Scientist to Congress: ‘No evidence’ that hurricanes, floods, droughts, tornadoes are increasing

Testifying before Congress, environmental studies expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. says the UN IPCC’s own data shows there’s “no evidence to suggest” that hurricanes, floods, droughts, or tornadoes are increasing.

DR. ROGER PIELKE JR: “In the United States the number of hurricanes and the intensity of hurricanes is down by 20 percent since 1900. I don’t put a lot of stock in that because you can start at different dates and get different trends but the point is that there is no evidence to suggest that hurricanes, either in the U.S. or globally, are increasing and the same goes for floods, drought, and tornado. And, don’t believe me. You can look at the appendix that I provided with data from the IPCC. So why people would hang their hat on long term trends in extreme weather is a puzzle.”

Hearing – Climate Science: Assumptions, Policy Implications, and the Scientific Method
US House Committee on Science, Space and Technology
March 29, 2017

From Pielke Jr.’s Written Testimony:

“There is little scientific basis in support of claims that extreme weather events – specifically, hurricanes, floods, drought, tornadoes – and their economic damage have increased in recent decades due to the emission of greenhouse gases. In fact, since 2013 the world and the United States have had a remarkable stretch of good fortune with respect to extreme weather, as compared to the past.

The lack of evidence to support claims of increasing frequency or intensity of hurricanes, floods, drought or tornadoes on climate timescales is also supported by the most recent assessments of the IPCC and the broader peer reviewed literature on which the IPCC is based.

I have included an update of relevant data and summary conclusions of the IPCC related to trends in extreme weather as an Appendix B to this testimony.…

Hiccup! Former Obama EPA Chief admits she has turned to the bottle to cope as Trump guts climate regs
Ex-Obama team distressed as Trump guts climate regs
Hundreds of people in the Obama administration spent years building the climate change regulations that the president hoped would mark a lasting turning point in the nation’s response to global warming. But it took only a couple of months for President Donald Trump to start wiping them out.
That stunning course shift has left former Obama environmental officials and diplomats frustrated and upset — if not surprised.
“From the moment the election became clear, all of us had the months and years of work that we had done flash before our eyes,” said Christy Goldfuss, who served as former President Barack Obama’s top environmental adviser as the leader of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
For Gina McCarthy, who led EPA when it issued its landmark greenhouse gas restrictions for power plants, it was no shock that Trump would seek to undo Obama’s climate regulations by using the same executive power that had gone into their creation. But she said she’s stunned at how fast Trump is moving.
“The approach they’re taking is really a slash-and-burn approach,” she told POLITICO.
“I really honestly don’t know what dragon they’re trying to slay here,” McCarthy added. “I really don’t. If they’re saying EPA has done something illegal, then let the courts decide that. If they think that EPA is anti-economy, then show me some data that shows that.”
McCarthy, who returned to her native Boston after the White House handover, admitted that she has turned to one of her city’s tried-and-true methods of coping with frustration: “We drink a lot of coffee during the day and other things at night. And night comes earlier and earlier.”

Michael Moore: Human ‘Extinction’ Begins With Trump Reversing EPA Climate Regs

By James Powers | March 28, 2017 | 4:25 PM EDT

Michael Moore is known for spewing outlandish, liberal drivel, but he turned apocalyptic as a reaction to the overthrow of former President Obama’s energy plan. (See tweet here.)

Moore: ‘Historians in the near future will mark today, March 28, 2017, as the day the extinction of human life on earth began, thanks 2 Donald Trump’

President Donald Trump signed an executive order into law March 28, to begin rolling back Obama’s Clean Power Plan. The plan included many regulations affecting domestic energy production.

The propagandist filmmaker immediately lashed out on Twitter condemning Trump’s actions.

According to the Associated Press, the executive order “will suspend, rescind or flag for review more than a half-dozen measures in an effort to boost domestic energy production in the form of fossil fuels.”

In the past, Moore attacked Trump and his followers and has said any person who votes for Donald Trump is a “legal terrorist.” In a rally near the White House on Jan. 19, Moore also told the crowd that the “terrorists are about three blocks away.”…

It’s D-day for EPA climate regs. Bombs fall at 2 p.m.

President Trump will try to land a knockout blow on his predecessor’s sprawling climate agenda by issuing an executive order today targeting at least nine actions that form the foundation of U.S. efforts to cut emissions and prepare for rising perils.

The “energy independence” order, to be signed at 2 p.m. today, underscores Trump’s belief that the seriousness of climate change was overblown by the past administration and deserves to be set aside in order to revive a struggling coal industry and encourage an unbridled boom in the production of oil and gas.

A senior White House official, when asked yesterday if the president agrees with scientists who say that people are largely responsible for rising temperatures, told reporters, “Yeah, sure.”

