Paris Climate Party agrees . . . to have another UN Party – ‘Premature Celebrations by Skeptics’

Paris Climate Party agrees . . . to have another Party.

Premature Celebrations by Sceptics. This is the first time those promoting world governments have managed to get what they can now parade as a “world agreement” on a radical agenda. Paris Climate Party agrees . . . to have another Party Premature Celebrations by Sceptics By Viv Forbes Chairman of the Carbon Sense Coalition Many climate sceptics are celebrating that “nothing in the Paris deal is legally binding.” They should look deeper. They have suffered a huge political defeat. Skeptics are winning the climate science debate, but the main battle is no longer about facts and science – it is about propaganda and politics. There were few scientists at COP21 talking about atmospheric physics – just politicians, bureaucrats and green activists discussing emission targets, carbon taxes, climate reparations and who will pay. The Paris party organisers managed to assemble representatives of 196 nations with the aim of getting 100% agreement on something/anything that would assist their clandestine campaign for world government and world taxes. This process will cripple the industrial power and political freedom of the Western democracies. They achieved agreement because of leadership by UN loving Western centralists like Obama, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande, Trudeau and Turnbull, helped by misguided theologians, and supported by vested interests in mendicant nations and some powerful competitors of the West. They spent two weeks reworking the draft document until there was nothing in it that offended any nation. Most of them wanted their benefits clauses made compulsory, but the would-be-providers of such largesse dared not sign obviously binding liabilities because the media and their home electorates were watching. The UN game plan is for this massive global climate circus to meet regularly in pleasant locations, setting illusory targets, generating publicity and seeking even more green levers to pull. So there is only one legally binding clause – an agreement to table targets, and to meet again. Repeating: NOTHING IMPORTANT IS LEGALLY BINDING. This is some small reason to celebrate. A Powerful Propaganda Victory for Climate Alarmists The big picture, however, is very gloomy at least in the medium term – climate alarmism has been encouraged and will flourish, for a time. This is the first time those promoting world governments have managed to get what they can now parade as a “world agreement” on a radical agenda. They can now be more …

Monckton: Harper defeat in Canada will allow ‘world government’ win at UN Paris climate meet

Monckton recounted a conversation when Sir David King, William Hague’s United Kingdom “climate change ambassador” was asked by the Environmentalist Committee of the House of Commons in May 2014 “whether all the nations of the world were in principle ready to sign their peoples rights away in such a treaty,” to which he replied “Oh yes, but there are two stand-outs.  One is Canada, but don’t worry about Canada.  They’ve got an election in the spring of 2015 and we and the U.N. will make sure that the present government is removed.”  Monckton recalled his absolute bluntness about the matter.

The other holdout was Australia which was in an arguably stronger position as there was no election until after the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference.  With Tony Abbott as leader there was no chance that Australia would be signing the treaty.  In 2014, Abbott had taken the unusual step of sending an additional minister to accompany foreign minister Julie Bishop to ensure that she did not vote for the treaty at the 2014 Climate Change Conference in Lima.…

Flashback: Vatican Climate Advisor ‘proposed creation of a CO2 budget for every person on planet!’

By: Climate Depot – September 6, 2009 6:56 AM

Excerpted From a September 4, 2009 article in The German Newspaper Der Spiegel. The interview was conducted by Christian Schwägerl and the article was titled: ‘Industrialized Nations Are Facing CO2 Insolvency’

Der Spiegel Excerpts: Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, the German government’s climate protection adviser, argues that drastic measures must be taken in order to prevent a catastrophe. Schellnhuber is proposing the creation of a CO2 budget for every person on the planet, regardless whether they live in Berlin or Beijing. […]

Schellnhuber: Humankind has to limit itself to emit only fixed amount of carbon into the atmosphere until 2050. […] Because the industrialized nations have already exceeded their quotas if you take into account past emissions. […] With the current output you see that Germany, the US and other industrialized nations have either already used up their permissible quota, or will do so within the next few years. […] The industrialized nations are facing CO2 insolvency. This means that they have to notch up their efforts to reduce climate change, otherwise they will use up the CO2 budget actually designated to poorer countries and future generations.

Question: So industrialized nations would have to pay massive sums of money? – Schellnhuber: Yes. Up to €100 billion ($142 billion) annually. If the richest sixth of the world’s population were to pay this amount, each person would have to pay €100 per year. The West would give back part of the wealth it has taken from the South in the past centuries and be indebted to countries that are now amongst the poorest in the world. It would, however, have to be ensured that the poorer nations use the money for the proposes it is intended — namely to help them to develop a greener economy. [End article excerpt]

Czech physicist Dr. Lubos Motl, formerly of Harvard University, reacted to Schellnhuber’s Co2 personal “budget” proposal by citing tyrannical movements of the past. “What Schellnhuber’s has just said in the interview with Der Spiegel, is just breathtaking and it helps me to understand how crazy political movements such as the Nazis or communists could have so easily taken over a nation that is as sensible as Germany,” Motl wrote on