Analysis: ‘New Global Warming Report a Disgrace’ – ‘Royal Society (RS) and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS), does a serious disservice to science and society’…
All ‘Solutions’ Are Futile: US & UK Science Academies: Cutting all CO2 emissions would not stop global warming: ‘Essentially irreversible on human timescales’
Climate Depot’s Morano on new alarmist National Academy of Sciences’ climate ‘tipping point’ study: It ‘openly shills for more climate funding for its members’
AP’s Borenstein quotes Prof. Wuebbles: ‘Donald Wuebbles, a University of Illinois climate scientist who wasn’t part of the academy study, called it important, especially the call for better warning systems’
But no mention that Wuebbles has been writing reports for alarmist pressure groups Union of Concerned Scientists for a decade. See here.
Flasbhack: Warmist Prof. Donald Wuebbles of U. of Illinois goes full climate astrology: ‘There’s really no such thing as natural weather anymore’ – Wuebbles: ‘Anything that takes place today in the weather system has been affected by the changes we’ve made to the climate system’
Climate Depot Response: Prof. Wuebbles might as well claim that we never had weather like this until those darn witches moved in the neighborhood’
Former Greenpeace co-founder turned climate skeptic Dr. Patrick Moore calls NAS ‘tipping point’ study ‘pure junk’: ‘Low point for US National Academy of Science. Warns of ‘tipping points’ in climate like ‘drunk drivers’
…US National Academy of Sciences to receive $500 million in oil money: ‘NAS to receive $500 million from Gulf oil spill settlement’
AGU Physicist Norman Rogers laments AGU’s warmist bent: The American Geophysical Union and Climate Hysteria
Fundamentalist committee member Michael Oppenheimer has a history in the radical environmental movement. He was the holder of the Barbra Streisand Chair of Environmental Studies at the Environmental Defense Fund.
Publicly-funded left-wing AGU (American Geophysical Union) climate scientists to more openly push their political agenda, ‘including strategic targeting of specific legislators’?
Prof. Pielke Jr.: ‘American Geophysical Union goes political ‘The price of silence may be a heavy one’ AGU Exec Dir Chris McEntee urges politicians on climate’
Lord Monckton mocks AMS’ new climate statement: ‘Disinformation Statement’ calculated to provide…scientifically-outdated misrepresentation of pseudo-scientific issues’