Astrophysicist Piers Corbyn: UN IPCC report ‘A Cowardly Cover-Up and a disgrace to science’

IPCC report “A Cowardly Cover-Up and a disgrace to science”

“If followed, (it) will lead to malnutrition, starvation and impoverishment of millions as world agriculture and economies are hit by the developing Mini-Ice-Age.
Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist and long-range weather and climate scientist and forecaster, comprehensively, scientifically, demolishes the UN IPCC 5th Report and MetOffice/BBC role in a 12page pdf complete with exciting graphs and dynamic quotes.
“The report is indeed totally laughable but also deadly dangerous,” says Piers.
“It is a cowardly cover-up of climate reality in which the BBC and Met Office play an especially dishonest role and an utter disgrace to science. It is a product of self-interested warmist parasites and Big Oil & energy giants who gain from high energy charges.
“It points the world in the wrong direction and if followed will lead to malnutrition, starvation and impoverishment of millions as world agriculture and economies are hit by the developing Mini-Ice-Age while the UN IPCC and Governments (Australia now excepted) impose green taxes in supposed preparation for warming climate changes which are opposite to what will happen.”
“the UN IPCC, Governments, Met Office and warmist media BBC, New York Times etc….prefer the public to suffer and even die than admit their deluded CO2 theory has failed every objective scientific test and can predict nothing.
See entire pdf:
Thanks to Argiris Diamantis for this link

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