‘Never before seen’ spring snowfall in the Caribbean islands – & Colorado Ski Resort snowiest in 50 years – Snow chaos in Germany

Via: http://iceagenow.info/

‘Never before seen’ spring snowfall in the Caribbean islands (Update: This article from the Dominca News Online was an April Fool’s joke. See: UPDATE: It Did Not Snow in Guadeloupe)

PHOTO: ‘Residents film the falling flakes on Thursday’


315,000 Lose Power in Midwest, Northeast as Wind & Heavy Snow Hit

Eight inches of snow was recorded near Negaunee in northwestern Michigan, just over 7 inches fell in Wisconsin near Twin Lakes, and 5.5 inches of snow was seen in Minnesota near Leonidas Saturday as the storm swept through, according to The Weather Channel. Parts of Western Pennsylvania could see 8 to 10 inches.
Colorado Ski Resort sees second snowiest march on record – Snowiest in 50 years

Snow chaos in Germany on April Fools Day


1,359 Responses

      1. Which scientists are lying?

        The Scientists at NASA?
        The Scientists at the NOAA?
        The Scientists at the MET who produce the Hadcrut temperature reconstruction?
        The Scientists at BEST who produce the BEST temperature reconstruction?
        The Scientists at JMO who produce the JMO temperature reconstruction?
        The Scientists who produce the UAH satellite temperature reconstruction?
        The Scientists who produce the RSS satellite temperature reconstruction?


            1. I support the hundreds of scientists who say they previously lied and that it is all a big sham…and of course, a power/money control.

              1. Can you provide 3 instances of scientists who claimed to have lied as you claim.

                You are of course, lying as well as being mentally ill.

                1. Hypocritical liberals with their name calling. Not very progressive considering all it takes is sticks and stones to make them go away.

                  1. I’m sorry that you don’t understand grade school science. Perhaps you could ask a 9 year old to explain it to you.

                    Get back to us when you have been educated.

                2. Vendi: after following your comments one notes a trend, they are all laughable. I know you mean them in all sincerity, but, when you get as old as us guys, you’ll understand why we question your mental capacity!
                  Not insulting you, just giving you another viewpoint of what we read of your thoughts!

                    1. “Fools laugh at many things. But mostly they laugh at what they don’t have the capacity to understand.”

                      Lack of understanding is not the problem here. The laughter is nervous laughter.

                      They are worried… as they should be!

                      Nobody believes the nonsense prostitutes like Mr. Morano regurgitate anymore.

                      “Marc Morano is the executive director and chief correspondent of ClimateDepot.com, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Morano is also the Communications Director at CFACT, a conservative think-tank in Washington D.C. that has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations associated with Richard Mellon Scaife. According to 2011 IRS Forms, Morano was the highest paid staff member with a salary of $150,000 per year. Morano’s blog Climate Depot regularly publishes articles questioning man-made global warming.”


                1. Just as one day you may come to your senses and quit being a shill for the leftwing propaganda machine…but that’s pretty damn unlikely.

              1. The Berkeley Earth climate reconstruction was funded in large part by the Koch Brothers.

                It’s results are the same as all of the other temperature reconstructions.

                Sorry, your Kookie conspiracy theory doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

                  1. It’s refers to the Berkeley Earth climate reconstruction referred to in the previous paragraph.

                    There is nothing wrong with the sentence you whine about.

          1. That would be all of the worlds scientists.

            Is that what you believe? All scientists are lying to you?

            If so then your real answer is “mental illness”.

            1. The Russkis used to do that with some of their dissenters. (The ones they didn’t shoot, hang or send to frozen death camps in Siberia). They would arrest them, declare them insane and pack them off to some hellish asylum where they pumped them full of drugs which caused agonizing pain and REAL madness, until they died. Don’tcha love it? Sure ya do.

          1. It seems more reasonable to me that you are the person lying here, since your comments make the least sense and aren’t supported by the scientific observations.

                    1. Mercury in glass thermometers certified by the National bureau of standards. Placed in louvered wooden white boxes over mowed grass on FAA airport property. They might have an accuracy of + or Minus .5 degree F, but over a long time period, that error, plus or minus, averages out.

                    2. I asked you to provide the scientific method that you referred to, not the construction of the observation station.

                      Don’t you know the difference?

                      If you do, then why did you just jabber about something completely different.

                      Try again.

                    3. “That is a scientific method.”. – UBStupid.

                      No it was a description of an observation station.

                      And he wasn’t passing it off as “a scientific method”, but as “the scientific method”.

                      Apparently you don’t know the difference.

                      Man you people are ignorant.

                    4. Vend: LMFAO! You’ve missed your mark. Have you considered comedy writing as a vocation?
                      Think SNL would want you on their team!

                    5. Tell me how you became such an asshole. Is it natural ability? Have you received some sort of formal training? Do you have a degree in Assholic Behavior? Are ya goin’ fer a Master’s?

                1. Vendicar: When you have no facts to back up a position the fallback is to use insults. You’ve done a great job of smearing and avoiding the TRUTH.
                  And we all see it and your credibility drops to zero.

                    1. VendicarDecarian0,
                      There is plenty of data.

                      I will give you one excellent example.

                      In Bridgehampton NY, a temp recording volunteer recently won an award for being the longest term single volunteer doing this. One 84 year old man, one record one location…. going back to the 1930’s. We have access to: his original hand-written records; the unadjusted electronic version of his records, and the “corrected” version used by everyone who builds temp records, including NASA, GIStemp, etc etc.

                      A good test case, correct?

                      In that period, he made two changes: once he shifted his time of observation (TOBS); once they switched him from a manual thermometer to an electronic version. Of course, both of these changes provide the potential for a discontinuity in his readings. However, the actual result was: no significant or noticeable change on those dates (we do know when these happened; they are in the record.)

                      However, there ARE discontinuities in his record, introduced by the automated adjustments made to account for presumed “errors” in the recordings of people like him… because of course the modelers know “better” what the impact ought to be of TOBS changes or thermometry changes. No matter that these adjustments have no relationship to ANYthing done by this volunteer or others. They just make these “tweaks.”

                      I’ve attached a graph of the adjustments. NOTE: this is not the temps he recorded. This is the *adjustments* made to the most careful, continuous temperature record made by a single individual in the United States in the last century.

                      Notice anything? The adjustments add up to almost 2 degrees F. Thus, for this — one of the very best stations available — ALL of the “warming” of the last 80+ years is due to adjustments, not to actual increases in temperature. And this is NOT an outlier case, other than in the quality of the data. These adjustments are being made everywhere.

                      Just one of many many examples of why perhaps you ought to reconsider your stance.

                    2. “In Bridgehampton NY, a temp recording volunteer recently won an award for being the longest term single volunteer doing this.” – Mr Pete

                      That is a very nice story.

                      Pointless though. Completely pointless.

                    3. And WHY is it pointless? WHY does it not matter that the processed data has been adjusted, for no good reason, to make the early part of the 20th century appear almost 2C cooler than it was?

                      If you can’t answer that for yourself, you have your head in the sand.

                    4. Why is a single data point pointless in determining a global trend?

                      For he same reason that a single student height is meaningless in determining the average height of a student population.

                      If you don’t understand, have an 8 year old explain it to you.

            1. well VD… show us your own personal temperature records… your list of support sources are all gov/ed establishment hacks…. all sniffing the butt of the gov for tax payer funding…. since all your sources are tax payer funded means your are a butt sniffer… Prove me wrong and post your zip code with at least 3 years of daily high and low temp…

              1. “My own personal temperature records”

                My goodness.. What do you think that would tell you?

                Global temperature is an average from all around the globe, and don’t come from me personally.

                Are you on drugs?

                1. Golly gee…I think it would tell us (as it does) that you ain’t got shiit.

                  Are you on some government payroll? You gittin paid to post this crap?

                    1. Please take all your global warming fake facts and shove ’em up yer fat bolshevik butt.

                    2. VD0, you are misinterpreting Dr Spencer’s data. Please read his website more carefully. Here’s a very informative page: http://www.drroyspencer.com/2015/04/version-6-0-of-the-uah-temperature-dataset-released-new-lt-trend-0-11-cdecade/

                      Their best data today shows a trend of 0.114C/decade warming. Multiply that out and we see, for the last 36 years (1979 to today) an increase of… .41 C.

                      When you say “.93C warmer than it was in 1979” is a meaningless statement. WHEN in 1979? If we use the average anomaly for each year (AFAIK not yet available for 2015 but not much different from 2014), the answer is: 1979: -0.236; 2014: +0.151 for a net difference of 0.387C — again, much less than half of your figure.

                    3. Spencers own plot, taken from his own website shows the gloal temperature anomaly starting at -0,18;’C and rising to 0.2.2.

                      Spencers latest data shows a starting point of -2’C and a stoping point at around 0.7’C, making the rise about 0.9’C

                      Don’t blame me if you can’t read a simple graph.

                    4. You are taking individual outlier data points and acting as if they define the trend. They NEVER do. Sorry, VD, you don’t understand the math, the uncertainty, and most definitely not the science.

                      Don’t just read a few points on a graph. Read his discussion. Read the CONTENT of the graph you just posted: “0.4C Warming” in nice big type (over 36 years). THAT is the trend. 0.4C/36 years = .011 per year.

                      Please learn a little about the difference between individual data points and the trend, or the difference between individual data points and the whole data set.

                      Any one point is not all that interesting because:
                      a) Uncertainty. Each data point can be off by quite a lot
                      b) Variability. The very next data point could shift in the other direction by a LOT, showing the first point to be an outlier.

                      For example, let’s make it both as good and bad as possible on your first graph:
                      1998-2000, +0.8 to -0.2, -1.0 degree in 2 years. Neg 0.5 per year “trend”, 50C per century cooling. Oh Nooooo! We’re all gonna die!
                      1997-1998, -0.3 to +0.8, +1 degree in ONE year. 100C per century warming.

                      Or take the 13 month (red line) “data”… still not a valid method the way you are using it:
                      1993-1998, -0.3 to +0.5, 0.8 in 5 years: 0.16C/yr, 16C/century YIKES!
                      1998-2008, +0.5 to -0.1, -0.6 in 10 years: -.06/yr, 6C/century cooling.

                      Even the “long term trend” of 0.011C/year is just an estimate, with very large uncertainty.

                    5. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…

                      “You are taking individual outlier data points and acting as if they define the trend. They NEVER do” – MrPete

                      The graphic above is not produced by me but is from the UAH satellite record.

                      You know. The satellite record that you denialists have for years been claiming is the best record available.

                      Why all of a sudden are you claiming it’s constructed from outliers?

                    6. My goodness you are ignorant of basic statistical analysis.

                      “For example, let’s make it both as good and bad as possible on your first graph:’ – MrPete

                      Connecting any two extremes in a data set means that you are ignoring all of the other data in the set, since you are only connecting two points.

                      The method used in the plot above uses all of the data and computes a line that has the minimum variance from the data.

                      You just failed grade 7 statistics.

                  1. Reconstructing the global climate record is an effort by thousands of scientists from a wide range of fields.

                    No one person can spend the hundreds of human lifetimes needed to collect and analyze the data.

                    1. VD, if you keep track of the temp at your zip code…. you have data to compare to what they are saying…. so far you have no data… you have no clue… the gov Lies if you haven’t figured that out by now …

          2. An ‘honest politician’ ? That by itself is an oxymoron. That is cognitive dissonance at its best and highest form!
            George Orwell and Joseph Goebbels would both be proud to hear this spoken!

        1. Yes…

          You are correct, that is a very good list of liars!

          Scientist like Phil Jones who said he lost the data, Scientist like Michael Mann who Hide the decline using only proxy data when it suits his needs, and hiding the proxy data when it does not. NOAA went from over 6000 temperature stations to only about 1500 stations, a reduction of 75%. Since when is less data better? And of course nearly all of the higher latitude stations are gone! According to John Christy from NASA, the satellite data shows no warming for 19 years, and the upper atmosphere is where the Earth should heat up first if the CO2 models are correct, yet they don’t!

          Liberals are liberals first, science is secondary to their religion. Not to mention, climate scientist get money (grants) when the toe the line… There are no grants for scientist to determine that government intervention in NOT needed!

          1. Liar Liar.. Pants on fire

            “Scientist like Phil Jones who said he lost the data” – Corchem

            Phil Jones never said that, and no data has been lost.

            Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire

            “Scientist like Michael Mann who Hide the decline ” – Corchem

            Decline in what? Man was referring to a decline in the correlation between tree ring growth and temperatures – an effect known to be due to CO2 enhancing tree growth.

