Obama: ‘As We Push Our Economy and the World to Ultimately Transition Off Fossil Fuels’
…Epic Fail: Warmist paper Prediction In 2009 – ‘World will warm faster than predicted in next five years, study warns’ — Warming ‘expected to silence global warming skeptics’
…‘A new model suggests that prehistoric sea-level rise long thought to have been caused by the [East Antarctic] ice sheet melting was actually the result of local subsidence’
Silly: ‘Day after tomorrow’ map shows consequences of climate change
An Admission finally! ‘The Population Bomb’s’ Paul Ehrlich: ‘I wish I’d taken more math in high school and college. That would have been useful’
What Happened to Global Warming? Why didn’t predict models predict 10 years of non-warming?
Another Meteorologist dissents: ‘We can’t keep a stray shower from ruining your picnic, so how are we going to stop’ climate change?
‘New report has identified more water vapor inaccuracies in current general circulation models’
Losing: Gore has lost 18 of the first 20 months of climate temp ‘bet’ with forecasting experts
Climate Models Blown Away By Water Vapor: ‘The predictors of future climate disaster may as well be using tarot cards’