The Dam is about to Break: ‘The continuing pressure of the non-warming will soon crumble’ the global warming establishment
Special to Climate Depot
April 8, 2013
The Dam is about to Break
by Dennis T. Avery
Churchville, VA—When a dam is about to break, the first sign of collapse is a little trickle of water over its top. Last, week Geoffrey Lean of London’s Telegraph scooped a little trickle of water over the top of the man-made warming dam—which has been holding back human hopes for decades. Lean has been an environmental correspondent for 40 years, and no one had more loudly demanded lowered CO2 emissions “to protect the planet.”
On April 5, Lean admitted “recent research suggests that climate change might not be as catastrophic as the gloomiest predictions suggest.” Not that he’d been wrong, of course; the man-made warming will still be “extreme.”
It’s not much of a back-off, but the continuing pressure of the non-warming will soon crumble the whole rotten blockage into the valley—sweeping terrified Green true believers willy-nilly across the landscape.
Lean’s statement follows the March 30 issue of the Economist, which admitted that the earth might not be as sensitive to additional CO2 as the climate models had told us. Months earlier, the big German magazine Der Spiegel had “adopted” Fritz Vahrenholt, and his best-selling book, The Cold Sun. That book documented the natural and moderate 1,500-year climate cycle that gave us the Little Ice Age, the Medieval Warming, the Dark Ages, and similar cycles back into prehistory.
Did the natural climate cycle also give us our Modern Warming? This is the trillion-dollar question that the media and the EPA refuse to address. They’d counted on not having to address it. After all, they had all the first-world nations standing on the edge of the energy cliff and promising to jump on the count of three.
Then it stopped warming.
Now the ultimate irony: The public is waiting for the same mainstream media that declared the false emergency to tell us when it’s over! Naturally, the “journalists” are waiting as long as possible before admitting their culpability, hoping we will forget or they will retire. The true believers still represent perhaps one-third of our public. The IPCC will unveil its 5th assessment this year, just as though somebody still cares. The Environmental Protection Agency stands ready to tax cost-effective coal out of American power plants. For what valid purpose?
Even so, the game is over. We are the …