Watch Now: Former Obama National Security Advisor: Keystone XL rejection would ‘make Mr. Putin’s day’

3/13/14 12:09 PM EDT

Former National Security Adviser Gen. James Jones used the growing tension between Russia and Ukraine to make the case that approving the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline is essential for boosting U.S. energy security.

“If we want to make Mr. Putin’s day and strengthen his hand, we should reject the Keystone. If we want to gain an important measure of national energy security, jobs, tax revenue, and prosperity to advance our work on the spectrum of energy solutions that don’t rely on carbon, it should be approved,” Jones said during testimony at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the pipeline.…


Keystone XL and the National Interest Determination

U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations


Senator Menendez


Thursday, March 13, 2014


11:15 AM


Dirksen 419


This hearing is scheduled to be live webcast. Please return to this page to view the hearing live at the specified date and time.

Panel One

The Honorable Karen Harbert
President and CEO
Institute for 21st Century Energy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Washington, DC

Dr. James Hansen
Director of the Program on Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions
Adjunct Professer, Columbia University Earth Institute
New York, NY

Mr. Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club
San Francisco, CA

General James L. Jones, Jr. USMC (Ret.)
Jones Group International
Washington, DC…

Billionaire Democrat donor Tom Steyer plans to spend $100 million in mid-term elections ‘to enact climate change measures through a hard-edge campaign of attack ads’

Excerpts from Feb. 18, 2014 NYT article: Targets include the governor’s race in Florida, where the incumbent, Rick Scott, a first-term Republican, has said he does not believe that science has established that climate change is man-made. Mr. Steyer’s group is also looking at the Senate race in Iowa, in the hope that a win for the Democratic candidate, Representative Bruce Braley, an outspoken proponent of measures to limit climate change, could help shape the 2016 presidential nominating contests.

Mr. Steyer, 56, accumulated more than $1.5 billion during his days at the hedge fund Farallon Capital Management, before he retired in 2012. Today, he is among the most visible of a new breed of wealthy donors on the left who call themselves “donor-doers,” taking a page from the Kochs, Mr. Bloomberg and others to build and run their own political organizations — outside the two parties and sometimes in tension with them.

Mr. Steyer poured tens of millions of dollars into a successful 2012 ballot initiative in California that eliminated a loophole in the state’s corporate income tax and dedicated some of the resulting revenue to clean-energy projects. He also has helped finance opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, appearing in a series of self-funded 90-second ads seeking to stop the project.

Those efforts cemented his partnership with Chris Lehane, a California-based Democratic strategist, and heralded the emergence of NextGen Climate, now a 20-person operation encompassing a super PAC, a research organization and a political advocacy nonprofit. The group employs polling, research and social media to find climate-sensitive voters and spends millions of dollars in television advertising to try to persuade them.

It already is among the biggest environmental pressure groups in the country: For example, the League of Conservation Voters, considered the most election-oriented of such groups, reported spending about $15 million on campaign ads in 2012. And while Mr. Steyer has been critical of Democrats who waver on climate issues, he has aimed most of his firepower so far at Republicans.

End NYT excerpt



Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ smears skeptical scientists as akin to tobacco industry in debate with Climate Depot’s Marc Morano on Stossel’s Fox show on January 23, 2014:

NYE: ‘This is perfectly analogous to the cigarette industry and cancer, trying to introduce the idea that since you can’t prove any one thing, the whole thing is in — is