UN Agrees To Do Nothing On Climate Change, Arranges More Meetings: ‘Bangkok held latest meeting that accomplished nothing & everyone is gearing up annual UN summit in Doha’
Thank You Mr. President! ‘The US is taking a wrecking ball to the climate convention and any hope of stopping run away climate catastrophe’
Bjorn Lomborg on Durban climate negotiations: ‘The latest climate treaty is another big nothing’
Repent Now Ye Climate Sinners! Failure to Address Global Warming Helps Move Doomsday Clock One Minute Closer to Midnight
Fox News Cites Climate Depot. U.N. Floats Global ‘Climate Court’ To Enforce Emissions Rules
‘Even the Warmists Don’t Believe In Global Warming’
‘I Am A Socialist’: COP17 Global Day of Action’: ‘Protesters sing I am a socialist at the Global Day of Action against climate change outside UN Climate conference in Durban’
Celebrate Failing Sub-Prime Economics! EU carbon price hits all-time low: ‘I still don’t see any bottom to this market’
UK Scientist Piers Corbyn: ‘Carbon dioxide has zero effect on global warming, I repeat: zero effect, no effect whatsoever’
The Economist Mag.: ‘A hundred years from now, looking back, the only question that will appear important about the historical moment in which we now live…’