Gore’s Two Tales: Claims ‘No memory of airplane encounter’

NYT Profile Related: Climate Clash: Gore Rebuffs Morano 37000 feet over South China Sea in 2007 – ‘You all attack me all the time’


Gore’s Two Tales: ‘No memory of airplane encounter’ Vs. Claim he ‘doesn’t remember it happening the way Morano describes’


See also: Morano’s Statement on NYT Profile: ‘Mainstream media appears to be realizing that climate skepticism has gone mainstream!’ 

[Marc Morano Note: The New York Times Profile article (see: New York Times Profiles Climate Depot’s Morano: Using Science as a ‘Political Battering Ram’ — Dissenter on Warming Expands His Campaign) notes that Gore  does not remember meeting me on a plane in 2007. Leslie Kaufman of the NYT writes: “Gore had no memory of the encounter. Mr. Morano does not care. He tells the story anyway.” Yet, according to Joe Romm of Climate Progress, Gore appears to remember the incident after all. Romm reports in an April 10 post: “I happened to be speaking to Gore today and he remarked on this Morano fable and said he just doesn’t remember it happening the way Morano describes.”
Hmm. Gore tells NYT that he has “no memory of the encounter,” yet Romm says Gore told him he”doesn’t remember it happening the way Morano describes.”
Lest anyone doubts the meeting took place or how it occurred and since Gore cannot seem to recall his encounter with me very well, I have – for the first time ever – publicly released the full report of the Gore/Morano airplane encounter in 2007.

The below was written on the airplane immediately after the encounter with Gore in 2007. ]

December 14, 2007 – 37,000 over South China Sea – Former Vice President Al Gore rebuffed Senator James Inhofe’s spokesman during the return flight from the Bali UN climate conference.

Gore, in front of excited passengers posing with photos, revealed he was not happy with the criticism that he has endured “You all attack me all the time,” an agitated Gore said.

Morano responded, “Yes.  We do.”

After a long stare, Gore refused to have photo taken and walked off. Inhofe has been one of Gore’s harshest critiques. Inhofe’s website mocks Gore for hypocrisy and  maintains a running counter of how many days since Gore has refused to pledge to use no more than the average electricity use. 

The incident occurred at approximately 5:55 ET on Friday December (2 hours into flight)…

Gore’s Claims ‘No memory of airplane encounter’

NYT Profile Related: Climate Clash: Gore Rebuffs Morano 37000 feet over South China Sea in 2007 – ‘You all attack me all the time’

See also: Morano’s Statement on NYT Profile: ‘Mainstream media appears to be realizing that climate skepticism has gone mainstream!’

[Marc Morano Note: The New York Times Profile article (see: New York Times Profiles Climate Depot’s Morano: Using Science as a ‘Political Battering Ram’ — Dissenter on Warming Expands His Campaign) notes that Gore does not remember meeting me on a plane in 2007. Leslie Kaufman of the NYT writes: “Gore had no memory of the encounter. Mr. Morano does not care. He tells the story anyway.” Yet, according to Joe Romm of Climate Progress, Gore appears to remember the incident after all. Romm reports in an April 10 post: “I happened to be speaking to Gore today and he remarked on this Morano fable and said he just doesn’t remember it happening the way Morano describes.”
Hmm. Gore tells NYT that he has “no memory of the encounter,” yet Romm says Gore told him he”doesn’t remember it happening the way Morano describes.”
Lest anyone doubts the meeting took place or how it occurred and since Gore cannot seem to recall his encounter with me very well, I have – for the first time ever – publicly released the full report of the Gore/Morano airplane encounter in 2007.

The below was written on the airplane immediately after the encounter with Gore in 2007. ]

December 14, 2007 – 37,000 over South China Sea – Former Vice President Al Gore rebuffed Senator James Inhofe’s spokesman during the return flight from the Bali UN climate conference.

Gore, in front of excited passengers posing with photos, revealed he was not happy with the criticism that he has endured “You all attack me all the time,” an agitated Gore said.

Morano responded, “Yes. We do.”

After a long stare, Gore refused to have photo taken and walked off. Inhofe has been one of Gore’s harshest critiques. Inhofe’s website mocks Gore for hypocrisy and maintains a running counter of how many days since Gore has refused to pledge to use no more than the average electricity use.

The incident occurred at approximately 5:55 ET on Friday December (2 hours into flight)

Flying between Singapore and Manila over the South China Sea.
(Flight CX 784. Or 554mph. 37000 feet)

Vice President …

Scientist Dissents: Gore’s ‘laughable’ claims are ‘appallingly riddled with mistakes and outlandish exaggerations’

By Brian Pratt, P.Geo., a sedimentologist and palaeontologist at the Department of Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan and a member of Northern Light, the Canadian Mars exploration project. Link to Pratt’s full bio:

Excerpt of March/April 2009 analysis via www.IceCap.US: When you stop and think about it, the apocalyptic predictions don’t quite make sense scientifically. Alongside the enormity of the sun and what we know of the scale and power of natural processes, to imagine humans being able to make any difference to global climate would seem like the most preposterous conceit. […]  Even though I consider myself a dedicated environmentalist I cannot accept the claims of anthropogenic—humancaused—global warming. My research involves deducing climate back in what we call “Deep Time” – geological eras of millions and billions of years ago – so I think I have enough background to understand the evidence. I know that the factors controlling climate work as an extremely complex, integrated system that cannot be resolved by debate and exchange of opinion. Therefore the suspicions of any scientist should be aroused by glib assertions like “the science is settled” or “there is a consensus,” because this is not how scientists and engineers operate. Al Gore’s movie and books are so appallingly riddled with mistakes and outlandish exaggerations that they would be laughable if they weren’t taken so seriously by so many. […]

