Analysis: Claim that ‘melting’ Antarctica threatens Penguins is ‘Climate Fraud’

Had the author actually done any research, she would have known that Antarctic sea ice is increasing, not decreasing.


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She also would have known that Antarctica is not warming.

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Facts and scientific inquiry have no place in climate science. It is 100% junk science and fraud, 100% of the time.…

More computer model hype: Adelie penguins face disaster by 2100

new study published yesterday saysAntarctica’s Adelie penguins could face a disastrous population decline if global warmingwere to affect the continent. When? By 2099. There’s two big problems: Antarctica’s ice cover isactually growing in size, making the continent larger. And it’s based on computer models, which are notoriously prone to error and rarely, if ever, give accurate results. Imagine shooting a bullet from New York to Los Angeles and hitting a pin-sized bullseye on the side of a moving truck. That’s the difficulty with forecasting a region’s climate 83 years from now. Let alone a particular penguin’s population.

Adelie penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica

Jason Auch,

Because Adelie penguins populate the continent’s entire coastline, the researchers focused only on West Antarctica, which has seen marginal warming since satellite tracking began in 1979. Interestingly, Adelie penguins rely on bare-rock locations for breeding and chick rearing, so increased sea ice is actually more detrimental to their well-being.

The study used various computer models and the UN IPCC’s climate computer simulations to come up with these new results. In its latest assessment report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) created numerous scenarios, from not too bad to the very worst. The new studyshows that there might be a 60 percent loss in penguin populations when the IPCC’s Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 was fed into the simulation. But as another study pointed out, global warming is not progressing at the rate suggested by even the worst-case scenarios released by the IPCC.

But Antarctica, like other land masses surrounded by water, isn’t melting like the IPCC predicted or scientists assumed. It’s actually growing. That can also be a problem as Adelie penguins like to breed on rocky outcroppings. Warming periods in the past have actually helped the Adelie populations to grow as more bare rock was exposed.…

Antarctica Expert Dr. Eric Steig: ‘Evidence Antarctic Glacier Retreat Due To AGW ‘Is Weak’

Antarctica Expert Dr. Eric Steig: “Evidence Antarctic Glacier Retreat Due To AGW “Is Weak”!

More “consensus” science: Antarctica not influenced by AGW By Kenneth Richard In recent years, the headlines of common news sources have austerely warned that West Antarctica is melting rapidly: “‘Nothing can stop retreat’ of West Antarctic glaciers” — BBC “The melting of Antarctica was already really bad. It just got worse.” — Washington Post “West Antarctic glacier loss: We have passed the point of no return“ — Christian Science Monitor “Antarctic ice melting so fast the whole continent may be at risk“ — The Guardian Then, last November (2015) a NASA study (Zwally et al., 2015*) was released indicating that the growth in the Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) has been exceeding the losses since the early 1990s, and that the net mass gains from the AIS were negatively contributing to sea level. This, of course, did not affirm the alarmist headlines. RealClimate, an AGW blog co-founded by Gavin Schmidt and Michael Mann, necessarily cobbled together a response to the inconvenient study. After all, a growing polar ice sheet in response to anthropogenic global warming did not advance the cause. The result was an essay written by Jonathon Bamber – “So what is really happening in Antarctica?”** – which essentially characterized the Zwally et al. (2015) conclusion as a peculiar outlier. Most other papers on Antarctic ice sheet mass balance indicate that the AIS is losing about -50 to -100 Gt/year on average (which is the equivalent of about one inch per century of sea level rise contribution). These studies were characterized as more likely to be accurate than the NASA-sponsored paper that found a net AIS gain of about +100 Gt/year. In other words, “consensus” logic (the more people agree, the more likely they are to be right) was employed to “refute” the NASA study. This graph (below) from the RealClimate essay was featured as a visual representation of just how “out-there” the Zwally et al. (2015) paper was compared to the “consensus” conclusions of other scientists: Image: Sometimes, though, a thorough reading of entries on AGW blogs like RealClimate can prove enlightening. Buried in the comment section of this same essay — comment number 26 to be specific — was an admittance by Dr. Eric Steig (moderator of comments) that the evidence that the Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) responds to anthropogenic global warming, …

Study: The Antarctic Has Been Warmer Than Now For Most Of The Last 8000 Years

The Antarctic Has Been Warmer Than Now For Most Of The Last 8000 Years

By Paul Homewood A paper recently published attempts to measure the relationship between ice accumulation and temperature in Antarctica for the last 31000 years. The study is based in West Antarctica. I won’t go into the details, which were covered by WUWT here. But what was interesting were the temperature graphs included, based on ice cores. We can see that for most of the time since the end of the ice age temperatures have been much higher than now. We can also clearly see the sharp drop coinciding with the LIA, and that temperatures were similar to now in the MWP. We are continually told that humans are pushing the earth’s climate into unknown territory, but once again we see this is not true. As far as the Antarctic is concerned, all the evidence points to the 20thC rise in temperatures being no more than a natural recovery from the LIA. We are also threatened with several meters of sea level rise as the Antarctic melts down. Yet the evidence of the last 10000 years shows that nothing of the sort happened, even though temperatures were much higher.