            “NOAA went from over 6000 temperature stations to only about 1500 stations” – Corchem


            1500 has high statistical significance and the stations are selected based on data quality. The ground based stations are designed for day to day weather observations not climate observation.

            The BEST climate reconstruction uses all of the stations available and produces a result that is essentially identical.

            And in fact when NOAA uses all of the stations the result shows a slightly warmer trend than the 1500 stations do. So by including all of them, your point is weakened.

            “And of course nearly all of the higher latitude stations are gone!” – Corchem

            The higher latitudes are warming the fastest. So you want more of the warmer stations included in the weighted average?

            Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire.

            “According to John Christy from NASA, the satellite data shows no warming for 19 years” – Corchem

            John Christ’s data reconstruction is shown below.


            Christy has recently altered his analysis model so that the temperature he reports is an average that is taken around an altitude of 6,000 meters, up from and colder than his previous model which averaged around 4,000 feet.

            1. DOn’t waste your time responding to these people. They are not going to change their minds just because you have the facts on your side.

              1. No, you can’t use rational, intelligent converstation with them, nor sway them with fact. The only thing left to do, is eradicate them from the earth. No more climate nut cultists means their “global warming” lie dies with them.

              2. The FACT is that anthropomorphic climate change, aka global warming, is a hoax. There is no true science to support it. Only quasi science where they cherry pick data and then modify it to support their theory

              3. The facts are on the side of Freeman Dyson, not the rain dancers who promise us to lead us to safety if we just turn over our money to them and give them the power to determine who we produce and consume energy.
                Responding to climate slaves and eco morons is the true waste.

            2. You are an idiot baffoon! Climate IS the statistical accumulation of daily weather events.
              I ask every person concerned, to look at weatherundergrounds almanac for their location and look at when the high and low records that were set for each day. It is VERY enlightening.

              1. “Climate IS the statistical accumulation of daily weather events.” – W0X0F

                Yes. Weather collected over a 30 year time span typically.

                This is why the weather report of snow doesn’t say much about climate, since it is not representative of the last 30 years of weather data.

                You seem to be arguing against your own position.

                  1. You don’t even realize that the story you are jabbering about is a Climate Depot Lie. The entire story is a fabrication.

                    My goodness you are stupid.

            3. This is what Phil Jones said:

              We are not in a position to supply data for a particular country not covered by the example agreements referred to earlier, as we have never had sufficient resources to keep track of the exact source of each individual monthly value. Since the 1980s, we have merged the data we have received into existing series or begun new ones, so it is impossible to say if all stations within a particular country or if all of an individual record should be freely available. Data storage availability in the 1980s meant that we were not able to keep the multiple sources for some sites, only the station series after adjustment for homogeneity issues. We, therefore, do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (i.e. quality controlled and homogenized) data.

              AKA, I lost the data.

              “we do not hold the original raw data” means he lost it, or got rid of it intentionally…

              If Micheal Mann-made data wanted the truth to be know, he would have kept the entire data set, and explained that the relationship. Scientist do not HIDE things. Funny how all the hundreds of years before correlated perfectly, it had nothing to do with rainfall, just temperatures???

              And if you think 1500 stations is better than 6000, you do not understand science. Areas overemphasized could be calculated as such, however they decided to cherry pick stations. Lets not forget the overwhelming number of stations are on land, while most of the Earth is covered in water.

              Call me names all you want, your experts made predictions, and the IPCC published those predictions, and the predictions were wrong. That is the thing about science, those who lie will be outed by the data. Those who are wrong will be outed by the data. So far real measurements are proving the predictions wrong…

              1. Yes. That is what Phil Jones said.

                He did not say “I lost the data” as you claim.

                What he is saying is that in the processing of the data to produce Hadcrut xyz, he didn’t keep the intermediate calculations. The raw data continues to exist, and the results persist, but the intermediate data for one particular reconstruction has been erased.

                So what?

                Hadcrut 4 uses the same data – now expanded – keeps the intermediate data and produces the same result.

                What’s your problem?

                  1. You cite scientifically illiterate news writers because you’re a clueless moron.

                    Just Google Freeman Dyson if you want to learn something.

                    But I doubt you will because you’re a slave.

                    1. Freeman Dyson is a very, very, old man who seems to have forgotten that his own research on the JASON project produced the same results as modern climate models.

                      Old men are often forgetful.

                      Here is what scientific measurement tells us.

                    2. that chart is not based on reality- NO ONE was taking readings 11,000 years ago and tree rings won’t help you explain that farce

                    3. “That Chart” = Coffeeman kook

                      You are right. No person was taking readings.

                      But Nature was.

                  2. Corcje, = “Phil Jones”

                    As long as you continue to misrepresent what Phil Jones said you will continue to be a liar.

                    I suspect that your dishonest behavior is congenital.

                    1. “Another chart with no meaning” – coffeeman kook

                      Translation – You don’t know how to read a graph that an 8 year old can easily understand.

                      My goodness you are a pathetic loser.

                    1. Not quite. The extraordinary increase in global temperatures during Jan and Feb of this year are so huge that it appears that the above graphic will have to be amended to add an additional 0.2’C to the current temperature..

                      Half of the spike will be eaten by the next La-Nina, leaving a spectacular 0.;2’C increase.

                      It appears that a tipping point (abrupt change) was reached and breached.

                    2. Wood for trees is a leftist bunch of crap and this chart is hilarious- it is CLEAR that there was no warming since 95 and that rise in 2015/16 (which just started) is not possible as the readings are not even taken for the year- wood for trees – is that YOUR homemade chart never heard of the organization and it has clowns for web site managers as it is so sophomoric that it is clear clowns are in charge

                    1. “You hate yourself” – coffeeman308

                      Perhaps in your universe where up is down and white is black.

                      You know. Kookville.

                  1. No need to apologize, I sent it along to him… These people live in their own reality, I have wasted my time… However I enjoy sparring with them it makes me find more info and learn more…

                    1. My wife is Jewish, I prefer you stop using rhetoric that infers that to not believe in your global warming ideology is equivalent to denying the Holocaust. I think metaphorically standing on the ashes of millions of dead humans to make a political statement is deplorable at best…

                    2. Corchem = blah, blah, blah

                      Ya. You are essentially a holocaust denier.

                      And your fate will be the same as any other NAZI.

                    3. Hey! Dat wuz pretty clever! I’m impressed! Did you think of that all by yersef or did someone else feed it to you?

                    4. Of course. That’s why property prices in NYC are so cheap. That town will be underwater soon…

                    5. Florida is still building beach front property. Most of the new buildings won’t survive the period of their insurance policy.

                      Some coastal Miami streets are already experiencing daily tidal flooding.

                    6. Newsflash, the climate has been changing for biliions of years, and not one single bit of moaning has ever stopped it from doing so. There is no such thing as a nice cozy temperature that is promised us, when the earth tires of us as they say, it will shake us off like bunch of fleas.

                    7. Just change the caption to “The Earth can’t be cooling; it is getting warmer where I am!”

                    1. Well…how warm was it just prior to that, say 121,000 years ago and why was it warmer back then? Woolly Mammoth farts? Cave Men’s campfires? (I bet it took a big fire to cook a Mammoth!) Volcanoes, maybe? Whatcha think, genius?

                    2. It was warmer back then because the alterations in the earth’s axial tilt and orbital eccentricity caused more of the norther hemisphere to be tilted toward the sun during perihelion so more sunlight warmed the land masses rather than the much more difficult to heat oceans.

                      Not all interglacials are identical because of the varying periods in the orbital and rotational periods that produce them.

                  1. The “Enquirer” was correct about John Edwards. Reputation doesn’t always correlate with the facts. The New York Times has printed many
                    false pieces.

                    1. The Guardian Article uses made up non-facts.

                      Here is what Science tells us.

                1. You are a flaming asshole and a lying sack of shiit. Those are cold, hard, irrefutable facts.

                  Facts, as Mark Twain famously said, are stubborn things. Deal with it, you cretin.

                  1. I’m sorry if you don’t like the scientific reality of the situation.

                    But it looks like the global average temperature is now 1.2’C above pre-industrial levels, and warmer than at any time in the last 120,000 years.

                    1. Wut dat? Chicken scratches?

                      Anyone can concoct such BS & post it, as you have just demonstrated.

                    2. Wow, you really are an intellectual inferior.

                      This guy reminds me of you Bloodaxe.

                2. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

            4. geezus boy, you are an idiot, they just do what is needed to follow the meme. olde Hockey Schtick Mann, along with Jones hid the decline of the proxy data, which showed a decline after 1960, while measured data showed and up tick, and therefore the memo of “hide the decline” because that would invalidate the whole dam hookey schtick. Throw in the fact that a mathematician had already shot holes in the idiots…erm, Mann’s schtick. So you know the song, BS in BS out!!!

              1. The phrase “hide the decline” refers to the decline in correlation between tree growth rings and temperature, after some time in the 70’s – 80’s.

                The decline in correlation is a result of CO2 fertilization that enhanced tree ring growth.

                If you think otherwise, then you have been lied to.

                And you are a sucker for believing it.

                  1. Poor Bloodaxe. He just can’t figure out how to read a simple graph, and doesn’t have a child available to explain to him how to do so.

                1. Do you have a clue what evidence there is that “the decline in correlation is a result of CO2 fertilization that enhanced tree ring growth”?
                  ANSWER: none. It is a guess. And they have ZERO evidence for that guess, other than the FACT that the data no longer matches their model.
                  What that means: their model is falsified.
                  What that in turn means: they can’t use tree rings to validly estimate the climate of the past.

                  VD0, I have personally collected tree ring data. I found data varying by 300% or more, within ONE tree, with two samples only inches apart. Again, evidence that tree rings are not a very useful data source. And guess what: the dendrochronologists are starting to agree!

                  1. “CO2 fertilization” – MrPete

                    Are you trying to say that there is no CO2 fertilization effect? I so then you have just denied the primary plank of f the church of warming denialism.

                    That would make you a kook’s kook.

                    The correlation between growth and temperature declines somewhere after 1970 .
                    Therefore tree growth is not used as a proxy measure of temperature past that date.

                    I’m not sure why you think that science should incorporate relationships that don’t work.

                    I guess if it was found that a bus schedule was found to be inaccurate past 8pm you would continue to use it.

                    And that is what makes you mentally ill.

            5. Sorry brainwashed slave.
              The satellite date is the only data that matters and really counts.

              I know how deeply you want to believe in your precious climate change god and mosquito god and government god but they are all false gods.

              In the name of the State, the bureaucracy and the Holy Environment, Amen.

              Facts are a waste on slaves like you.
              Better to feed pearls to pigs.

              1. “debacke?” – Mei

                What about it? You got 3 quotes which when dishonestly taken out of context can be misrepresented.

                Are you proud of being a liar?

                1. Debacke? Perhaps you should be more fastidious. The East Anglia scandal was real. Now, the Obama administration’s Justice Department is seriously considering using RICO laws to prosecute those who question anthropogenic global warming. Wonderful

            6. You’d better be paid for writing all this crap – if not, you’re just sad and pathetic. I take that back, in either case you’re sad and pathetic, but at least you’re making money in one case.

                1. Ha ha – again, immediately resorting to childish ad hominems – dead giveaway that you’re a liberal tool. All emotions and no brain.

          2. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire.

            “the upper atmosphere is where the Earth should heat up first if the CO2 models are correct, yet they don’t!” – Corchem

            The upper atmosphere is where the warming would occur most if it was being caused by the sun.

            The lower atmosphere heats first if it is due to CO2, because CO2 essentially reflects heat from the earth’s surface parly back to the earth’s surface.

            Are you scientifically illiterate as well as being mentally ill?


              [COURTESY: CAPT Les Horn, USN (Ret)]

              My name is Ed Coet. I am a retired US Army Intelligence Officer. In my last job in the army I was the Chief of the Human Intelligence Branch for the US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany. In that capacity I was also the Designated Program Manager for a Special Access Program (SAP) like the SAP that Hillary Clinton is alleged to have compromised in the most recent State Department Inspector General report to congress and which has been widely reported in the news. Here is what I personally know about SAP’s and what I can attest to in an unclassified forum:

              1. The names of each SAP are themselves classified Top Secret because the information within the SAP are far and above Top Secret.

              2. SAP’s are so sensitive that even people who have security clearances giving them access to Top Secret Sensitive Compartment Information (TS SCI), an enormously high security clearance level, cannot have accesses to a SAP’s unless they receive a special indoctrination into the SAP based on an operational “must know” that exceeds all other “need to know” standards.

