Poll: 77% Of Voters Agree With Trump’s Energy Position

The majority of Americans agrees with Republican nominee Donald Trump’s pro-energy position, according to a recent poll conducted by the American Petroleum Institute (API).

“We are going to lift the restrictions on the production of American energy. This will produce more than 20 trillion dollars in job creating economic activity over the next four decades,” Trump said Thursday night when accepting the Republican nomination for president. “My opponent on the other hand wants to put the great miners and the great steelworkers of our country, out of work and out of business. That will never happen with Donald J. Trump as president. Our steel workers and our miners are going back to work again.”

The poll found 77 percent of voters want to see America increase production of oil and gas resources located in the U.S, including 94 percent of Republicans, 73 percent of independents, and 64 percent of Democrats.

The poll also found 69 percent of voters would support a political candidate who promised to increase production of American oil and natural gas, gaining approval from 86 percent of Republicans, 69 percent of independents, and 57 percent of Democrats. Roughly 71 percent of voters would oppose legislation that could potentially raise energy costs on the American consumer.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/22/poll-77-percent-of-voters-agree-with-trumps-energy-position/#ixzz4FACLwBuI
