climate Depot’s Rebuttal:
If “global warming” can cause specific storms or extreme weather events to occur, how come “global warming” can’t cause the significant lack of “extreme weather?” NOAA: Number of major tornadoes in 2015 was ‘one of the lowest on record’ – Tornadoes below average for 4th year in a row –
Is “global warming” causing a decrease in “extreme weather” events? A 2015 study found just that. See: New paper finds global warming reduces intense storms & extreme weather – A paper published in Science contradicts the prior belief that global warming, if it resumes, will fuel more intense storms, finding instead that an increase in water vapor and strengthened hydrological cycle will reduce the atmosphere’s ability to perform thermodynamic Work, thus decreasing the formation of intense winds, storms, and hurricanes.
The media is indulging in what
UN IPCC Lead Author Oppenheimer: Barbra Streisand gave me quarter of a million dollars — ‘So what?’
Watch March 30, 2015 Video below or click this link:
New York Times journalist Andrew Revkin asked Prof. Michael Oppenheimer about his association with Environmental Defense Fund and his advocacy role as a scientist during a March 30, 2015 streaming interview at Pace University.
Oppenheimer responded: “I have been attacked plenty, but we are all…People who want to disagree with me, they will say things like I worked for EDF…Barbra Streisand, once gave EDF a few hundred thousand to support my work, and then it’s like so what?” — “It’s very hard to catch me saying something that is wrong, because I don’t.”
Climate Depot Response: ‘So what?’ That is the point. All scientists have biases — both personal, professional and funding — to some extent. Why does the media and the climate establishment act like it is only skeptical scientists that should be placed under funding scrutiny?
Despite his own well-funded activist background, Oppenheimer, has a history of smearing skeptics as having a “financial interest” in promoting skepticism. In 2006, Oppenheimer told Tom Brokaw that many skeptics had a “financial interest” in the status quo and therefore reject man-made global warming claims.
Oppenheimer has the audacity — despite having drawn nice salaries from Environmental Defense – to tell the media that skeptics are all in the pay of big oil. See: Climate Cash: Enviro Activist Michael Oppenheimer of EDF wins 2010 greenie Heinz Awards (Each Heinz Award recipient receives $100,000!)
Reality Check: Streisand admitted key climate role and gave at least a quarter of a million dollars to fund the climate activism of a lead author of the UN IPCC.
Scientist to the Hollywood Stars: UN IPCC Lead Author Michael Oppenheimer ‘was the holder of the ‘Barbra Streisand Chair of Environmental Studies’ at Environmental Defense Fund’
Streisand: ‘My Foundation started supporting climate change work in 1989, when I donated a quarter of a million dollars to support the work of environmental scientist Dr. Michael Oppenheimer at EDF. Since then, I, and others have spent countless millions on this issue.’
The green group, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) hosted the Barbra Streisand Chair of Environmental Studies, the perch of UN IPCC lead author Michael
‘Barbra Streisand, Nexus of Green Evil’…
Hollywood/Media Leftists Frothing Over Inhofe as New Senate Committee Chair
Streisand v. Inhofe – Outrage over Inhofe singling out singer’s role in promoting ‘global warming’ – But Streisand admitted: ‘I, and others have spent countless millions on this issue’ – She funded UN IPCC Lead Author to tune of $250,000
Actress Barbra Streisand is taking to Twitter to express her outrage that the incoming GOP chairman of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee (Sen. James Inhofe) singled her out as a key player in global warming promotion. See: The Hill: Barbra Streisand blasts Sen. Inhofe on climate change
Streisand tweeted on December 2, “This would be hilarious if it weren’t so frightening. I thank Sen Inhofe for singling me out as a voice against the perils of climate change.”
“God help us! This man is going to head the Committee on the Environment in the U.S. Senate. Like giving a fox the keys to the chicken coop,” she added. Streisand once declared a “global warming emergency”. See: BARBRA STREISAND: ‘GLOBAL WARMING EMERGENCY’ – Singer says for U.S. ‘not to be part of the Kyoto treaty is unforgivable’
The Nation’s David Corn also weighed in with these comments in his Dec. 2 article titled Barbra Streisand behind global warming hoax, says Sen. Inhofe:
Corn on his 2009 interview with Inhofe: “I pressed on: Who in Hollywood is doing this? [promoting climate change] The whole liberal crowd, Inhofe said. But who? Barbra Streisand, he responded. I nearly laughed. All these people had assembled in Copenhagen because of Barbra Streisand. A singer and actor had perpetuated the grandest con of the past 100 years? That’s right, Inhofe said, with a straight face. And others, he added.” End Corn excerpt. [Climate Depot Note: Corn does not provide exact quotes from Inhofe, but seemingly paraphrased recollections of the 2009 conversation. Corn rewords Inhofe’s comments to say that the entire UN Copenhagen summit was due to Streisand?! Corn is offering up nothing more than very poor advocacy journalism.]
Reality Check: Inhofe’s assertions are correct and backed by evidence.
But Streisand and the media feigning outrage at Inhofe’s 2009 comments are ignoring the role Streisand has played in the climate debate. Streisand gave at least a quarter of a million dollars to fund the climate activism of a lead author of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The green group, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) hosted the Barbra Streisand Chair of Environmental Studies, the perch of UN IPCC lead author Michael Oppenheimer, a media favorite.
Oppenheimer, a professor of geosciences and international affairs at Princeton, was a paid partisan of the environmental pressure group Environmental Defense. And Oppenheimer was …
Barbra Streisand blasts Sen. Inhofe on climate change – But Inhofe is Correct!
In an interview with Mother Jones back in 2009, Inhofe said “Hollywood liberals and extreme environmentalists” engineered the hoax that he calls climate change. When pressed on who in Hollywood specifically did it, Inhofe said: “Barbra Streisand.” Streisand tweeted the Mother Jones article late Tuesday, and then proceeded to blast Inhofe. “This wld be hilarious if it weren’t so frightening. I thank Sen Inhofe for singling me out as a voice against the perils of climate change,” Streisand tweeted. “God help us! This man is going to head the Committee on the Environment in the U.S. Senate. LIke giving a fox the keys to the chicken coop,” she added.
Environmental Defense Fund hosted the Barbra Streisand Chair of Environmental Studies, the perch of scientist Michael Oppenheimer, who advocates buying up development rights in the Third World as a solution to global climate change. # Oppenheimer, a professor of geosciences and international affairs at Princeton, was also a paid partisan of the environmental pressure group Environmental Defense. Update: Michael Oppenheimer was the holder of the “Barbra Streisand Chair of Environmental Studies” at the Environmental Defense Fund. Streisand explained: “My Foundation started supporting climate change work in 1989, when I donated a quarter of a million dollars to support the work of environmental scientist Dr. Michael Oppenheimer at EDF. Since then, I, and others have spent countless millions on this issue.” Oppenheimer also proudly served as an advisor to former Vice President Al Gore on his 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth” and he has consistently defended the accuracy’s of Gore’s film. “On balance, he did quite well — a credible and entertaining job on a difficult subject,” Oppenheimer said of Gore’s film in 2007. “For that, he (Gore) deserves a lot of credit,” Oppenheimer added.…
AP’s Seth Borenstein publishes pure propaganda: Climate change has made Earth ‘hotter, weirder…downright wilder’
…USA Today: ‘World losing battle against global warming’…
UN IPCC’s Michael Oppenheimer implies carbon tax would stop Australia from drying out- ‘Don’t need that carbon tax? – Australia drying projected to continue’
…Haha! UN IPCC’s Michael Oppenheimer claims warming will become so bad ‘It will be functionally impossible to be outside’…