              3. Being “read on” for a SAP is far more then acknowledging in writing that you have been briefed on the SAP. It is an in-depth “indoctrination” into the given SAP, and each SAP is itself compartmented separately from other SAPS. Having access to one SAP does not give you access to another SAP, and in fact rarely does. Only a tiny handful of people have knowledge of all SAP’s. SAP’s are the most stringently compartmented and protected information in the entire US government.

              4. Unlike Top Secret SCI which is maintained in highly secure Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilitates (SCIF’s) managed by specially trained Special Security Officers (SSO’s) at various levels of command, every single SAP is managed by an individually designated Program Manager for each individual SAP covering an entire theater of operations. In other words, SAP Program Managers are far fewer in number than there is SSO’s. SSO’s are not cleared to even know about SAP’s or to maintain information about them in their already enormously secure SCIF’s. How SAP’s are secured cannot be discussed because of the sensitive beyond Top Secret nature in which it is done.

              5. Unlike individuals with the highest Top Secret SCI access security clearances, who must undergo a special background information with periodic “bring-up” background investigation, those tiny few who have access to SAP’s must also endure periodic polygraph tests in addition to the most comprehensive of special background investigations. I used to have to schedule four-star generals and admirals to be polygraphed in order for them to maintain their access to my SAP. Many generals and admirals who obviously have the highest security clearances still did not rate being indoctrinated into my SAP. In fact, they didn’t even know the SAP existed.

              6. Compromise of a SAP is the single most dangerous security violation that can ever happen to the USA. Even the enormously damaging revelations of the Edward Snowden’s TOP Secret SCI security compromise does not reach the level of a SAP compromise.

              7. To put SAP information in to an unsecure sever like Hillary Clinton’s unsecure server is a class one felony that could, in some cases, result in life in prison. That is because such a compromise is so dangerous that it could and likely will result in the death of people protected by and within the scope of the SAP.

              As a former SAP Program Manager I believe it is inconceivable that if it is verified that Hillary Clinton’s server actually had SAP information on it that she could possibly escape indictment and criminal prosecution. As hard as it is to imagine, that would even be worse then electing to not prosecute a mass murdering serial killer because even they could not inflict as much damage on our country as the compromise of a SAP. Compromise of a SAP not only could — but without doubt would — cause serious damage to our national security.

              If it is true that Hillary Clinton had SAP information on her unsecure server, whether it was marked or not, you can be sure that the FBI will strongly recommend that charges be brought against Hillary Clinton and continue in an exhaustive investigation to trace back to every single person that had even the tiniest role in this unbelievable security compromise.

              If the Attorney General, through “prosecutorial discretion,” elected not to prosecute this crime, I believe congress would have no alternative but to impeach her, and the FBI would then have no choice but to conduct a criminal investigation of her for a deliberate cover up –- so grave is this security violation.

              If President Obama were to pardon Hillary Clinton for a compromise of this magnitude he would render himself in the historical record as an “enemy of the state,” and could himself face criminal prosecution –- so grave is such a security compromise. Nobody, not even the POTUS could gets away with something like this in our system of government. If anyone could escape persecution for compromising a SAP, we are deep trouble as a nation. No president who loves this country and is true to his oath would ever allow anyone, not even his or her closest and most loved relative, to get away with a SAP compromise. It is simply unimaginable that this could ever happen.

              If the ongoing investigation finds that Hillary Clinton compromised a SAP, then we all should know with certainty, regardless of political persuasion, that she is entirely unfit to hold public office of any kind let alone President of the USA — and ALL Americans should never tolerate it. Compromising a SAP is an absolute “disqualifier” for public office and access to our nations most sensitive information – period.

              ED COET

              Major, US Army (Retired)

              1. Major…. Why are you publishing this at this obscure website. It would be best to publish your information on other website as well. If the DOJ dosen’t prosecute, there will be trouble.

                Ret. CW3 EEM. USAR CI TS SCI

              1. Do you have any specific complaint about what I have said? Do you have any reference to any scientific literature that contradicts what I have said?

                No. You have nothing but your mental illness.

                    1. I have blond hair and blue eyes. I wonder whatever happened to that guy. He was on the news once denying that the U S Army was anywhere near Baghdad when a big American tank came rumbling down the street. Oops!
                      But I digress- you’re a regular fountain of bullshit, and a very prolific provider of pure poppycock. Do you get paid for this?

                1. “Said”….you do realize you are saying nothing and are actually “writing” don’t you??? And you accuse others of being mentally challenged???

            2. When I said upper atmosphere I meant the troposphere rather than surface temperatures, thus NOAA’s ground data is a poor indicator… Temperature station on the ground is not a way to measure the energy trapped by CO2 in the troposphere….

              1. Sorry, you are still wrong. The lower troposphere heats the most because it receives heat both from the sun and from the ground.

                Ground heat is ultimately solar in origin but the energy comes almost entirely from the full spectrum of sunlight, that has been converted to heat by absorption by the earth’s surface.

                1. All heat is solar in origin, unless you consider geothermal which is negligible. According to John Christy the upper troposphere should warm before the ground. He is far from the only scientist who have indicated as such. I think you are not comprehending. This is not about actual temp, but rather changes in temp. Of-course the temperatures are warmest near the ground, everybody know as you climb in elevation, temps drop. This has to do with CHANGES in temperature. Higher levels of the troposphere should be increasing over time if the models are correct. They are not increasing to the extent expected, because the models are wrong.

                    1. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the system. The thermosphere is practically a vacuum. It hardly represents temperature in the capacity that we are discussing. Despite being over 2000 degrees, that temp would be harmless as only a few molecules would actually make contact with you at any instant. This is typical of your efforts. John Christy is only refuted by eviro-cons like you.

                      Carbon dioxide is the basis of the entire food chain on Earth. The dynamic equilibrium in which the biosphere scrubs and sequesters from the atmosphere bottoms out around 200 ppm. Anything below that, and life starts to wither and die, and the equilibrium shifts to an increase… Geologically and biologically speaking, the atmosphere is CO2 deficient, thank God we are increasing CO2 levels, fertilizing the planet, feeding the biosphere, greening the planet and making it healthier. Do you hate life? Why do you hate living organisms? Why do you hate the biosphere?

                    2. Remember the population explosion alarmists? And now all the European politicians who took it seriously have to import millions of middle easterners to repopulate a graying and basically dying Europe. Some crap with global warming. In a few years they’re gonna try and figure out how to warm the planet.

                    3. The world can sustain a population of around 800 million. Current population 7,000 million.

                      With a temperature increase of 6’C it is estimated that the maximum sustainable human population will be around 500,000 people.

                    4. Well then, you should be all FOR global warming, shouldn’t you? Two birds with one stone, right?

                    5. You apparently didn’t see a recent article about Americans being too fat and that the world may have too much food? Where did you get those patently absurd number from?

                    6. Corchem – I was thinking the exact same thing – there’s no tangible energy at those altitudes, it’s low vacuum. 🙂
                      But you’re arguing against a religious zealot, he will not see reason. It’s puzzling why his kind refuses to “allow” debate. If VendicantMendicant were a uni prof, he’d have you escorted out, that’d be his knee-jerk reaction – a “bring some muscle” type.

                    7. “have you escorted out” – ThomasTheTrain

                      Yup. There are no liars permitted in my classroom.

                    8. Ha ha – immediately resorting to childish ad hominems – dead giveaway that you’re a liberal tool. All emotions and no brain.

                    9. “Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the system.” – Corchem

                      Completely wrong. If you had taken grade 10 science you would have been introduced to thermodynamics and would know that temperature is defined in terms of the relative rates of change of energy and entropy.

                      “Despite being over 2000 degrees” – Corchem

                      Yup, The thermosphere is hot. Much hotter than the earth’s surface.

                      Your claim that the surface layer of the atmosphere is hotter than the rest of the atmosphere.

                      Your claim was false.

                    10. Now I know you are a lying idiot. My statement was about the troposphere, and a general statement.

                      Entropy is a function of temperature, not the other way around. According to you something cannot be considered temperature unless change in energy is taking place. I have a degree in geology/chemistry and have been teaching chemistry for 23 years, you have shown at times some basic knowledge, but now you have gone off the deep end. You have indicated that less data is better and that temperature is the rate of change in energy. You said that Phil Jones did not lose the data, when he himself indicated that he no longer has the raw data…

                      You are simply a lost soul, and you mock and insult others, which indicative of what kind of human being you are… Why do you hate life?

                    11. “Carbon dioxide is the basis of the entire food chain on Earth.” – Corchem

                      Your statement is pretty meaningless. Couldn’t you also say that water was the basis of the entire food chain? There is certainly more water in any living thing than CO2.

                      “Geologically and biologically speaking, the atmosphere is CO2 deficient”

                      There is no geologic need for CO2 to be at any level so it can not be said that CO2 is geologically deficient.

                      Rocks don’t care how much CO2 there is in the air.

                      Some plants use CO2 inefficiently and can use more CO2, Others are more efficient and don’t have much use for more of it in the air.

                      Most plants have already reached their capacity for absorbing CO2 because they lack other trace elements, and can not metabolize any more CO2.

                      Overall, we are at the end of the positive aspect of CO2 fertilization.

                    12. Next question. Why is global warming bad? Has there been mass extinction events from a warmer planet or from a colder in planet? Will there be enough crops to support the human population if the earth warms or cools? The last ice age seemed to ripe out human civilization while the warm periods have shown great expansion in the human population. I just do not see a bad result from a warmer planet.

                  1. “Higher levels of the troposphere should be increasing over time if the models are correct.” – Corchem


                    “They are not increasing to the extent expected, because the models are wrong.” – Corchem

                    All models are wrong. So what?

                    There is no model that models the action of a spring exactly.

                    This doesn’t prevent springs from being used in machines all over the world with great success.

                    Basic science eludes you.

                    1. Unfortunately the IPCC models based on guys like Jones and Mann are not just wrong, they are way off. There is uncertainty in everything. No measurement, is certain. But the climate models are not even close…

                    2. Liar.. Liar… Pants on fire…

                      “Unfortunately the IPCC models based on guys like Jones and Mann are not just wrong, they are way off.” – Corchem

                      The following plot shows how well the AR5 models match observation.

                    3. I have no idea who you are but am beyond delighted to read your intelligent and robust comments. Apparently there is reason to be hopeful still. Thank you.

                    1. “Too much HollyOOT!” What? He kept repeating HollyOOT! (Hollywood! ) When told there were American tanks within BaghDag city streets. “That is Isreali propaganda! Too much HollyOOT!” he said. What a HOOT!

                    2. It apparently runs in yours, and you couldn’t manage to out run it. Could you?

                2. Yeah especially when they move the thermometers into much closer proximity to heat producing factories etc. It’s all phony baloney. Where are the oceans rising and cities sinking?

                    1. This is the satellite record that Denialists have been for years claiming was the best data we have.

                      Now that it contradicts with denilaist doctrine, suddenly it is being “adjusted” to prove the warmest’s point.

                      it would seem that your argument is not based on data but a personal preference on how nature must operate to please you.

                      Nature doesn’t respect your Conservative ideology.

                      Neither does any rational, thinking person.

                3. …..and all this heat is why we have massive late season snow falls in March! Oops, wait a minute, isn’t snow made with “frozen” water that is “cold”??? ROTFL

              1. I’m sorry if facts confuse you.

                You could always try and educate yourself.

                Hint: Rush Limbaugh is a well known liar, and Faux news is the laughing stock of the world.

                1. Confused, you are not confused, McStupid is what you are. You’v dispayed well your ignorance of math, now git off your mothers computer and sweep her basement out!!!

                2. At this moment in time, you’re the laughing stock of this thread. Why not cut your losses, and get some sleep. Your argument has expanded into personalities, and news services ? Losers always resort to that when they’ve been crushed,

                3. So is Hillary and Obama. Why is it that we still have snow and AlGore predicted that by 2013 that there would no longer be any ice at the north pole. Please explain that since you think you are so educated and smart.

                  1. “Hillary” – Old98

                    Old geezers don’t know the difference between science and politics, or the distance between their mouth and their feces laden fingers.


                4. You are aware of the Psychological concept of “projection” aren’t you? Not to mention name calling actually weakens your case. As far as a “laughing stock”……Please check your closest mirror since you brought that term into the discussion!

                  1. “projection” – Runt.

                    If you hadn’t dropped out of public school you would know how to read a graph.

                    Global temperatures now warmer than at any time in the last 120,000 years.

                    Laughing at you, Runt.