Globally averaged temperature data—imprecise, it must be admitted—show that temperature has not risen in the past 10 years: we are not in the midst of global warming at all. The famous “hockey-stick” graph wielded by Al Gore and the IPCC reports that claimed to show a dramatic rise in global temperature in the latter 20th century turns out to be a methodological and statistical chimera.
Some have even suggested that it was a deliberate fraud. Temperature fluctuations and regional variations in the last few decades do not track rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. So, if anthropogenic CO2 is not driving climate change, why do most Western governments—with the notable exception of Václav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic—continue to fall over themselves in support of the belief of anthropogenic global warming, and try to best each other in promising to cap CO2 production, designing carbon taxes and cap-and-trade legislation, and throwing huge sums of money at alternative energy schemes, CO2 sequestration projects and climatological research? Sure, certain individuals stand to make a lot

Statement on NYT Profile: ‘Mainstream media appears to be realizing that climate skepticism has gone mainstream!’ 

[Marc Morano of Climate Depot – Statement on April 10, 2009 NYT Profile:

Overall, not a bad article by the New York Times reporter Leslie Kaufman. The fact that the NYT has done this profile of a skeptic in such a balanced way, simply reveals that tide is turning. An article like this would not have been possible just two years ago. The mainstream media appears to be realizing that climate skepticism has gone mainstream!

The Times reports “Mr. Gore’s office said Mr. Gore had no memory of the encounter” with me in 2007 during a flight in which Gore rebuffed me. Yet, according to Joe Romm of Climate Progress, Gore appears to remember the incident after all.

Romm reports in an April 10 post: “I happened to be speaking to Gore today and he remarked on this Morano fable and said he just doesn’t remember it happening the way Morano describes.”

Hmm. Gore tells NYT that he has “no memory of the encounter” yet Romm says Gore “doesn’t remember it happening the way Morano describes.”

Since Gore cannot seem to recall his encounter with me very well, I have – for the first time ever – publicly released the full report of our airplane encounter in 2007: ( The report was written during the flight. See: NYT Profile Related: Climate Clash: Gore Rebuffs Morano 37000 feet over South China Sea in 2007 – ‘You all attack me all the time’ [Also Note: Romm of Climate Progress (who I just debated on TV) appears to be apoplectic about the NYT article. Romm calls the Morano profile “a stunning journalistic lapse” by the New York Times and is calling on his readers to slam the paper with protests for doing the article. Romm concludes by stating: “Shame on the New York Times.  Shame on Leslie Kaufman.”]

The fact that reporter Kaufman scrutinized only two scientists out of well over 700 international scientists, shows how unassailable the Senate report of dissenters truly is. The fact they had to dredge up DeSmogBlog in an attempt to discredit the Senate report, reveals how unblemished the report remains. The NYT baselessly implies some of the 700 plus scientists lack credentials. I wonder if the NYT has ever been as scrutinizing of the UN IPCC scientists? (See: UN IPCC’s William Schlesinger admits in 2009 that only 20% of IPCC scientists deal with climate 

NYT Profile Related: Climate Clash: Gore Rebuffs Morano 37000 feet over South China Sea in 2007 – ‘You all attack me all the time’

See also: Morano’s Statement on NYT Profile: ‘Mainstream media appears to be realizing that climate skepticism has gone mainstream!’ 

[Marc Morano Note: The New York Times Profile article (see: New York Times Profiles Climate Depot’s Morano: Using Science as a ‘Political Battering Ram’ — Dissenter on Warming Expands His Campaign) notes that Gore  does not remember meeting me on a plane in 2007. Leslie Kaufman of the NYT writes: “Gore had no memory of the encounter. Mr. Morano does not care. He tells the story anyway.” Yet, according to Joe Romm of Climate Progress, Gore appears to remember the incident after all. Romm reports in an April 10 post: “I happened to be speaking to Gore today and he remarked on this Morano fable and said he just doesn’t remember it happening the way Morano describes.”
Hmm. Gore tells NYT that he has “no memory of the encounter,” yet Romm says Gore told him he”doesn’t remember it happening the way Morano describes.”
Lest anyone doubts the meeting took place or how it occurred and since Gore cannot seem to recall his encounter with me very well, I have – for the first time ever – publicly released the full report of the Gore/Morano airplane encounter in 2007.

The below was written on the airplane immediately after the encounter with Gore in 2007. ]

December 14, 2007 – 37,000 over South China Sea – Former Vice President Al Gore rebuffed Senator James Inhofe’s spokesman during the return flight from the Bali UN climate conference.

Gore, in front of excited passengers posing with photos, revealed he was not happy with the criticism that he has endured “You all attack me all the time,” an agitated Gore said.

Morano responded, “Yes.  We do.”

After a long stare, Gore refused to have photo taken and walked off. Inhofe has been one of Gore’s harshest critiques. Inhofe’s website mocks Gore for hypocrisy and  maintains a running counter of how many days since Gore has refused to pledge to use no more than the average electricity use. 

The incident occurred at approximately 5:55 ET on Friday December (2 hours into flight)

Flying between Singapore and Manila over the South China Sea.
(Flight CX 784. Or 554mph. 37000 feet)

Vice President Gore, fresh from his Nobel ceremony,  was returning from his triumphant appearance at the UN Climate Conference in Bali. The Cathay Pacific plane was …