Watch: Morano on Fox News in heated climate debate over schools banning books doubting ‘global warming’

Fox News Channel – ‘Your World w/ Neil Cavuto’ – Monday May 30, 2016 – Selected excerpts

Marc Morano: “Having just made a movie called ‘Climate Hustle’ featuring former UN scientists who turned against the UN, a Nobel Prize Winning scientist, Ivy League scientists who all come out and say they just have it flat wrong. We have a lot of fun showing the 1970s consensus about man-made global cooling and the coming Ice Age and how even NASA and the CIA got involved in promoting the cooling scare.”

“The idea that kids can’t be told — and by the way, this is worse that they can’t hear anything skeptical, the kids can’t even hear any doubts about the alleged severity of man-made global warming. The kids will be hearing about climate refugees and climate justice.”

Warmist Taryn Rosenkranz Democrat Strategist: “When it comes down to it, much like smoking causes cancer, we know carbon emissions causes climate change. We need to make sure that our students know the facts about what they can do to help.”

Morano: “Carbon dioxide is a trace gas that is essential for life on Earth and you are demonizing it as tobacco, as some kind of cancer causing gas– it’s absurd. The idea that these kids cannot be told that there is an alternative perspective, that the 97% claim of ‘consensus’ is pure myth and fabrication. The 97% claim was ‘pulled out of thin air’ according to even UN scientists. This comes down to conformity must be enforced in the name of diversity. In the name of diversity, you MUST CONFORM! That is what they are doing here, they cannot allow dissent and its very sad for kids.”


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Portland school board bans ‘climate change-denying materials’


In a move spearheaded by environmentalists, the Portland Public Schools board unanimously approved a resolution aimed at eliminating doubt of climate change and its causes in schools.

“It is unacceptable that we have textbooks in our schools that spread doubt about the human causes and urgency of the crisis,” said Lincoln High School student Gaby Lemieux in board testimony. “Climate education is not a niche or a specialization, it is the minimum requirement for my generation to be successful in our changing world.”

The resolution passed Tuesday evening calls for the school district to get rid of textbooks or other materials that cast doubt on whether climate change is occurring and that the activity of human beings is responsible. The resolution also directs the superintendent and staff to develop an implementation plan for “curriculum and educational opportunities that address climate change and climate justice in all Portland Public Schools.”

Bill Bigelow, a former PPS teacher and current editor of ReThinking Schools, an online magazine devoted to education issues, worked with 350PDX and other environmental groups to present the resolution.

“A lot of the text materials are kind of thick with the language of doubt, and obviously the science says otherwise,” Bigelow says, accusing the publishing industry to bowing to pressure from fossil fuels companies. “We don’t want kids in Portland learning material courtesy of the fossil fuel industry.”

In board testimony, Bigelow said PPS’ science textbooks are littered with words like might, may and could when talking about climate change.

SCREENSHOT: PPS.NET - Portland Public Schools board member Mike Rosen (center) at the May 17 board meeting.

SCREENSHOT: PPS.NET – Portland Public Schools board member Mike Rosen (center) at the May 17 board meeting.

“ ‘Carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles, power plants and other sources, may contribute to global warming,’ ” he quotes Physical Science published by Pearson as saying. “This is a section that could be written by the Exxon public relations group and it’s being taught in Portland schools.”

Bigelow is also the co-author of a textbook on environmental education, A People’s Curriculum for the Earth. Asked if this resolution will cause the district to buy new textbooks, such as his book, Bigelow said ReThinking Schools is a nonprofit, not a money-maker.

“What we’re asking for is not: Buy new stuff,” he said. “What we’re looking for is a whole different model of curriculum development and distribution.”

Bigelow said the district already has climate-change literacy curriculum, such as at Sunnyside Environmental School

Obama on Climate Change: ‘We Can See it Happening Right Now’

President Barack Obama told graduates at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., “to insist upon and shape an informed debate” about climate change, adding that climate change is not subject to “political spin.”

“Climate change is not something subject to political spin. There is evidence. There are facts. We can see it happening right now,” he said in a commencement address.

Obama said the debate about climate change is “a perfect example” of astronomer Carl Sagan’s quote, “We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depths of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good.”

“Now, I recognize it doesn’t feel like the planet is warmer right now. I understand. There was hail when I landed in Newark, but think about the climate change issue,” he said.

“Every day, there are officials in high office with responsibilities who mock the overwhelming consensus of the world’s scientists that human activities and the release of carbon dioxide and methane and other substances are altering our climate in profound and dangerous ways,” the president said.

“A while back, you may have seen a United States senator trotted out a snowball during a floor speech in the middle of winter as ‘proof’ that the world was not warming,” Obama said, referring to Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

“I mean, listen, climate change is not something subject to political spin. There is evidence. There are facts. We can see it happening right now. If we don’t act, if we don’t follow through on the progress we made in Paris, the progress we’ve been making here at home, your generation will feel the brunt of this catastrophe,” Obama said.

“So it’s up to you to insist upon and shape an informed debate. Imagine if Benjamin Franklin had seen that senator with the snowball, what he would think. Imagine if your 5th grade science teacher had seen that. He’d get a D. And he’s a senator!” Obama added.

“Look, I’m not suggesting that cold analysis and hard data are ultimately more important in life than passion, or faith, or love, or loyalty,” he said. “I am suggesting that those highest expressions of our humanity can only flourish when our economy functions well, and proposed budgets add up, and our environment is protected.

“And to accomplish those things,