— gReader Pro…

Climate Science Consensus In Turmoil. New Studies Soundly Refute Antarctic Ice Melt Projections!

Climate Science Consensus In Turmoil. New Studies Soundly Refute Antarctic Ice Melt Projections!

Scientists: Warming causes Antarctic ice sheet growth, and lower sea levels By Kenneth Richard While many scientists are projecting rapid sea level rise as a result of a warmer Antarctica and consequent ice sheet melting, other scientists are projecting that the surface of the Antarctic ice sheet will gain in mass because a warmer Antarctica means snow and ice accumulation will outpace the melting. Antarctica ice mass growing. Photo: NASA-JPL. For example, Jan Lenaerts and 4 other scientists recently published a paper in the journal Climate Dynamics that projects (via modelling) the Antarctic ice sheet will show a net gain of about 70 billion tons of ice per year for every degree of warming induced by anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Below are the highlighted portions of the Lenaerts et al. (2016) paper. We present climate and surface mass balance (SMB) of the Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) as simulated by the global, coupled ocean–atmosphere–land Community Earth System Model (CESM) with a horizontal resolution of ∼1∘ in the past, present and future (1850–2100). CESM correctly simulates present-day Antarctic sea ice extent, large-scale atmospheric circulation and near-surface climate, but fails to simulate the recent expansion of Antarctic sea ice. The present-day Antarctic ice sheet SMB equals 2280±131 Gtyear−1, which concurs with existing independent estimates of AIS SMB. When forced by two CMIP5 climate change scenarios (high mitigation scenario RCP2.6 and high-emission scenario RCP8.5), CESM projects an increase of Antarctic ice sheet SMB of about 70 Gtyear−1 per degree warming. This increase is driven by enhanced snowfall, which is partially counteracted by more surface melt and runoff along the ice sheet’s edges. This intensifying hydrological cycle is predominantly driven by atmospheric warming, which increases (1) the moisture-carrying capacity of the atmosphere, (2) oceanic source region evaporation, and (3) summer AIS cloud liquid water content.” This warming-causes-ice-sheet-growth-and-sea-levels-to-decline conceptualization is not new. Back in the mid-1980s, when the Greenland ice sheet was still in a cooling phase, Dr. R.K. Klige (USSR Academy of Sciences), concluded that a future rise in temperatures would cause a positive mass balance for both Greenland and Antarctica and “ultimately a lowering of sea level” due to the “increased accumulation on the major ice sheets.” Here is the abstract with key points of emphasis from Klige, 1985. The author attempts to quantify the amount of water released (by various …

Climate Scientist Explains Why ‘Global Warming’ Won’t Affect Antarctica

A scientific study published Monday found that Antarctica is defying global warming, so The Daily Caller News Foundation sat down with Chip Knappenberger, a climate scientist at the libertarian Cato Institute, to examine the research’s impact.

The research, published by scientists from the University of Washington, concluded that the extremely cold water around the southern continent explains why sea ice in Antarctica is expanding while Arctic sea ice is shrinking.

The new research demonstrates that previous green claims that the deep ocean is artificially making the planet cooler by sequestering heat were incorrect and could mean that global warming would cause less sea level rise than originally believed.

Read more:

NASA says Antarctic sea ice has INCREASED since 1970s

The Antarctic appears to have been proofed against global warming.

A NASA spokesman said: “Why has the sea ice cover surrounding Antarctica been increasing slightly, in sharp contrast to the drastic loss of sea ice occurring in the Arctic Ocean? A new NASA-led study finds the geology of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean are responsible.”

A NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adsministration (NOAA) team led by Son Nghiem of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, used satellite radar, sea surface temperature, land form and bathymetry (ocean depth) data to study the physical processes and properties affecting Antarctic sea ice.

Mr Nghiem said: “Our study provides strong evidence that the behaviour of Antarctic sea ice is entirely consistent with the geophysical characteristics found in the southern polar region, which differ sharply from those present in the Arctic.”…