                    1. Who was alive 120,000 years ago bwa ha ha ha ha ho he ha you want to be smart so bad. Ok well call you smart little Johnny

                    2. Yawn, You fail to even grasp a concept and the pathetic attempt to insult is….well so, lame. Please try again oh wise one! (Not!)

            3. Nobody’s listening, and they recognize well orchestrated BS when they see it. Have some warm milk, and get a good night’s sleep. ManBearPig’s a myth, I promise.

            4. “From the standpoint of an anthropological view, a religion is a collective set of beliefs. There is a leader (or leaders) who promote the beliefs among the followers. The followers make some kind of
              contribution, or change in their lifestyle based on their religious belief. The religious belief gives them a total view of the world in terms of how the world is structured: what’s right, what’s wrong, what’s good action, what’s bad action…”
              -Michael Crichton, “environmentalism as religion”

              Kudos on your contributions to what you believe in, Vendi. Keep the faith!

            5. Pssst- all warming is caused by the sun. Talk about mentally ill! Water vapor accounts for 99% of the planets insulation and humans contribute less than 3% of the remaining 1% of greenhouse gases.

              1. Fool,
                Look up the satellite temp data for the last 20 years.
                If you’re looking for fools, don’t stand there with your hands on your waist looking around for someone else.
                Just walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror.

                1. Here is the satellite data. Looks like significant warming to me.

                  If it doesn’t look like warming to you then perhaps you need to get an 8 year old child to tell you how to read a graph.

                  1. The problem is when scientists try to shut down other scientists who have problems with research they are peer reviewing then part of the process involved in the scientific method is being monkeyed with and it makes it impossible for us laymen to believe in the good faith of one set or other of scientists. This is made worse by the fact that Universities which do the research have begun to shut down opinions that are not politically correct; even scientific opinions can be political in implication. As a result people feel they are being manipulated; they are right. Therefore, throughout the western world we no longer trust our leaders and so-called elites, most of whom are trained in our Universities.
                    So showing us graphs to support your position doesn’t work; we no longer trust what is behind them.

                    1. “We no longer trust” – hopalong_insanity

                      And that is why America is entering into a neo-dark era.

                      The world is laughing at you.

                    2. And you have just shown another reason why intelligent people no longer believe those of you who associate themselves, mentally, with our corrupt elites. Instead of arguments showing why the data behind your graphs can trusted you have merely offered mockery and insults. You have not said a single word sympathically addressing my reasons for distrust. Do I misunderstand what is going on in the peer review process? Am I wrong about political correctness in Universities? Are people not being manipulated? All you have offered is insults. Until reasonable dialogue between scientists of differing views can be re-established western education and civilization will continue to sink into the abyss.

                    3. Incidentally, I tend to agree that there has been some warming (but I doubt the extent) just by my personal experience and reading over the last 5 decades. But that is not what the argument is about; its really about the causes, if global warming really is occurring and is it natural or man-made? If its manmade that is an excuse for the elites to control the rest of us: for our own good of course!!!

                    1. Paul Clark,
                      a British software developer. using sources from the usual suspects of globalist con-ology

                    2. NASA, NOAA, UAH, MET, JMA, BEST, they are all essentially the same results using different methods and produced by different teams of scientists.

                      Here is a comparison between the various different temperature reconstructions.

                    3. What a load of propaganda bs. all this supposed “evidence” in your graphs and charts was garbage in, garbage out, lie, lies, more lies. Supposed rising temps coming from thermometers placed on hot roof surfaces at airports, fake hockey stick tree ring data and on and on, run along propagandist,

                    4. If you think that all of the worlds hundreds of thousands of scientists are ling to you, then you have a screw loose, and need to see a psychiatrist before you hurt yourself, or someone else.

                      You are a kook who needs to be medicated.

                    5. LOL, says the obsessive lunatic who has spent the last five hours on a web com box forum debating himself. Manifesto much?

                    6. The wood for trees site allows you to conveniently plot the latest data sets from various temperature reconstructions.

                      The site does a good job of keeping the data up to date.

                      I can point you to different sites that do the same thing if you like. Or point you to the individual science teams who produce the data.

                      All of the plots will use the same data.

                    1. And yet it is corroborated by the satellite data.

                      You know the satellite data that denialists have been claiming is the best data we have.

                    2. Update for the satellite record for March 2016.

                      Look at that spectacular spike in temperatures on the right.

                    3. The kind of replies that you have recently been giving above is an improvement from giving insults, thank you. It makes me more inclined to accept that global warming may be occurring, I suspected it anyway. I am still very uncertain as to how much of it is manmade and how much natural. A small change in the sun can make more difference than all human history. Climate goes in natural cycles. After all Greenland a thousand years ago was populated by Vikings until it got too cold.

                    4. What you need to do is use google scholar to find out how much of the ongoing warming is man made.

                      The scientific term for what you are looking for is “attribution”.

                      The IPCC however has done the work for you, and produced a synopsis report of the best science as it is known.

                      All the information you need can be found here.

                      Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis


                      My advice is to avoid Climate Depot. It’s purpose is to feed you false information.

                  2. Awesome that you showed this chart, but let Climate-change deniers produce data that defends their position — not the other way around. It’s too easy to stuff donuts in their mouth, as they type “wrong” on their keyboard as armchair critics. Make them work for it.

                    1. Scary scary cattle farts causing the global I’m mean climate I mean frost oh shoot hot buttered popcorn it’s tv time

                    1. “What are we comparing to?”

                      You poor boy. You don’t know how to read a simple graph. You compare it to the scale on the left.

                      If you can’t figure it it, get an 8 year old to explain it to you.

                    1. Actually, I studied astrophysics and high energy physics while in university.

                    1. Ya, there are at least several dozen of them now. Each using different data and different methods done by different people.

                      You did know that, didn’t you?

                2. “Look up the satellite temp data for the last 20 years. ” – SoCalMike

                  No problem. Here they are…

                  Warming of over 0.5’C

              1. “From 1988” – WIlliam James Ignorant.

                The comments made by Oppenheimer in the article are quite accurate.

                You have just outed yourself as an idiot.

                1. Accurate? Ok Einstein, using references from within the article, prove their validity. C’mon, let’s see you fuzzy fact checking!

                  1. First paragraph.

                    “A group of scientists is offering a sobering forecast for the year 2020, the planets average temperature hitting a 10,000 year high, and the worlds oceans surging an average of 83 feet inland.” – 1988

                    1988-2020 = 32 years. Ocean rise = 3.3mm per years over 30 years = 99.0 mm.

                    Since the average coastal incline is 3 degrees this corresponds to a inland movement of the ocean by 6 feet.

                    However, by 2100 the inland surge will be 18 feet, and the total equilibrium expansion of the oeans will come in somewhere around 100 feet presuming no additional CO2 is added to the atmospher beyond a doubling.

                    As to global temperatures, they have already exceeded 10,000 years are are now warmer than at any time in the last 120,000 years.

            1. Save your your breath and fingers.
              He’s an intellectual slave and an ideological prisoner in the service of rain dancers and witch doctors.

          3. they aren’t liars, they are just people who put their faith in computer models that had no basis and no confirmed proven algorithms. It is a lot like people believing on the medrx diagnosis as seen on the internet. Not liars, just not terribly brilliant.

                    1. So you want to murder people to maintain your standard of living.

                      Thanks for the Republican perspective.

                      How long have you been an enemy of Christ?

                    2. How long have you prayed at the Altar of Logical Fallacy?

                      (Send the RNC your address, they can start there)

                    3. Do you know that the media and elected officials are lying about the threats from the middle east, immigrants and Islam? Go be a Christian, woman or gay in Saudi Arabia and see where your head hits the sand!.
                      Do you know that Standard and Poors, Moodys, Alan Greenspan, President Clinton, etc. all lied about the housing and mortgage market? Yes, President Clinton created the no income, no down payment mortgage!
                      Do you know that PhDs and MDs lied about the effects of blows to the head in football, concussion syndromes?
                      Yes, climate scientists are lying to make themselves relevant and make money. There may be some climate changes, but climate does change without the help of or cause of man. One volcanic eruption produces more dangerous CO2 gases than man can create in ten years. And, there are eruptions every year.
                      Go find your Democrat liar hole and park yourself in it.

                    4. I would rather sell my cloak and buy a sword to defend my self. And then use the sword to murder people that would murder me. Is that what you mean by following Christ words?

                    5. He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”

                      The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.”

                      “That is enough,” he replied.

                      Christ says nothing about murdering people who would murder him.

                      Why do you feel a need to lie about what the Bible says?

                      You must be mentally ill.

                    6. Numbers 35:21
                      Or if out of enmity one person hits another with their fist so that the other dies, that person is to be put to death; that person is a murderer. The avenger of blood shall put the murderer to death when they meet.
                      We can trade chapter and verse all day long, because that the beauty of the Bible.

                      I still choose to have my sword and use it and meet the murdering Muslim as the “Avenger of blood”, even if I have to do it by proxy! Now go play with your muslim friends!

                    7. So you would not defend yourself or family if others threatened you with death? Christ never said you must submit to evil.

                    8. If that is your motivation then you should be acting to limit global production of CO2, since mankind is heading for an extinction level event without such action.

                1. “Results can be bought”. – EndRun

                  Yup. That’s what the carbon industry has been doing for the last 20 years.

                  Lol.. Laughing at you.

                  1. Yeah, I figured that’s how someone like Zero got another turn in 2012.

                    That ‘carbon industry’ is vital to powering the world, and won’t be going away any time soon. You crackpots have no concept of just how inadequate wind and solar actually are. Yeah, ‘let’s get the petroleum guys!’ – you people are idiots.

                    1. “That ‘carbon industry’ is vital to powering the world, and won’t be going away any time soon.” – Delusional William Post

                      You sound like a meth addict.

                      Thirty Years of Climate ‘Deception’ Could Become Offense Under New Calif. Law

                      By extending an existing law’s statute of limitations to 30 years, the new legislation would expose fossil fuel companies like Exxon to greater liability.


              1. ….and you sir nailed it as to the motivation of the conspiracy of lies. Power corrupts…absolute power corrupts absolutely….and institutional money corrupts conclusively.

                    1. You are correct it is almost always the case, when men get a little authority (power) they begin to rule unrighteously almost always!

                    2. not me. as far as climate change is concerned.. it never made any sense.
                      I can’t see taking any money to further promote this, I cannot see paying any more money to promote this.

                    3. “prosecute you” – BeautifulAmerica

                      Public hanging would is a more appropriate punishment for your kind of treason.

                    4. Watch what you endorse there, bub – Zero and Lynch are flash in the pan that will soon be rectified, leaving you holding the bag for them.

                    5. “It never made any sense” – isbrew

                      Grade 5 science doesn’t make any sense to the truly ignorant.

                    6. “Useful idiot” – William Post

                      My training is in science. Your’s appears to be in maintaining a coin op arcade.

                      Climate Fraud Investigation of Exxon Draws Attention of 17 Attorneys General

                      Coalition of top state law enforcement officials vows to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for their conduct on climate change.


                    7. 2003 European Heat Wave.

                      The 2003 European heat wave led to the hottest summer on record in Europe since at least 1540. France was hit especially hard. The heat wave led to health crises in several countries and combined with drought to create a crop shortfall in parts of Southern Europe. Peer-reviewed analysis places the European death toll at more than 70,000.

                      Robine, Jean-Marie; Cheung, Siu Lan K.; Le Roy, Sophie; Van Oyen, Herman; Griffiths, Clare; Michel, Jean-Pierre; Herrmann, François Richard (2008). “Death toll exceeded 70,000 in Europe during the summer of 2003”. Comptes Rendus Biologies 331 (2): 171–178. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2007.12.001. ISSN 1631-0691. PMID 18241810. Retrieved 17 May 2010.

                  1. Have another cup of Kool-Aide, lol. The establishment GOP is infected with Progressive power-brokers from the Left and, like the Prog-Socialists from the Left, will fail under the weight of the system that they’ve bastardized. Prog-Socialists and their simpleton army of takers are well on their way to hollowing out the middle class in America and turning the electorate into a huddled mass of cowed, low-information paupers whose only recourse is to depend upon the scraps tossed to them from their one-worlder ‘betters’. The AGW farce is yet another means to carve more meat from the bone – that you endorse their charades speaks volumes of your inability for critical thinking.

                    1. “The establishment GOP is infected with Progressive power-brokers” – Delusional William Post

                      Has your mental illness been identified William?

                      Climate Fraud Investigation of Exxon Draws Attention of 17 Attorneys General

                      Coalition of top state law enforcement officials vows to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for their conduct on climate change.