But the administration appears deeply skeptical about the extent of potential damage that climate change might cause, and the order to be signed today would leave the administration seemingly free of any policy to address the risks — both environmental and economic — that scientists have warned about for years.

“I mean, to the extent that the economy is strong and growing and you have prosperity, that’s the best way to protect the environment,” the White House official said in a briefing about the order. “But certainly, natural gas is important. Clean coal’s important. Nuclear is important. Renewables are important.”

Today’s executive order sets EPA on the road to rescind the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era rule to reduce emissions at power plants 32 percent by 2030. The official said rescinding the rule could take up to three years and is bound to face legal challenges.

The order also eliminates Obama-era efforts to improve adaptation, embed climate risks in national security apparatuses, reduce agency emissions, expand the importance of climate impacts in the National Environmental Policy Act and freeze new coal leases on public land. It also begins a review of methane regulations by EPA and the Bureau of Land Management and a rule on hydraulic fracturing by BLM. And it will instruct agencies not to use the social cost of carbon when weighing the costs and

Al Gore Adds Brexit To The ‘Stupid Things Blamed on Climate Change’ List

Perhaps it’s because most of the calamities predicted in the first movie didn’t happen, hurricanes didn’t increase in frequency and strength, polar ice caps didn’t melt, NY and other coastal cities aren’t underwater,   Mt. Kilimanjaro still is snow-capped, tornadoes aren’t increasing in frequency and strength, the arctic isn’t melting, the Antarctic ice extent is growing, oh and the polar bear population is doing very well thank you. So former VP Al Gore wants to try another movie. He didn’t however take my suggestion and call the movie, “More Crap That Wont Happen.” The inventor of the internet did come up with something new and creative, he blamed Brexit on Climate Change, so it gets added to the “Stupid things blamed on climate change” list.

His latest theory is that climate change caused the British Brexit vote:

“One of the lines of investigation [scientists] have been pursuing has led them to the conclusion that significant areas of the Middle East and North Africa are in danger of becoming uninhabitable


“And, just a taste of this, to link it to some of the events that the UK and European Union are going through – think for a moment about what happened in Syria.

On the bright side, Gore’s claim that Brexit was caused by climate change becomes #64 on

“The Official Lid List Of Stupid Things Blamed on Climate Change:”

  1. Arab spring
  2. Incredible shrinking sheep,
  3. Destruction of Afghan poppies 
  4. Invasion of jellyfish in the Mediterranean
  5. Surge in fatal shark attacks
  6. Boy Scout tornado deaths,
  7. Severe acne,
  8. Global conflict,
  9. Beer tasting bad
  10. Better Beer
  11. Suicide of farmers in Australia,
  12. End of the American Dream
  13. Bigger tuna fish,
  14. Fish shrinkage
  15. Longer days,
  16. Shorter days,
  17. Collapse of gingerbread houses in Sweden,
  18. Cow infertility,
  19. UFO sightings in the UK,
  20. Shortage of Hookers in UK
  21. Rise in insurance premiums,
  22. Heroin addiction
  23. Bear attacks in Japan 
  24. Frigid Cold Winters in Great Britain
  25. Cancer
  26. Death from heart disease, diabetes, stroke, respiratory disease and even accidents,
  27. Homicide, suicide
  28. Coffee from Uganda
  29. Doggie Depression
  30. Water -borne disease outbreaks
  31. Bad relations with Russia 
  32. Decline of Circumcision in Africa
  33. Heavier, wetter snowstorms treacherous for travel and ambulation, 
  34. Lyme disease, swarms of allergy-inducing, stinging insects, along with
    mosquitoes and devastating pine bark beetle infestations and the spread
    of forest and crop

Another (Michael) Manntastic claim: Extreme weather events linked to climate change impact on the jet stream

From Penn State, and the “close but no cigar” department (see bold in text) comes this modelspalooza masquerading as science: Unprecedented summer warmth and flooding, forest fires, drought and torrential rain — extreme weather events are occurring more and more often, but now an international team of climate scientists has found a connection between many…

Source: Another Manntastic claim: Extreme weather events linked to climate change impact on the jet stream

EnvironMENTAL: Support group provides ‘a safe space for confronting climate grief’ – ‘The Problem With Climate Catastrophizing’

Scientific American: Obama Seeks ‘Psychological Help’ with Climate Change


The Problem With Climate Catastrophizing – The Case for Calm

Climate change may or may not bear responsibility for the flood on last night’s news, but without question it has created a flood of despair. Climate researchers and activists, according to a 2015 Esquire feature, “When the End of Human Civilization is Your Day Job,” suffer from depression and PTSD-like symptoms. In a poll on his Twitter feed, meteorologist and writer Eric Holthaus found that nearly half of 416 respondents felt “emotionally overwhelmed, at least occasionally, because of news about climate change.”

