Scientists Write Open Letter to Congress: ‘You Are Being Deceived About Global Warming’ — ‘Earth has been cooling for ten years’

Below is a reprint of a July 1, 2009 Open Letter to Congress by a team of prominent scientists.


You have recently received an Open Letter from the Woods Hole Research Center, exhorting you to act quickly to avoid global disaster. The letter purports to be from independent scientists, but that Center is the former den of the President’s science advisor, John Holdren, and is far from independent. This is the same science advisor who has given us predictions of “almost certain” thermonuclear war or eco-catastrophe by the year 2000, and many other forecasts of doom that somehow never seem to arrive on time.

The facts are:

The sky is not falling; the Earth has been cooling for ten years, without help. The present cooling was NOT predicted by the alarmists’ computer models, and has come as an embarrassment to them.

The finest meteorologists in the world cannot predict the weather two weeks in advance, let alone the climate for the rest of the century. Can Al Gore? Can John Holdren? We are flooded with claims that the evidence is clear, that the debate is closed, that we must act immediately, etc, but in fact


The proposed legislation would cripple the US economy, putting us at a disadvantage compared to our competitors. For such drastic action, it is only prudent to demand genuine proof that it is needed, not just computer projections, and not false claims about the state of the science.


Finally, climate alarmism pays well. Alarmists are rolling in wealth from the billions of dollars floating around for the taking, and being taken. It is always instructive to follow the money.

Robert H. Austin
Professor of Physics
Princeton University
Fellow APS, AAAS
American Association of Arts and Science Member National Academy of Sciences

William Happer
Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics
Princeton University
Fellow APS, AAAS
Member National Academy of Sciences

S. Fred Singer
Professor of Environmental Sciences Emeritus, University of Virginia
First Director of the National Weather Satellite Service

Roger W. Cohen
Manager, Strategic Planning and Programs, ExxonMobil Corporation (retired)
Fellow APS

Harold W. Lewis
Professor of Physics Emeritus
University of California at Santa Barbara
Fellow APS, AAAS; Chairman, APS Reactor Safety Study


All Hail the Planet! ‘Immorality of climate-change denial’: NYT’s Krugman accuses Congressmen who voted against climate bill of ‘treason against the planet!’

[ Update: Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) appears to be echoing Krugman. See: Waxman: GOP ‘Rooting Against Country’ Because Of Global Warming Vote ]

New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman has charged that Congressmen who do not subscribe to his view of a man-made global warming “crisis” are guilty of “treason against the planet.” Krugman also rebuked the “irresponsibility and immorality of climate-change denial.” The House of Representatives narrowly passed the climate bill last week. (Krugman’s sentiments about skeptics are not isolated. See: ‘Execute’ Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’ — ‘Shouldn’t we start punishing them now?’ – June 3, 2009)

“As I watched the deniers make their arguments, I couldn’t help thinking that I was watching a form of treason — treason against the planet,” Krugman wrote in the New York Times on June 28, 2009. [Editor’s Note: Nice smear Mr. Krugman. Your use of the term “denier” has an intentional “Holocaust Denial” connotation to it. See: Professor Roger Pielke, Jr.: ‘The phrase ‘climate change denier’ is meant to be evocative of the phrase ‘holocaust denier’ & Also See: Huff. Post: ‘Great ironies of our age is that skepticism of global warming is treated with greater respect than, say, Holocaust denial’ – June 26, 2009]

We’re facing a clear and present danger to our way of life, perhaps even to civilization itself. How can anyone justify failing to act?” Krugman explained.

“Yet the deniers are choosing, willfully, to ignore that threat, placing future generations of Americans in grave danger, simply because it’s in their political interest to pretend that there’s nothing to worry about. If that’s not betrayal, I don’t know what is,” Krugman wrote. [Editor’s Note: Krugman is a full blown “climate astrologist” — someone who reads a prediction of 100 years from now and believes it as fact and irrefutable evidence of a climate catastrophe. (see Climate Depot report on “Climate Astrology” here.) Krugman cites the scientifically ridiculed MIT model predictions as “proof” of a climate crisis. For a full rebuttal of Krugman’s climate model “evidence” see here: Forecast Pioneers: MIT’s unscientific, catastrophic climate forecast: MIT modellers violated 49 principles of forecasting – June 16, 2009 – Also see: Even Computer Models Now Defying Predictions of Doom! New study ‘concludes global average sea level rise UNLIKELY to exceed one meter by 2100’