Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball: ‘Temperature: The Blinding Obsession. It’s The Precipitation Stupid’
‘Melting ice on Kilimanjaro became the image of warming. Its iconic status suited the public relations component of global warming. Now it underscores what was wrong with the claims because the snow has returned. The snow disappeared because of drought exacerbated by forest clearing and blowing dirt that increased the albedo and melt rate.’…
Prof. Pielke Jr.: ‘Despite all the hype, 2012 was just below average for natural catastrophe costs and way below average for lives lost’
Warmists go unhinged: ‘Global warming is to blame’ for lightning strike which killed Mt. Kilimanjaro climber — ‘It was quite freaky and probably it’s because of the global warming’
Climategate’s Michael Mann Reveals Why He Refuses To Debate — He ‘would have been laughed off t he stage’ for his uninformed claims
The Paper Tiger — No Wonder Michael Mann Will Never Debate: Mann ‘still thinks snows of Kilimanjaro are receding due to ‘climate change’
Al Gore wrong again! ‘Mount Kilimanjaro is slowly building up its snow cover, allaying fears of prominent scientists who had predicted witnessing the eminence lose its famous white hat’
‘Death threat’ fictions — Alleged death threats against Aussie warmists fizzles
Mt. Kilimanjaro’s snowcap ‘no longer shrinking, but growing’: ”A guide who’s been hiking the mountain for the past 7 years laughed when asked about likelihood snowcap would disappear soon’
Georg Kaser of Innsbruck U.: ‘The Kibo glaciers shrink & will disappear not because of changing climate conditions…It is simply too dry for these glaciers to exist under normal Holocene conditions’
Al Gore’s global warming claims on Kilimanjaro glacier – finally dead and buried in the Climategate 2.0 emails – even Phil Jones and Lonnie Thompson don’t believe it