Sorry for the inconvenience, but Gore’s back

By Chris Woodward (

Action films, romantic comedies, and animations aren’t the only things coming to theaters this summer – so is Al Gore.

Gore: “The next generation would be justified in looking back at us and asking: ‘What were you thinking? Couldn’t you hear what the scientists were saying? Couldn’t you hear what Mother Nature was screaming at you?'”

That’s a portion of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power – the follow-up to An Inconvenient Truth, which followed Gore on the lecture circuit as he tried to bring awareness to what the former vice president calls “dangerous man-made global warming” or “climate change.”

An Inconvenient Sequel will again document the environmental activist’s travels, along with his push for alternative energy and statements in 2016 from now-President Donald Trump. If you ask Marc Morano of Climate Depot, it appears that Gore is up to his old tricks again.

“We actually sent an undercover agent up to Robert Redford’s film festival in Utah and they got into the film,” says Morano. “I haven’t seen it myself, but the film sounds like it was going in one direction – [but] then Trump won and they had to do some quick rewrites. So now it’s a cautionary tale.”

Critics and news outlets have pointed out that An Inconvenient Truth was inaccurate when it hit the screens in 2006. Michael Bastach of The Daily Caller wrote in May 2016 that years later, Gore’s film is “still alarmingly inaccurate.” It was also in 2016 that Gore’s doomsday clock expired, causing David French to write “Apocalypse Delayed” in a related article for National Review. More recently, columnist Aaron Bandler documents what he categorizes as the “nine biggest lies” in the first installment.

Morano has also taken exception to things in An Inconvenient Truth.

“It appears Al Gore justifies his absurd claims of Florida being underwater by showing scenes of Hurricane Sandy flooding, as if that’s the sea-level rise,” says Morano about An Inconvenient Sequel. “First of all, he implied that sea level would be permanently rising, not a storm surge; and second, Sandy was a bad storm – but it still doesn’t account for the fact that hurricanes are actually on the decline and big, severe ones are unbelievably on the decline.”

An Inconvenient Sequel is due in theaters in late July. Meanwhile, Morano and the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) are working on a sequel to their film Climate Hustle.