              2. Government grants have ruined a lot of the sciences. Especially since government has a bias towards funding things that cause crisis which demands government intervention.

                1. Government grants are also the bedrock funding source for all universities in the “Land Grant” category. It has become the most efficient delivery of government propaganda in the history of the world.

                    1. Without the military the US would be German. And you would have been among the first to go up against the wall. Guess we gotta take the good with the bad.

                    2. Nearly 32,000 comments. My my you are the busy little troll.
                      No wonder you have not had time to learn real world facts.

              3. Scream that your ‘study’ show a ‘trend’ in an environmental “issue” and apply for grant after grant after grant to ‘study’ it further… open a ‘non-profit’ and collect ‘donations’ to ‘raise awareness’… Live the good life without ever having to produce anything real!

              1. Vindicar has yet to allow either logic or knowledge to pass into his mind. He always toes the liberal line and is completely closed to any other ideas. I only say this because… well, you know, arguing with fence posts and such.

                  1. YES, YOU ARE THAT STUPID, VD. Sorry I asked.

                    You’re a full-fledged DUMBSMACK

                    You must’ve missed the memo about the ice sheets that covered most of North America and Europe until they began receding around 18,000 years ago.

                    Ah, those were the good old days. All those cave men driving their gas-guzzling SUVs just for the hell of it. Coal-fired electrical power plants, spewing toxic waste all over the hemisphere. It was a hoot.

                  2. “The globe is now warmer than at any time in the last 120,000 years.”
                    Wow, your graph only goes back to 1995…
                    Give up you knuckle-dragger; this science stuff is more complicated than a few graphs..

                  3. No it isn’t, and the sun is the cause of climate. Not humans, no matter how important you want to feel about yourself, we don’t have that power.

                  4. The data for the medieval warm period and the late Roman republic warm period both refute your statement that “the globe is now warmer than at any time in the last 120K years.” And there was a decided lack of petroleum industry, power plants, and internal combusion during those two events — at least I’ll go out on a limb to make that assertion! So there must be another factor other than human beings driving periodic cycles in earth’s history. Could it be “the sun?”

                    1. No, TimG you are a conspiracy theorist, the sun couldn’t possibly affect the climate. You must be insane to think that!!!

                    2. “the medieval warm period” – TimG

                      Was – as the following graph shows – a regional pipsqueak.

                      Just like you.

            1. What do you call a group that lowers the tempatures in the database for the last 150 years?
              That when the Temperature does not increase as predicted, just ignore the convenient facts?
              That continue to present doomsday scenerios to get more funding?

              1. No they are crooks. They slanted their work to get grant after a grant after grant. The government got what they paid for. Flawed reports that supported the outcome the government wanted.

                  1. ‘unemployment rate’ – pickman

                    I laughed when Ronald Regan redefined American burger flippers as being part of the U.S. manufacturing sector.


                    1. 92+ million of Americans not in the workforce, the current unemployment rate is a flat out lie.

              2. Which scientists are lying?

                The Scientists at NASA?

                The Scientists at the NOAA?

                The Scientists at the MET who produce the Hadcrut temperature reconstruction?

                The Scientists at BEST who produce the BEST temperature reconstruction?

                The Scientists at JMO who produce the JMO temperature reconstruction?

                The Scientists who produce the UAH satellite temperature reconstruction?

                The Scientists who produce the RSS satellite temperature reconstruction?


            2. When one is paid in money and prestige and security and success for coming to certain conclusions it’s fundamentally dishonest. Maybe they aren’t all malignant in their error, but the conclusions they draw are lies. For the very same reason that judges are forced to recuse themselves when they have a perusal interest in a case, these “scientists” have been profoundly influenced to false conclusions — and they know it. Those computer models and false assumptions lead only in one direction. If they were being honest but mistaken there would would be more randomness in their findings.

            3. Well, you have to admit that SOME of them might be lying…in order to go along with the prevailing wisdom, er, political edict, and keep their job/funding afloat.

            4. My guess is that you are correct, and I like to take it one step deeper.

              I have come in contact with many people who are very intelligent and well-educated, who just happened to be exposed to a “very worthy cause” during their formulative years. The “problem” sounds so urgent and the “solution” so evident, that these folks embrace the cause with their hearts instead of their minds. They are unable to see that the theories and studies being conducted to support them have not been run through the rigorous steps of any scientific method. By the time the truth comes their way, they are so firmly engaged in falsehoods that they are unable to wrap their heads around it.

              Of course, most of these people have little or no scientific training to help them find the truth. There are, however, many who are actually trained in the field of climate science who know the truth but also know, as has already been pointed out in these comments, that there are no funds available to prove their own theories false. These people are, in the true sense of the word, LIARS!

              1. One I do know, having spent 40 years working in aerospace science with NASA is James Hansen, a global coolist till we investigated Venus. By then his division was running out of money and Apollo was winding down and he needed the budget. So he notice Venus was HOT and had a lot of clouds of CO2. Then and only then did he relate cloud cover to warming. His thesis was a gradual heating up that would only end at 800 degrees F surface temp as was Venus. He discounted the major reasons for Venus heat most notably the about 30 million miles close to the sun part, the year length and of course A Venus day is longer than a year making the planets atmospheric dynamic totally different than earths. And of course there is no moon and no tide to speak of because the same side of Venus almost always faces the sun. But the idiots out there bought his goofy ideas and they funded his organization. Since then it has been one manufactured crisis in the making if they are not funded even more. And of course many businesses have grown up around this philosophy each claiming to save the planet, reduce co2 and grow wheat on hard stone. So now we have whoring scientists competing for dollars. And all thanks to the defunding of the Space Program and the resulting NASA budget crunch (Most notably at Goddard Center) in the late 60’s – early 70’s. It may be hard to believe but the EPA and Global Warming were Nixon’s fault.

            5. I’m sorry jabusse, but these liars are not innocents ‘who put their faith in models’. They built the models and they lied about the programming, and they lied–and continue to lie–about the new data plugged in. they are not dupes or to be excused. They are dangerous cohorts of a dangerous government trying to take away your way of life. Wake up!

              1. OK so you think they are smart and lying for dollars and I think they are not very smart and lying for dollars. The real damaging ones are the believers who follow these folks. Lemming legislation.

            6. It’s not a matter of faith. It’s a matter of intentionally-foul data manipulation and propaganda orchestration. Just like any computer program, a computer model can be made to indicate anything one desires.

              1. I employed a number of them Archie. I know what they are doing. And I know nothing they do or say or find out will make one bit of difference in the future of our planet. They are trolling for dollars, nothing more.

              1. Nice fake data. I can’t post a link, but google UK met office no global warming and you’ll find abetter one. The graph there you actually know where it comes from.

                1. “google UK met office”

                  Why do that when I can just show the MET data?

                  MET shows 0,.22’C warming from 1996 to 2015.

                  You know how to read a graph, don’t you?

                  1. We all know that referencing graphs of misinterpreted and made up data does not actually make this all real. When we see this graph we see confirmation in the increase in your stupidity.

                  2. And if the graph started in 1998 it would show a decline. I can pick any start date to show whatever trend I would like. My guess is that you will fail to see why my statement destroys your comment.

          4. Look, the “normal” climate for the globe IS sudden extreme changes.

            Sediment layers from fresh water lakes and the seven seas show
            sudden climate changes. There have been 20 sudden climate changes affecting the entire globe in the last 110,000 years.

            The industrial age and subsequent pollution is not a tipping
            point. Ice core samples prove this.

            The Earth’s climate fluctuations show rapid and extreme changes
            BEFORE any recorded human history and certainly predicates another rapid change regardless of any human fossil fuel burning footprint.

            1. You’re right in general but you’re giving ground when you seem to acknowledge the accuracy of this phony chart. Don’t accept contrived mendacity. The actual mean temperature of the planet is not even knowable now, much less historically. It mainly involves estimates which are based on very flimsy information and skewed in the direction that the climate “scientists” require for them to continue to hold the public hostage and profit thereby. If the remedy for this fabricated affliction was lower taxes, no redistribution of wealth, less government control, less global governance, etc. you’d never hear it spoken of again. Don’t be duped by any of it.

              1. Visit the arctic, greenland, etc – look at the coastal situation in the USA ..it is easy to argue but the truth is in the vision of reality- not your imagination. No one is asking you to sacrifice anything for “global warming” … drive your car – run your air conditioning … capitalism is solving the problem as we produce more oil in the short term and evolve to a less dependent society in the long term. Even Saudi Arabia is going solar ! If You like the old way move to Cuba where they have fuel efficient cars you would like to drive. Or better yet move to the Amazon and use charcoal to cook – that is real defiance of the “new world order” !

            2. Liar… Liar… Pants on fire

              “Look, the “normal” climate for the globe IS sudden extreme changes.” – Thomas

              If that were true then mankind wouldn’t exist.

              What makes you lie like that? Are you mentally ill?

              1. How do you think the Great Lakes were formed? Over a MILE-thickness of ice used to exist in what is now the upper Midwest, and ground them out. Vast sheets of ice used to cover much of North America (just for instance). Sea levels were *hundreds* of feet lower than they are today. This “ice age” cycle has repeated all on its own many times, nothing to do with us. Why?

          5. Funny that the movie “Interstellar” portrayed Dr. Mann as the scientist who lied about his planet’s climate in order to save his sorry arse.

          6. And yet, the real deniers would have us believe that 1700 station’s data should be more than enough information to settle the argument. Really? That means those 1700 stations supposedly accurately tell us what the average temperature they proclaim to speak for, cover 38,000 square miles each. Sure, why not?. I can drive 2.5 miles and see a temperature change of 2 – 3 degrees. but that should be of no concern to any of us. Experts have told us not to pay any attention to the man behind the curtain, so who are we to peek behind that curtain? Shame on anyone that would question these ‘brilliant’ men and women that tell us the truth and aren’t influenced by the trillions of dollars world governments pour into this ‘science’ for they certainly have no other interest than our welfare, because after all, ALL governments are altruistic, and only care about the welfare of their citizens. Laughably, liberals believe that and don’t vomit in their mouths when spouting these absurdities.

          7. Just look at the collider, They spent what, 8 billion dollars to find some particle that in their minds would dis-prove God? In the end, all that work, all that hype, only proved that NO ONE at all could be alive. Where was all the coverage on that? This actually proves God’s existence and the folly of Man. Of course; not a word from either your Government or the press. Yeah, they never cared about the truth. How about the Big Bang theory; that was disproved the moment the Hubble was fixed. Did you even know that? Hubble shows galaxies forming all the time. With no Big Bang Theory, there is no radio carbon dating. Carbon dating assumes the Big Bang Theory.

            Did anyone reading this even know any of this stuff? If not, WHY NOT?

          8. Excellent post. Add this is too. Temperature change alone is not a sufficient measure to fully assess whether the heat retention capacity of the atmosphere is increasing. The issue is one of heat, and temperature is somewhat of a proxy for heat.

            Is the amount of heat retained in the atmosphere increasing, less able to radiate to space at the same rate due to increasing levels of CO2. That is the issue.

            Yes, we would expect temperature on the whole to increase. But consider this. An equal unit temperature change in air that contains little water vapor represents less heat change than the same unit temperature change in moist, water vapor rich air, that represents much great change in heat.
            Put in other words it takes much more heat to effect a unit temperature change in moist air than it does similar temperature change in dry air.

            Arctic air is dry, contains little water vapor. Recent relative warmth in the arctic (relative so instead of averaging say -40F it is -35F, so everything is still frozen solid) is pointed to as evidence of AGW. But that change in average temps requires much less heat addition than were the moist tropical regions of Earth to cool, that represents a much greater heat loss.

            A one unit temp change in the arctic does not represent the same amount of heat budget as a one unit temp change in the tropics. But yet this is how the calculations are done, +2 F in some arctic station would added to say a -1F change in some tropical reporting station, and the result reported would be temps increased by +1F. This would not be correct. Much more heat was lost by the proxy measure of -1F in the tropics than heat gained by the +2F in the arctic.

            Couple this with the fact that the global models, their physics, demand the temperature increase take place in the tropics (where the air is moist) not in the arctic.

            There is more. In winters where arctic air is displaced off the pole and moves southward into latitudes where people live, these are the harsh winters that cause hardship and potentially prolonged winter seasons, shortened growing seasons. Yet when this happens the avg arctic temperature would necessarily be warmer than if it were bottled up in the arctic, unable to penetrated southward due to a prevailing weather pattern. Then in such case the arctic would be colder than normal.

