The Marcott et al. curve shows a nearly vertical line for recent warming, which they claim puts present temperatures above any in the past 4,000years. This nearly vertical part of their curve apparently comes not from their proxy data, but is pasted on from elsewhere and plays a central role in their contention that present temperatures and the rate of warming are ‘unprecedented in the past 4,000 years.’
For part one of Easterbrook’s analysis see:
Geologist calls new warmist study ‘wrong’: ‘Temps during virtually all of period from 10,000 to 1,500 years ago were warmer thanpresent & 85% of past 10,000 years were warmer than present’ — Prominent Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook: ‘In past 10,000 years, at least six other warm periods of magnitude equal to MWP occurred; 9 other warm periods that were 0.5°C warmer than MWP occurred; two warm periods that were 1°C warmer than MWP occurred; & three warm periods that were 1.5°C warmer than MWP occurred. All of these periods warmer than MWP clearly contradict the Marcott et al. conclusions’