Eric Holthaus

 Do you feel emotionally overwhelmed, at least occasionally, because of news about climate change? Why/why not?

For just such feelings, a Salt Lake City support group provides “a safe space for confronting” what it calls “climate grief.”

Panicked thoughts often turn to the next generation. “Does Climate Change Make It Immoral to Have Kids?” pondered columnist Dave Bry in The Guardian in 2016. “[I] think about my son,” he wrote, “growing up in a gray, dying world—walking towards Kansas on potholed highways.” Over the summer, National Public Radio tackled the same topic in “Should We Be Having Kids In The Age Of Climate Change?” an interview with Travis Rieder, a philosopher at Johns Hopkins University, who offers “a provocative thought: Maybe we should protect our kids by not having them.” And Holthaus himself once responded to a worrying scientific report by announcing that he would never fly again and might also get a vasectomy.

Such attitudes have not evolved in isolation. They are the most intense manifestations of the same mindset that produces regular headlines about “saving the planet” and a level of obsession with reducing carbon footprints that is otherwise reserved for reducing waistlines. Former U.S. President Barack Obama finds climate change “terrifying” and considers it “a potential existential threat.” He declared in his 2015 State of the Union address that “no challenge—no challenge—poses a greater threat to future generations.” In another speech offering “a glimpse of our children’s fate,” he described “Submerged countries. Abandoned cities. Fields that no longer grow. Political disruptions that trigger new conflict, and even more floods

Climate change helped cause Brexit, says Al Gore

By Ian Johnston Environment Correspondent

Brexit was caused in part by climate change, former US Vice-President Al Gore has said, warning that extreme weather is creating political instability “the world will find extremely difficult to deal with”.

Mr Gore, speaking at an event in which he previewed a sequel to his landmark 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, said the “principal” cause of the Syrian Civil War had been the worst drought in 900 years, which forced 1.5 million people to move from the countryside to the cities.

There they met a similar number of Iraqis who had fled the conflict in their homeland, creating powder keg conditions that Syrian government officials privately feared would explode.

The resulting war brought more refugees into Europe, causing political instability and helping convince some in the UK to vote to leave the European Union.

One of the most controversial Leave campaign posters showed a queue of refugees stretching into the distance with the caption “Breaking point: The EU has failed us all”. The then-Chancellor, George Osborne, described the poster as “disgusting and vile” and, like others who explicitly compared it to Nazi propaganda, said it had “echoes of literature used in the 1930s”.

Mr Gore, whose new film An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power is due out in the UK in August, told an audience at the Advertising Week Europe event in London: “This collision between the power of industrial civilisation and the surprising fragility of the Earth’s ecosystem now poses a great danger that could even threaten the future of human civilisation itself.…

Media Touts A New Study Blaming Diabetes Epidemic On Global Warming

The media is touting a new study claiming global warming could be, at least in part, to blame for the “diabetes epidemic” sweeping the globe.

“When it gets warmer, there is higher incidence of diabetes,” Lisanne Blauw, a Ph.D. candidate at the Netherlands-based Einthoven Laboratory and the study’s lead author, told The Huffington Post Tuesday.

“It’s important to realize global warming has further effects on our health, not only on the climate,” Blauw said.

Blauw and her colleagues wrote “the diabetes incidence rate in the USA and prevalence of glucose intolerance worldwide increase with higher outdoor temperature” based on a meta-analysis of 14 years of data on diabetes and temperature in U.S. states.…

Climatist Consortium Against Human Health

Website, owned by a previously unknown group called the Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health (“MedSocCon”), published a number of  irresponsible and misinforming posters, statements, “reports,” and other materials.  These materials teach doctors that certain illnesses are caused or aggravated by “climate change” and/or “global warming,” which are, according to the same materials, caused by combustion of fossil fuels.  Posters and talking points for communication with patients tell the patients to “vote for elected leaders that will act to cut climate pollution.” These materials also instruct doctors to give wrong advice to their patients, both adults and children.  For example, a poster for children speaks directly to kids (over the heads of their parents) and tells them to bike to school.  Dangers and high fatality rates of biking compared with driving are ignored.  A “Heart Health” poster advises heart patients to replace their car trips with biking and walking.

Many of these materials are based on or utilize climate propaganda materials developed by the Center for Climate Change Communication (“4C”) of George Mason University.  MedSocCon gives these materials to doctors to use in diagnosing and/or treating illnesses and diseases.

Since March 14 MedSocCon and its propaganda have been heavily promoted by the former mainstream media.  The timing is not accidental.  This seems to be a part of the well-organized “resistance” against President Trump.…