            So a warmer than normal arctic could mean that winters are more extreme where people live. I could go on…there is much more…and little supports this global warming theory.

            If you have the time….go back 20 years and you can find any number of ridiculous doomsday predictions that have not verified…the threat always looms in the future, and when that date arrives and the threat did not materialize, no one is called to account for the failed prediction, memory loss, and new doomsday threats are created.

            1. What you are talking about is heat capacity. Water has a very high heat capacity as a liquid, and half as large as vapor, but still large. You could not be more correct, moist air at 25 degrees has much more latent energy that the same amount of dry air at 25 degrees.

              Everything comes down to this, the “brilliant climatologist” made their predictions, and the real data over time as proven them wrong. End of story…

          9. Add the fact that the majority of those temp stations are located on asphalt rooftops in large cities and you really see how the numbers are falsified.

        2. It depends on which of the Liars calls it man made or not. Man has caused a great of pollution. Man has not caused the earths climate to change. That is why the frauds have dropped the” man made” part of the fraud.

              1. The evidence of warming comes from direct observation, both via surface thermometers, ocean thermometers, and satellite sounding sensors.

                The anthropogenic part comes via calculations that you don’t have the capacity to understand.

                So it is proven to those of use who have the capacity to understand science.

                But to the ignorant it can no more be proven than it can be proven to them that they (you) are ignorant.

                You are simply too ignorant to appreciate how ignorant you are.

                That is why the ignorant are incapable of producing science.

                1. Science is not something one “produces”, but what one merely “observes”. If you are producing something, methinks it’s not science that you are keen on extruding out of your pie hole…

                  1. Science is not observation, it is a process of making observation, producing a theory to encapsulate those observations, the observations are a result of that process.

                    You don’t know what the scientific method is.

                2. “Dueling Datasets: Satellite Temperatures Reveal the ‘Global Warming Pause’ Lengthens to 18 years 2 months – (218 Months)”

                  Read more: http://testclimate.wpengine.com/2014/12/04/duelling-data-sets-satellite-temperatures-reveal-the-global-warming-pause-lengthens-to-18-years-2-months-218-months/#ixzz44oZkWyzG

                  This contradicts your propaganda.

                  Only one lying here is you. But that’s what happens when a religious zealot blindly follows a faith.

                  1. Here is what the scientist who produces RSS says about his data set.

                    Measurement Errors:

                    As a data scientist, I am among the first to acknowledge that all climate

                    datasets likely contain some errors. However, I have a hard time believing

                    that both the satellite and the surface temperature datasets have errors large

                    enough to account for the model/observation differences. For example, the

                    global trend uncertainty (2-sigma) for the global TLT trend is around 0.03 K/

                    decade (Mears et al. 2011). Even if 0.03 K/decade were added to the best-

                    estimate trend value of 0.123 K/decade, it would still be at the extreme low

                    end of the model trends. A similar, but stronger case can be made using

                    surface temperature datasets, which I consider to be more reliable than

                    satellite datasets (they certainly agree with each other better than the

                    various satellite datasets do!). So I don’t think the problem can be explained

                    fully by measurement errors.” – Carl Mears – RSS Systems

                    “Some of the interannual wiggles are bigger in RSS, and since 1998 or something

                    like that, we’re showing less [warming] than the surface datasets. I suspect

                    that’s at least partly due to a problem in our dataset, probably having to do

                    with the [time-of-day] correction. It could be an error in the surface datasets,

                    but the evidence suggests that they’re more reliable than the satellite

                    datasets,” – Carl Mears – RSS Systems


                    “We’ve done numerous papers with Ben Santer from [Lawrence Livermore National

                    Laboratory], where he’s compared the patterns that we see to the patterns that

                    the climate models predict, and we’ve shown that without including greenhouse

                    gas changes in the climate models, you cannot get the amount of warming that we

                    see,” – Carl Mears – RSS Systems


            1. Clearly?
              Clearly Cook (and others) have conducted rigged surveys that amount to scientific malpractice. Cook says that 97% of climate scientists agree that most global warming is anthropogenic when only 0.3% of the abstracts made such a claim. Cook’s true motivation was revealed by his emails showing his “strategy” to publicize results that were not yet available.

              1. “Clearly nothing you Liar and fraud.” – Rick Spoth

                I’m not sure what you are complaining about.

                Are you trying to say that Climate Depot is lying when they report snow in the Caribbean in spring, Or are you calling me a liar for indicating to you that that is what they have reported.

                You just seem to be angry that the world is not turning out how your Republican political ideology insists that it must.

                I don’t think that nature respects your political ideology.

                Neither does any honest, thinking person.

                The earth is now warmer than at any time in the last 120.000 years.

          1. You sound like a kook.

            Do you have any evidence that NASA is lying, when it’s temperature reconstruction is corroborated by at least 6 other temperature reconstructions, two of which are made by satellites, and one of which is partly funded by the Conservative Koch brothers?

            1. Did you read the article? It’s snowing in the Carribean…. First time ever. Typically, when something is warming, it’s not getting colder at the same time.

              1. Warming of the Arctic has caused the naturally occurring waves in the jet stream to become much “taller”, and extend both to higher and lower latitudes.

                So what we see is greater variability on top of higher overall temperatures.

                This is also what the models predict, and it has been what Scientists have been telling you for decades.

                Where have you been hiding your brain?

                1. sorry- scientists just a couple of decades ago were telling everyone that a new ice age was beginning- you can’t really believe anything you are saying – can you???

            2. Only person who looks like a kook here is you. Government funds “climate science” through government agencies which all tell us there is a problem with climate and the only solution to this problem is even more government.

              Lynch stated she wanted to go after “Big Oil” for a RICO claim however It’s obvious that when a government funds “science” which states there is a problem and the only solution is even more government it doesn’t take much of an IQ to note that is a classic textbook case for a RICO case against the government.

              Both NASA and NOAA have both been proven to artificially manipulate data to favor globull warming while completely ignoring decades of highly accurate satellite data which directly contradicts their manipulated data. If that isn’t enough real world empirical evidence such as antarctic ice sheets gaining record breaking mass, etc. which directly contradicts the globull warming alarmist propaganda is.

              Your globull warming religion is a failed ideology.

              1. The Berkeley Earth climate reconstruction is not funded by government.

                In fact it was funded in large part by the Conservative Koch Brothers.

                Liar Liar.. Pants on fire.

                “Both NASA and NOAA have both been proven to artificially manipulate data to favor globull warming ” – jburr36

                In face the latest data adjustments in the NASA and NOAA data sets reduced the amount of overall warming in their reconstructions, contrary to your claim.

                Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire…

                “If that isn’t enough real world empirical evidence such as antarctic ice sheets gaining record breaking mass” – jburr36

                The best estimates of ice mass balance in Antarctica comes from the GRACE satellite constellation. Antarctic net mass balance at -71 ± 53 gigatonnes per year.


                “Your globull warming religion is a failed ideology.” – jburr36

                Clearly you are mentally ill.


            3. I wondered how long you’d go before pulling out the “Koch Brothers” bogyman. Liberal towing the liberal lies and trotting out the bogeyman du jour of the leftists, is all you are, naked now for us all to see as such. Go troll somewhere else…

              1. The Koch brothers in part paid for the Berkeley Earth temperature reconstruction.

                That reconstruction confirmed the reconstructions by NASA, NOAA, JMA, and MET and the others.

                What are you objecting too? Facts?

        3. Settle down there skippy. We have bigger things to worry about–like the BILLION muslims on this planet that want to cut your head off because you don’t convert to their religion.

          The earth has–and always will–go through periods of climate change, some of them extreme. The only true IMPACT humans have had on this planet amounts to three things: Oil spills, nuclear meltdowns and continually dumping garbage in the ocean. If we could eliminate those three things, we would be in a much, much better place.

        4. You don’t need Scientists to confirm Climate Change. The Earth has experienced Climate Change since it was formed a few Billion years ago. Climate Change will continue for the foreseeable future. The lying is propagated by interested parties that Man is responsible so a transfer of wealth can begin from the developed nations to the the Third World Nations. Of course the UN and the Globalist Elites who control the MSM will take their cut using the “Carbon Credit Mechanism” that will have absolutely no impact on our Climate. Only the Rich will get Richer and Government Bureaucrats will get paid handsome salaries with generous Pensions while the middle Class and poor pay higher taxes and utility bills. .

          1. The change seen in the climate today is unprecedented and anthropogenic in origin.

            What you are essentially saying is that since death is natural, murder is impossible.

            Your children will grow to hate you for what you have done to them.

        5. I suspect every single entity you quote lives off govt money. Not a single employee of any of these entities would keep his job if he got the wrong answer.

          Reflect on that.

          Then, read the history of climate. Be sure to include paper books written before the scare became official dogma, like before 1965. Read about Greenland and the Viking colonization during the Medieval Warm Period (name has been changed to the Medieval Weather Anomaly) , for example, They either call Eric the Red a liar (It was never green) or they say it was a local weather event. They still can’t can’t their story consistent.

          It is all lies. There is no doubt about it. A question you should ask yourself: Are you a fool or a tool or both?

          1. “I suspect every single entity you quote lives off govt money.” – discus_ted

            I know that every member of the U.S. military are living off of government money.

          1. The following graphic from your own link shows a warming of 0.6’C since 1979.

            And that warming doesn’t include the poles which are warming much faster than the rest of the globe.

            Poor 57nomad. He just outed himself as someone who is unable to interpret a simple graph.


        6. I vote for all of them that depend on the government for their paychecks and research grants. You can’t get a single dollar/Pound/Euro for any research that does not contain the words Global Warming/Climate Change in the title and twice in the first paragraph.

        7. Yes. It is not science, it is attempting to model a chaotic non-linear system (the atmosphere), which is not possible. They can’t even predict hurricane tracks in the long term.

        8. Yes. All of them. The agenda has been set by the politicians who control their money and they will hump the data all day long to get the results they want.

        9. NASA claimed that 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded– 10 weeks later they admitted they lied. They tried to claim they had a 37% chance at the time to be right. but the November of 2014 broke over 14000 cold records in the lower 48. Then they refused to share the data used to make such a statement. Last i heard Congress was needing a court order to get it. After Science admitted the 3rd time they fugged data, after being caught. I kinda wondered how many times the never got caught. I tend to believe some of the most educated Climate Scientist on this planet . Some have a educational pedigree longer than your leg. They tour the lecture circuit, delivering climate Hoax speeches. Which is on youtube for anyone viewing.And their credentials is posted up front. That is if you have a open mind— and plenty of time to view page after page of ” Its a scam speech” All of them, have 2 things in common. 1- They are not on the Government payrolled. 2–and are hated by their peers that are.

          1. Sorry, but you just don’t understand statistics.

            2014 was indeed the warmest year on record. But yes due to the statistical nature of the observations there is a change that it might not be.

            Both statements can be true at the same time.

            The first statement is true based on the mean.

            The second statement is true based on the standard deviation.

            If you had actually taken a class in elementary statistics you wouldn’t have just made yourself look like a fool.

            You would be humiliated if you actually had a clue.

            My goodness, you are ignorant.

            1. You have me at a disadvantage— In that I can never call a man stupid, or a fool. Unless, I am standing within arms reach. I was taught that from a kid. As a X-coal miner, you warmist helped retire– I believe there is enough left of me, to teach you some manners, your parents failed at. If you want to hock up ??? Most of you keyboard commandos belittle other from a distance. You warmist would be funny, that is if your warped beliefs hadn’t cost so many jobs. Here is facts you cannot disprove, all this articles appeared on Yahoo news– or Drudge.

              1. scientist sail a ship to the ice cap to prove melting– after 4 attempts, by 3 different countries, they are freed from frozen ice.

              2.Polar bear hunting permits increase with numbers. Great snowy owls build nests further south, than ever seen before— both animals was projected to be gone by now.

              3. 2013 came and gone– Al Gore’s NY city still above water. Convenient Lie exposed

              4. NASA proclaims 2014 hottest year ever– 10 weeks later admit it is a lie.

              5. November 2014– Over 1400 cold records broken in the lower 48

              6. 2014-15, Great lakes froze over 2 years straight, first time ever— 2014 was the 3rd largest ever recorded

              7. 2015– 4th of July and snow piles of buffalo not melted

              8. 2011– warmist proclaim snow fall is a thing of the past— 2015, 90% of the annual snow fall records in the New England states are broken

              9. 2015–Yale University– postpones climate protests— do to horrible cold weather

              10. Warmist claim that Non-believers are uneducated, and fail to understand evidence. Both groups are given a simple climate test, to prove that point— Non-believers post higher test scores than believers

              11. after government funded science admits to fudging data 3 different times–. they still can’t believe Non-believers reject their proofs ??

