Fox News Asks Sen. Graham: How Can Republicans ‘Trust’ You After Working on Climate Bill?
Fox News Asks Sen. Graham: How Can Republicans ‘Trust’ You After Working on Climate Bill?
During the debate, Hemmer asked Graham, “you worked with Democrats and President Obama when it came to…
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Global Warming Takes Center Stage in SC Sen. Lindsey Graham’s GOP Primary
Related Links:
CNN: Why Democrats shouldn’t toy with Sen. Lindsey Graham: ‘Sen. Graham is the new John McCain. Scratch that. Actually, he’s the old John McCain’ — CNN: ‘Climate change legislation could require tax increases…as one aide to Democratic leadership said, ‘after stimulus, after the bailouts, after health care, the last thing Democrats want to do is vote on something that could be called a tax raiser’
Nice! SC GOP ‘voted to formally censure Sen. Graham for supporting a climate change bill’
GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham to rescue climate bill? Kerry, Graham, Lieberman announce a ‘dual track’
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The Seduction Of Sen. Lindsey Graham — ‘seduced by the left…officially gone over to the dark side’
Sen. Lindsey Graham on Waxman-Markey Climate Bill – August ’09: ‘We will kill this bill’ — Oct. 2009: ‘I’m trying to make sure Waxman-Markey bill from House is dead’
Another GOP Turncoat ala Arlen Specter: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) officially endorses Kerry-Boxer Bill! ‘Climate change is real and threatens our economy and national security’ — Graham: ‘Yes We Can Pass Climate Legislation’ — ‘Work together to address an urgent crisis facing the world’
GOP Sen. Graham attacked over support for cap-and-trade in new ad airing in ‘his own backyard’