CNN’s Crossfire debates Kerry: ‘Is the Environment Our Biggest Threat?; Kerry’s Climate Warning’
Gingrich calls for ‘delusional’ Sec. John Kerry to resign for calling global warming the ‘world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction’
…David Brooks in NYT nails it on Gore! ‘A Sad Green Story’: In 2006, ‘the global warming issue became associated with the highly partisan former VP.’
McKibben cites Climate Depot & Watts as ‘best’ sites: ‘Morano, one of the most skilled political operatives of the age…plays rough, he regularly publishes the email addresses of those he pillories’
Warmist Katharine Hayhoe’s ‘Global Weirding’ claims dismantled piece by piece
BRAVO! Watch Now: Santorum At CPAC Rips the ‘Facade Of Man-Made Global Warming’
GOP hopeful Santorum on global warming: ‘An absolute travesty of scientific research…I for one never bought the hoax’
Warmist Hayhoe on left-wing radio compares CO2 to ‘a tiny grain of the most deadly poison in the world’; Warmist D.R. Tucker claims that the climate skeptic movement is ‘intellectually dead’
Pelosi commercial helped undo Gingrich in Florida: ‘When conservatives see Gingrich with somebody like Pelosi, they go into cardiac arrest’
Newt & Nancy’s Loveseat: Brought to You by George Soros: ‘Soros’ Open Society Institute gave the Alliance for Climate Protection $5 million in 2008′