              12. 2013– Obama orders all federal employees and funded agencies to stop using the term Global Warming— Failure to use Climate Change term, could trigger discipline

              13.2015 government funded science refuses to turn over data that leads to their conclusions. Congress seeks legal way to obtain it. ALL fact

              14. January 2016 –24 hour snow snow record is broken in DC and NY city.

            1. You missed the point, satellites have only been operating since the 1950’s and effectively since the 1990’s.. the data sample is so small that it would be like trying to develop a theory based on a grain in the sahara desert. Can’t be done. since NOBODY has the base line NOBODY knows it nor will ever know it , i’s just conjecture

          1. My power consumption is 7.5 KWh per day and falling.

            A friend of mine has a consumption rate of 2.5 KWh or so.

            Neither of us suffer any limitations.

            What is your failure?

        10. Not John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel: he HAS the data from the 1930’s on and we are not even in a warming period. We go through several decades of warming then cooling regularly. In Georgia, we also go through wet and dry periods lasting about 15 years apiece. I’m old and have observed these things myself.

          1. Absolutely, ‘adjusted’ or ‘reconstructed’ temperatures are of low accuracy, gives alarmists license to do whatever they want with ‘data’.

            1. That particular graph only looks so good because it falls into the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy:
              a) Most of the graph is hindcasting. THAT part is rather easy (doesn’t take a supercomputer to create simple model matching the past 😉 )
              b) The AR4 “model average” baseline has been modified to make it look good. I kid you not.

              If you graph the FAR, SAR, TAR and AR4 future scenarios against the temperature data, baselined the way THEY baselined when the predictions were made (ie without allowing tweaking after the fact), you will find that:
              1) For surface temps, almost all of the models were too warm even at the 95 percentile level, let alone means;
              2) For lower troposphere, ALL of them were too warm.

              And the modelers are starting to admit this. They need new modules for their models to incorporate more of the negative feedback / buffering effects of earth’s actual climate system. They have no way to “cool” their models enough to match reality. Not a problem except it means they have a lot of work to do, and in the meantime their projections are off by quite a lot.

              Gotta go. G’night.

          1. Are the baker and the candle stick maker also involved in this grand conspiracy to steal your money?

            Hahahahahah…. You are a clown.

            1. Nope, just someone who wised up to a-s-s clowns like you who think a children’s story (Chicken Little) is actually how the world works. So, Chicken Little (although the second word for you is actually a 4 letter word that starts with s and ends with t) the world has been warming since the end of the last ice age about 12000 years ago. Are you truly so stupid to think that mankind can actually impact the world so profoundly? Is so, you’re the clown and a doofus too boot. You win the booby prize of the day. Enjoy.

              Riddle me this Batman, if mankind was not industrialized 12000 years ago, how did the last ice age end and global warming begin?

        11. The temperature data is “factored”. Raw data is not used. Depending how big the factoring is, you can show either global warming or cooling. If you show warming, you get big government grants. Show cooling, and get ridiculed and no grants.

          1. Not sure what you mean by “factoring” but kooks often use their own words for things they don’t understand.

            Raw data of course is the basis of all measurement.

            But Raw data is seldom used as a final result.

            All data is calibrated.

            This is especially true of satellite data.

            1. OK, so he got his vocabulary confused. I typically don’t. Look up above, I gave you the real analysis… showing that the temperature data is “adjusted” by USHCN etc.

              “Raw data is the basis of all measurement” — that’s actually incorrect but a side issue (in reality any measurement involves three entire dimensions of uncertainty, and the collected data is usually the BEST (least uncertain) of the three dimensions. But you can learn about that some other day. 🙂

              “All data is calibrated” — do you have any idea to WHAT it is calibrated? I suspect not. 😉 It’s not as nice and clean as you think. Not in this field of science.

              1. “do you have any idea to WHAT it is calibrated?” – MrPete

                Your question is just gibberish.

                “”Raw data is the basis of all measurement” — that’s actually incorrect ” – MrPete

                Since any measurement produces raw data, your contradiction is simply childish.

                I don’t think there is anything else to your response that can be responded to.

                1. If it is gibberish to you, that simply means you don’t know what you are talking about.

                  “Calibration” means to carefully match to some kind of standard. I was asking if you knew to what the satellite data is calibrated. There’s no such thing as calibrating to nothing… or to itself.

                  To claim the satellite data is “calibrated” is actually the gibberish. It has zero meaning except in the context of the standard to which it is calibrated.

                    1. Oh, I’m not at all humiliated. I happen to know where this is going.

                      So, now that you’ve learned a little more about the calibration methods, and once you read more to recognize that what you just wrote is again meaningless (ensuring raw radiation counts are about right is the easy part as you’re about to see)… why don’t you find out just how accurate these calibrations are… even for INTER-satellite measures, not to mention ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE measures of real-world temp.
                      Here’s a link to the actual methods and results. I’ll make your job easy; this link is in the document you shared:
                      Go visit the discussion of the graphs on page 37. Consider the fact that prior to the most recent new inter-satellite calibration methods, they recorded disagreements of 1-2C just between satellites. Now, very impressively, they have improved that by 10x to 0.1-0.2C. (Truly IS impressive work. I love what these guys do… which is why it is frustrating to see people like you misinterpret them so badly.)

                      And then, on top of uncertainty in the calibrated satellite values, we have uncertainty w/ respect to the real world data. And even bigger (visible in the graphs you shared) is uncertainty due to the way the climate itself works. Notice how the global temp varies both UP and DOWN by as much as 1C year to year, NOT due to seasons but due to longer term non-human factors? Our models don’t predict such things. And we don’t necessarily know what they are for years or decades or centuries.

                      That’s why it makes zero sense to compare the temp on the graph from two given years or even a short trend. Most climate scientists would say that any trend of less than about 20 years is useless for understanding climate. There are just too many unknown/undefined variables.

                    2. Here is what the author of your own reference says about his own data.

                      Measurement Errors:

                      As a data scientist, I am among the first to acknowledge that all climate
                      datasets likely contain some errors. However, I have a hard time believing
                      that both the satellite and the surface temperature datasets have errors large
                      enough to account for the model/observation differences. For example, the
                      global trend uncertainty (2-sigma) for the global TLT trend is around 0.03 K/
                      decade (Mears et al. 2011). Even if 0.03 K/decade were added to the best-
                      estimate trend value of 0.123 K/decade, it would still be at the extreme low
                      end of the model trends. A similar, but stronger case can be made using
                      surface temperature datasets, which I consider to be more reliable than
                      satellite datasets (they certainly agree with each other better than the
                      various satellite datasets do!). So I don’t think the problem can be explained
                      fully by measurement errors.” – Carl Mears – RSS Systems

                      “Some of the interannual wiggles are bigger in RSS, and since 1998 or something
                      like that, we’re showing less [warming] than the surface datasets. I suspect
                      that’s at least partly due to a problem in our dataset, probably having to do
                      with the [time-of-day] correction. It could be an error in the surface datasets,
                      but the evidence suggests that they’re more reliable than the satellite
                      datasets,” – Carl Mears – RSS Systems

                    3. Here is what the author of your own reference says about Global Warming..

                      “We’ve done numerous papers with Ben Santer from [Lawrence Livermore National
                      Laboratory], where he’s compared the patterns that we see to the patterns that
                      the climate models predict, and we’ve shown that without including greenhouse
                      gas changes in the climate models, you cannot get the amount of warming that we
                      see,” – Carl Mears – RSS Systems

        12. ALL of them, idiot.
          They lie for grant & budget money. Global Warming is a crock of shite, the

          University of East Anglia gave up the ghost on this years ago…

        13. The satellite data for the last 20 years, moron.
          Drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park or NASA you can make “scientists” say anything you want not unlike crack hoes.

          1. “The satellite data” – SoCalMike

            Here is the satellite record – UAH.

            Looks like a lot of warming has been going on….

            The current UAH satellite record shows global average temperatures 0.93’C above the 1979 average.

            Awww.. Poor you.

          1. “Wall Street Journal”

            1. Wall Street Journal science
            2. Page Unavailable
            3. 99.5% of scientists know global warming is real and anthropogenic.
            You claim a survey that has a different question.
            4. Meteorologists Scientists.

            Here is a meteorologist.

        14. I don’t think the majority are lying, just lazy and cowardly. It’s much easier to run with the crowd, like a bunch of high school kids who want to fit in.

          1. And they are lying too. There are really very few honest scientist, the rest are just PAY PROSTITUTES that parrot and read the GOVERNMENT script in order to keep the TAX PAYERS money flowing to their banks accounts.

        15. The ones on the government payroll. The ones who know they better toe the line or get kicked off the gravy train. Why are scientists on the government payroll any more credible than the other government entities that you shills dismiss?

        16. All of them answer to the globalist elite who want to control the populace through their lies and taxes. Of course you’d expect the ultra rich elite to be able to get all these groups to take their side and spread the propaganda. Money talks, and the globalist elite have one hell of a lot of money and influence.

          I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me.
          –George Carlin

        17. That’s an outstanding list of people that capitalize off of this pseudoscience!

          Of course we’re in a heating trend headed towards the next ice age.

          Overall though, the trend is getting cooler.

          Study some climatology will ya?!?

        18. That’s a nice partial list. All of them are lying. They’re paid to lie. You’re pitiful. Read the actual scientific facts, not phony political statements by a bunch of conspirators. Note the number of RECONSTRUCTION terms in your comment. You really should shut up. We’ve all heard more than enough of these lies.

        19. C’mon, don’t you know by now that “man-made” global warming is a scam? Even the UN so much as admitted it’s a cash grab meant to redistribute the wealth to poorer countries. Just look at the countries still using coal – the US being one of them. If the globe were in such dire straits, we’d have to come up with something a lot more relevant and useful than carbon taxing prosperous countries!

        20. Yup.
          And NOAA was caught changing base date.
          NASA is not made up of climate scientists.
          No climate model has ever worked.
          But you are making Al Gore even richer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        21. Yup, just accept what you’re told by people that proclaim themselves to be smarter than you, have no irons in the fire (other than the trillions of dollars governments worldwide pour into their ‘research’, AKA salaries) and have nothing but your best interests in mind. If they were so damn right, why would they want so-called deniers arrested and jailed? Do you not understand the history lesson of Galileo being persecuted by the Church, because even though the ‘science was settle then’ that the Earth was the center of the universe, and everything revolved around the Earth, it turned out that he WAS right, unlike the mindless minions that went along with the 97% at that time? If you don’t have the intellectual capacity to recognize that so many issues in our past were settled because 97% of the experts said so, then were later proven wrong, I hold no positive hope for you. You should be at least ashamed of yourself for following without knowledge and more so, ashamed of commenting as though you were enlightened, when clearly you’re not. Please, enjoy your bliss.

        22. Argue scientifically all you want, at the end of the day, the tell is in government, not science. Even if the science is truth, governments are long-nosed liars and hypocrites clearly demonstrating that they care for the environment in the same way they do economies. That is to say, no matter what they claim needs to be done, they will destroy it and feed themselves.

          You can’t explain away the uncommitted efforts of a global summit of impotent leaders who fail their own position and claims with ineffectual policies in respect to their claims about CC, i.e. they’re not even tackling the issue or showing seriousness at any significant level.

          You also wouldn’t be able to explain away the very real likelihood that Antarctica is being primed for multi-national penetration for her non-renewable resources (oil, coal, fish, etc.). That is to say, in the same century that the planet should have already passed multiple apocalyptic climate rubicons that haven’t taken place, the last, most preserved place on the planet could likely be the next California gold rush, raped of resources to feed an ever-expanding population and further develop, i.e. destroy the environment.

          If you want more people to actually take this grade-school science garbage seriously, show that liberal, environmentally-friendly governments are run by people with more intelligence, sense, and ethics than pathogens.

        23. Professor David R. Legates, PHD
          Professor of geography and former director of the Center for climatic research at the University of Delaware former Delaware state climatologist coordinator of the Delaware geographic alliance and associate director of the Delaware space grant consortium author of peer reviewed papers published in the international Journal of climatology the bulletin of the American meteorological Society and other journals.

