GOP Candidates Agree To Discuss ‘Climate Change’ With Florida Mayors
…Claim: ‘Jeb Bush’s Marijuana Use Pales Compared To The Threat His Own Kids Face From Climate Change’
While both Jeb’s supporters and his mother will certainly give him a pass for a youthful indiscretion, voters in the fall of 2016 will not be so forgiving if he and the other Republican candidates continually downplay what the overwhelming majority of climate scientists say is an ever-present danger: global warming.…
Jeb Bush: ‘The climate is changing…Human activity has contributed to it’ – Seeks to ‘find solutions’
Jeb Bush: The climate is changing; I don’t think anybody can argue it’s not. Human activity has contributed to it. I think we have a responsibility to adapt to what the possibilities are without destroying our economy, without hollowing out our industrial core…
I think it’s appropriate to recognize this and invest in the proper research to find solutions over the long haul but not be alarmists about it. We should not say the end is near, not deindustrialize the country, not create barriers for higher growth, not just totally obliterate family budgets, which some on the left advocate by saying we should raise the price of energy so high that renewables then become viable. U.S. emissions of greenhouse gasses are down to the same levels emitted in the mid-1990s, even though we have 50 million more people. A big reason for this success is the energy revolution which was created by American ingenuity—not federal regulations..
Obama’s carbon rule is irresponsible and ineffective. First, it does virtually nothing to address the risk of climate change. Second, it oversteps state authority. Third, EPA has gone far beyond its statutory authority, regulating how people consume energy. Fourth, it threatens the reliability of the electricity grid. Finally, as proposed, it will unnecessarily increase energy costs on hard-working families and will cause job losses in many states.…
Jeb Bush: ‘I embrace the reduction of carbon emissions that have taken place’
Jeb Bush retreats from warmism? Now says science is ‘convoluted’ – ‘Climate change has been co-opted by the hard-core left’
U.S. Republican Jeb Bush said on Wednesday that the Earth’s climate is changing but that scientific research does not clearly show how much of the change is due to humans and how much is from natural causes. While President Barack Obama and many scientists believe humans are largely to blame for climate change, Bush said the degree of human responsibility is uncertain. The former Florida governor challenged Obama’s determination earlier in the day that climate change is now a threat to U.S. national security. —Reuters, 21 May 2015
The problem is climate change has been co-opted by the hard-core left and if you don’t march to their beat perfectly then you’re a denier. –Jeb Bush, The Daily Signal, 21 May 2015
“The climate is changing. I don’t think anybody can argue that it’s not. I don’t think anybody truly knows what percentage of this is man-made and which percentage is just the natural evolution of what happens over time on this planet,” he said. “I think we have a responsibility to adapt to what the possibilities are without destroying our economy, without hollowing out our industrial core. There are things that we can do that are commonsensical about this.”
Bush has spoken in the past about the need to reduce carbon emissions, saying it’s an issue the United States and other world powers must work on and try and find common agreement. However, he’s also quick to point out that a capitalist approach is the best way.
“The United States has actually been one of the places as it relates to carbon emissions where there have been the best gains because of the explosion of American innovation in creating huge increases in natural gas production and consumption that has lowered carbon emissions. The capitalist system has actually done more than the command and control progressive model.”
“Look, first of all, the climate is changing. I don’t think the science is clear what percentage is man-made and what percentage is natural. It’s convoluted. And for the people to say the science is decided on, this is just really arrogant, to be honest with you,” he said.
“It’s this intellectual arrogance that now you can’t even have a conversation about it. The climate is changing, and we need to adapt to that reality,” he said.…
Watch: Jeb Bush Endorses UN Climate Treaty Process: ‘We need to work with the rest of the world to negotiate a way to reduce carbon emissions’
Via Tampa Bay Times: Jeb Bush’s April 17, 2015 remarks at a “Politics & Eggs” event brought praise from billionaire Tom Steyer’s group NextGen Climate, which has spent millions in recent elections blasting Republicans on climate change.
“Jeb Bush demonstrated leadership today on the issue of climate change—distancing himself from the other Republican presidential hopefuls and demonstrating why climate change doesn’t have to be a partisan issue,” the group said in an email to reporters. “Today in New Hampshire, Bush expressed his concern about the fact that the climate is changing and pledged to “to work with the rest of the world to negotiate a way to reduce carbon emissions. This is a critical step forward for the Republican candidate, but it can only be the beginning if America hopes to truly lead the world in combating climate change once and for all. In the coming weeks, we urge Jeb Bush to outline his specific plan to reduce carbon emissions and tackle the greatest challenge of our generation. Providing strong solutions to reduce carbon emissions will not only mitigate the impacts of climate change but also strengthen our economy and create good-paying jobs across the country.”
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