Eight questions to ask a climate activist about Eight questions to ask student activists about the fossil fuel divestment campaign

Eight questions to ask a climate activist


Eight questions to ask any climate activist:
Eight questions to ask student activists about the fossil fuel divestment campaign

How colleges and universities can turn Fossil Free campaign meetings into teachable moments


Tom Harris

A teachable moment is something all good educators welcome. It is a critical time during which learning about a particular topic or idea becomes easiest. In his 1998 book, Sequential Problem Solving: A Student handbook, American author Fredric B. Lozo defined a teachable moment as “that moment when a unique, high interest situation arises that lends itself to discussion of a particular topic.”

The Fossil Free divestment campaign at post secondary institutions across North America provides superb teachable moments for educators to help students improve their research and critical thinking skills. In this article I discuss one way that university and college administrators can take advantage of the strong personal engagement student activists feel towards climate change and energy to transform confrontational meetings into teachable moments.

Last November, the climate activist group 350.org began the Fossil Free divestment campaign. It encourages university and college students to pressure their schools into divesting their endowments of 200 companies that 350.org considers the main threat to the climate due to their carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Over 300 campuses in the United States and Canada now have student-led divestment campaigns and a handful of small colleges in New England have even committed to 100 percent divestment.

Instead of quickly yielding to student pressure, or immediately rejecting their demands, academic leaders must motivate young people to learn more about the issues at hand, think critically, and come to their own conclusions based on the evidence they find. Students should be encouraged to free themselves from politically correct ‘group think’ and put aside the simplistic, and often wrong, talking points provided by professional activists. After all, progressive universities and colleges want students to be fearless intellectual explorers, not mere followers of contemporary fashion. Later in their lives, many will work for organizations that demand unthinking conformity, so now is the time to learn to think for themselves.

The contentious and complex climate change issue is ideal for such exploration. As the 1,500 Carleton University students who took my courses in climate science know, I like to challenge young people with questions, including, and some would say especially, politically incorrect ones…questions they may have …

Aussie’s ABC lets Bill McKibben get away with barking nonsense — ‘Really one degree is utter catastrophe’

WHAT TONY JONES COULD HAVE ASKED:  Yet Antarctic sea ice has hit record highs. Ocean pH measurements are even more uncertain that ones on ocean temperature. A “30%” range on a logarithmic scale is not as significant as it sounds, especially when ocean pH varies naturally by that much each day in some places, and many corals and fish seem quite capable of adapting.  As far as drought and flood go, Australia has always had both, there were waves of 50-plus temperatures right across Australia in the 1800′s. Most climate scientists admit there is no concrete evidence at all that current floods and droughts or storms are on the increase, let alone that it’s caused by CO2?…

Warmist Bill McKibben endorses this statement: ‘The reason that you want another coal terminal is that you are f*cking greedy.’ — McKibben: ‘Um, seems about right’

Flashback 2012: Climate Depot Featured at UN Earth Summit: ‘Failure here is good for the world’s poor people. We need to redefine sustainable development as oil, gas, coal’ — Morano: ‘Failure is the only option for this conference if you care about the environment & poor people. Carbon based energy has been one of the greatest liberators of mankind in history of our planet’

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Climate Activists: ‘White America’ condemned to Hell!? — Warmist Bill McKibben laments ‘White America’ has failed: ‘White America has fallen short’ by voting for ‘climate deniers’

Climate Activists: ‘White America’ condemned to Hell?! NYT’s Krugman: Skeptics ‘punished in the afterlife’ — McKibben: ‘White America’ has failed

Click here for McKibben’s ‘White America’ commentary in La Times (via Tom Nelson) . (No wonder the Washing Post calls McKibben “bizarre.”)

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Last week, global warming activists condemned climate skeptics into eternal damnation. See Paul Krugman: See: BURN IN HELL: NYT Warmist Paul Krugman to those whose ‘deny’ global warming: ‘May you be punished in the afterlife for doing so’ — Calls ‘denial’ an ‘almost inconceivable sin’ — Krugman invokes God’s wrath on skeptics: ‘You can deny global warming (and may you be punished in the afterlife for doing so — this kind of denial for petty personal or political reasons is an almost inconceivable sin).’

Now Warmist Bill McKibben wants ‘white America’ to wake up to man-made global warming fears.


Reaction to McKibben/LA Times’ ‘White America’ claims – McKibben/LA Times ‘Goes Full Racist’ – ‘If they blamed the weather on some other ethnic group, they would probably be investigated by the justice department’

Scumbag Hardo - Wake up White people!

Flashback: Activist Bill McKibben At Copenhagen: ‘I Went To Church And Cried…People are dying already’ — ‘This crisis is so terrifying that when you let yourself feel too deeply it can be paralyzing’

New paper explains who Bill McKibben is: MCNisbet: ‘I wonder how many… are aware of McKibben’s long standing vision of societal change’ ‘McKibben’s goal has been to generate a mass consciousness in support of limiting economic growth and consumption’

Warmist Bill McKibben Blames 5,000 Years Of Middle East Instability On Your SUV

More on McKibben here.
