Malaria Declines Despite Local Warming: ‘The decline in malaria cases in the face of rising temps is further proof that climate change is not a major player in rates of malaria transmission in region’
Climate change predicted to spread malaria: ‘Geographic range of malaria could more than double in the next 50 years, putting almost eight million people at risk’
Finland Researchers Prove That Malaria Incidence Declined During Modern Global Warming
Oops, Yet another warmist claim bites the dust! Drop In Malaria Incidence, Despite Climate Change
Another failed prediction: Incidence of malaria drops in many African countries; CO2 blamed: Data Tanzania, Eritrea, Rwanda, Kenya & Zambia all indicate that incidence of malaria is dropping fast’
Malaria Incidents Will Decrease As The World Warms Say Latest Computer Models
Newest Malaria Research Out of Africa: Global Warming Has No Impact On Spread of Malaria
Climate Astrology: ‘No matter what the weather is like, it always turns out to be exactly the kind of weather we should expect if human activity were causing global temps to rise’
Time to call the fight, Romm is on the mat! Malaria-climate paper author bashes Romm (again)
The end is Nigh for Romm — the ‘vile propagandist’: ‘Global warming: Malaria and Joe Romm’s logic fail–and downright dishonesty’ (Email: [email protected])