Brown has been an enthusiastic supporter of solar and wind and is considered one of the country’s loudest global warming activists, second to Al Gore. One reason for the increase in natural gas power plants is the recent five-year drought that officially ended a few months ago. Many reservoirs didn’t have enough water to power hydroelectric plants, so the state turned to cleaner burning natural gas when permitting new power plants.

Power plant glut?

The report said Brown ‘encouraged’ a glut of power plants that has consumers paying for 20 percent more capacity than they need or will use. Some of the groups who co-wrote the report include the Food & Water Watch, Restore the Delta, Consumer Watchdog, and Physicians for Social Responsibility, and eight others. Restore the Delta opposes Brown’s plan to prevent freshwater from being dumped into the Pacific Ocean near the Sacramento-San Joaquin river delta, approved by many residents.

Consumer Watchdog accused Brown of governmental corruption, a charge Brown has refused to comment on furthering speculation. Brown’s spokesperson said it was the “same drivel, different day,” with the claims being nothing new against the governor. Food and Water Watch was livid over Brown’s political appointees considering reopening the Aliso Canyon gas storage field but at one-third its previous levels.

“What Went Wrong At Porter Ranch?” In-depth reporting on that ginormous methane leak in southern California: 

Massive gas leak

The storage field is owned by Southern California Gas Co. (SoCal Gas) whose parent company is Sempra Energy, where his sister draws a six-figure salary as a board member thus creating the appearance of a conflict.

A special investigation revealed the