          Quote: “Recently my colleagues and I closely examined the ‘blade’ of Mann’s latest temperature reconstruction (Geophysical Research Letters, February 2004). According to the IPCC 2001 and many other published sources, the earth formed only .6°C (1°F) during the 20th century. However, that contrasts sharply with the most recent reconstruction by Mann and Jones which shows warming over the last century of .95°C (1.5°F), a temperature rise more than 50% larger than the IPCC claims. Mann’s warming estimate has grown substantially over the last couple of years apparently to accommodate his continuing claim that the 1990s were the warmest decade of the last two millennia, but we found that the blade of the hockey stick could not be reproduced using either the same techniques as Mann and Jones or other common statistical techniques. Since reproducibility is a hallmark of scientific inquiry and the blade does not represent the observed climate record, it is unreliable.

          A review of the data shows that these claims are untenable. Mann’s research is clearly the outlier. Consider that if 1) the amount of Uncertainty is doubled (an appropriate representation of the ‘sheath’), 2) appropriate 20th century increases in observed air temperature are applied (a correct representation of the ‘blade’), or 3) the period from A.D. 200 to 1900 correctly reproduces millennial scale variability (a reliable representation of the ‘shaft’), then one can have no confidence in the claim that the 1990s are the warmest decade of the last two millennia. The assertions of Mann and his colleagues and consequently the IPCC are open to question if even one component of their temperature reconstruction is in error, let alone all three!” end quote

        24. I remember reading articles 7 or 8 years ago stating that children now alive would grow up with no experience of snow. They would never see it, feel it or walk in it. Were the “experts” wrong?!

        25. And every single one of those institutions is receiving money for saying that.

          They have no more scientific credibility than doctors doing commercials for cigarettes in the 1950s. “My doctor recommends Chesterfields!”

          And it’s hilarious that you are so close minded that you post that in a story about an unusually cold and snowy winter. Who is lying? The snow or the people receiving those grant$?

        26. the short answer–“Yes”.
          The facts are that this bunch of liars started with an assumed political position instead of an hypothesis, then; they created computer models which they programmed to crunch the self-selected data input into the desired political result.
          Viola! global warming (now global ‘climate change’ became real for Vendicar and other sheep and politicians. Beginning with the false hockey stick graph and continuing through today’s altered surface temperature readings (from the past record and the current observations)–actually falsifying/changing evidence to fit the narrative it’s getting warmer than in the past. Unfortunately, the scientific method of gathering facts to test an hypothesis to a verifiable conclusion which can be replicated or tested by another scientist did not happen in this case; instead, the political lie has gained a life of its own, supported by the likes of Vendicar and his blind ilk.


        28. The “scientists” lying would be the ones who got caught cooking the books on historical global temperature records and had to admit to the world what they did to support their “global warming” agenda, which was never about weather to begin with.

          Only the sheep among us still believe the “global warming” myth, which in reality is the most massive international wealth redistribution scheme ever concocted by man.

        29. Give it up. Your position on man-made ‘global warming’ has been proven false over and over and over. The holdouts are so compromised by their need for research dollars that their continued bleatings about an impending rise in ocean levels and global temperature increases have become laughable. I mean, your first big red flag should have been the classification of CO2 as a pollutant, lol.

          1. Yea, it’s not essential for life to exist on the Earth or anything is it? These climate police mean well but they have been indoctrinated into believing a false truth…

          1. “living on Government Grant money” – Fritz

            There are 250,000 medical scientists in the U.S. about the same number of physical scientists, and about 120,000 mathematicians.

            About 80,000 work in the private sector.

            8 percent of all scientists are Republicans.

            1. These Climate change hacks are nothing but scientific frauds living on Government grant money. The data in their models are nothing more than attempts to increase their income using smoke and mirrors.

              1. Poor Mentally Ill Fritz.

                Which scientists are lying?

                The Scientists at NASA?

                The Scientists at the NOAA?

                The Scientists at the MET who produce the Hadcrut temperature reconstruction?

                The Scientists at BEST who produce the BEST temperature reconstruction?

                The Scientists at JMO who produce the JMO temperature reconstruction?

                The Scientists who produce the UAH satellite temperature reconstruction?

                The Scientists who produce the RSS satellite temperature reconstruction?


                Here is the satellite record.

                Did you denialist loons spend years claiming that the satellite record showed no warming?

                Ahahahahahahah… Loooooons.

                1. “There is no way that we can predict the weather six months ahead beyond giving the seasonal average” — Stephen Hawking
                  I’ll stick with Stephens assessment of your questionable data Mr Moonbeam. Unless you are foolish enough to question his intelligent.

                  1. “There is no way that we can predict the weather six months ahead” – Fritz

                    Correct. That is why the models produce a statistical estimate of regional climates, not weather.

                    Poor Fritz. He still can’t figure out the difference between climate and weather.

                    1. Hey Ding Dong boy, I’ll stick with the smart guys thinking regarding statistics. They dont seem to have a left-wing global warming agenda!

                      There are lies, damned lies and statistics. Mark Twain

                      Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable. Mark Twain

                      An unsophisticated forecaster uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts – for support rather than for illumination. Andrew Lang

                      There are two kinds of statistics, the kind you look up and the kind you make up. Rex Stout

                      If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment. Ernest Rutherford

                    2. Statistics is the grammar of science.

                      Karl Pearson

                      Statistical analysis in cases involving small numbers can be particularly helpful because on many occasions intuition can be highly misleading.

                      Sandy Zabell, Statistics, a Guide to the Unknown (third ed)

                      Statistics … is the most important science in the whole world, for upon it depends the practical application of every other (science) and of every art.

                      To understand God’s thoughts we must study statistics, for these are the measure of His purpose.

                      Florence Nightengale (1820-1910)

                    3. “Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
                      Those who count the votes decide everything.” ; Joe Stalin

                      If you think about it, votes or very similar to climate data models and so called environmental scientists are like the vote counters. Building models to prove an agenda of the wackos that pays for their grants. If you were truly honest you would try to list the so called environmentalist wack-jobs that didn’t life off of our tax money. But see all you can do is try to officiate and camouflage your screw ball ideas, but then again that is what liberal ding dongs like you are good for in the end huh?

        30. Not all of them – only the “climate scientists”. They clearly have a motive to lie do they not? Most would have no job anywhere if the truth was told that more CO2 and warmth are good for all life. There are no private sector jobs in climate science – their careers would END and they know that.

      2. This global warming/change are nothing more than a bunch of CHARLATANS that to keep fooling the people are CONTAMINATING the atmosphere with CHEMTRAIL WHEATER CONTROL GEOENGINERING to increment the planet temp by the GREENHOUSE EFFECT, concentrating the normal global heat that normally dissipate into space, IN the PLANET ATMOSPHERE…Has you notice that we DO NOT HAVE BLUE SKY ANY MORE?, now it is WHITE, look up and you will see the CHEMTRAIL MILITARY AIRPLANES SPRAYING THE ATMOSPHERE.

          1. I live in Florida and remember the BLUE SKY years ago, now EVERY DAY those MILITARY airplanes are SPRAYING THE SKY painting it WHITE, THERE IS NO MORE BLUE SKY IN FLORIDA, thank to the CRIMINAL CHEMTRAIL WEATHER CONTROL GEOENGINERING PROGRAM.

            1. Good thing because those bright skies are reflecting sunlight back into space.

              Imagine how much warmer it would be if all that sunlight reached the earth’s surface.


        1. No, no no.. The chemicals are being put into the air to lower your IQ.

          You are being turned into a farm animal. Because you are a member of the inferior class.

        1. Republicans have already made your country a third world hell hole.

          That has been their goal since Ronald Reagan was elected.

          And you were stupid enough to vote for them, weren’t you?

          Ahahahahahahaha…… Loser.

                1. “my .room mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet.”….

                  two days ago new Mc.Laren. F1 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month .,3-5 h/r of work a days ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Hereo!160➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsJobs/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:::::o!160………..

                  1. Nice prostitution, Leslie!

                    It’s far less offensive than the prostitution in the article…

                    “Marc Morano is the executive director and chief correspondent of ClimateDepot.com, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Morano is also the Communications Director at CFACT, a conservative think-tank in Washington D.C. that has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations associated with Richard Mellon Scaife. According to 2011 IRS Forms, Morano was the highest paid staff member with a salary of $150,000 per year. Morano’s blog Climate Depot regularly publishes articles questioning man-made global warming.”


                2. “Easily one of the top-ten South Park episodes.”

                  I see the problem!

                  You’re getting your science information from South Park instead of scientists.

                  If you know your well-being is at stake, why would you be doing that?

                  “2015 Unambiguously the Hottest Year on Record… 2015 set the record with 99.996% confidence.”


                  1. I’m willing to bet you $10,000 1:1 odds that I’m not queer.

                    Send you address so that we can make the bet formal.

                    I’m waiting.

                    1. So you are too much of a coward to take the bet that you just offered.

                      That makes you a liar and a fool for offering it in the first place.

                      Typical Scumbag Republican.

            1. There are statistics and then there are d@mn statistics. You got a cherry picker there. One tiny place on earth; for a a fraction of the total life of the planet.

              1. “You got a cherry picker ” – Konsersatysia

                The following graphic shows the global mean rise in ocean level.

                It’s even worse.

            2. That’s Atlantic City…the ocean isn’t rising, it’s all the concrete casinos and fat tourists compacting it into the ocean floor.

              “Blubber Warming”

            3. Golly, it was rising between 1910 and 1940.

              Before any significant CO2 releases.

              So man ISN’T causing any of this. Thanks for the proof.

            4. Oh no…the ocean has risen almost 1.8 decimeters in the past 106 years…whatever will we do? This is statistically insignificant and if they follow the typical methodologies that the climate nazis have followed since the early 1980’s, the measurements were all taken at high tide.

              1. “Oh no…the ocean has risen almost 1.8 decimeters in the past 106 years…whatever will we do?” – Chuck Darney

                The world is currently struggling to accept a couple of million refugees from Syria.

                What do you intend to do with the 150 million people who live in Bangladesh who are close to being displaced from their country by rising ocean levels?

              1. Joannenova.com doesn’t provide a vertical scale for her sea level changes. Are the units in inches? Feet? Meters? Kilometers?

                The following graph shows the change in ocean levels for one of her islands – Kirbati, and the units on the vertical scale is shown to be 100 millimeters per subdivision


                I eyeball this as a rise of about 50 mm since 1950. or about 1mm per year.

                How strongly the regional land masses are rising is unknown however.

                  1. All three of the plots above show a rise measured in mm. But since the horizontal scale is in meters, it isn’t readily apparent.

                    1. IOW, it is not apparent at scales of significance. Only at mM accuracy can any trend be teased out. However, mM measurement probably varies by who measures it and when. IOW if it were given that there was absolutely zero change in sea level, would a blinded researcher report the exact same level in mM every time? I doubt it.

                    2. The single location that the scientifically illiterate dachshund presents doesn’t show a dangerous rise in sea level. But then it isn’t representative of the average global rise.

                      A rise that looks like this…. 8 CM since 1990 and accelerating.

                  2. “Rubbish!” – Danceswithdachunds

                    Note the horizontal blue line that runs from 6800-20 to 6800+30.

                    Poor dances. He just can’t manage to read graphs. Children can.

                    1. Yes, children can read graphs prepared for children.
                      What IS the 0.0 meter line? Is that the presumed “baseline” sea level?
                      How do the huge changes in lower Manhattan effect local sea level? And what IF sea level rose such a minuscule amount?

                    2. Adults should be capable of reading graphs prepared for children as well.

                      Danceswithdachunds linked to a graph that shows an upward trend to support his case that ocean levels were falling – the opposite case.

                      His ignorance is astonishing, I’m sure you agree.

                    3. The rise shown above is about 0.5 meters.

                      Through what torrent of illogic do you conclude that such a rise is minuscule?

                      My guess is that you don’t know what a meter is.

                  3. OMG the oceans are drying up due to warming. Seriously there are no gauges that measure sea level to millimeter accuracy. There is no set sea level. Surely it is always in flux as evaporation and rainfall rises and falls. Tides come in and go out and vary in amplitude both locally and over the course of the month. Non-active volcanic islands are always being eroded. Lands deflate and sink or inflate and rise due to tectonic forces.
                    mM changes are nonsensical on the face of it.

                    1. You’re right and that’s probably why they measure in meters on that Funafuti gauge. That big dip in 1998 was from the wind caused by the strong El Nino that pushed water away from the island back then. It happened again a little in 2010 and it’s happening again now with the current strong El Nino.

                      Eyeballing that chart the island has barely seen ANY net sea level rise at all in over 20 years! But that doesn’t stop the islanders from holding out their hands begging for a UN handout to “save them” from “climate change”…

            5. Statics like people can be tortured and will tell you anything!
              Also How many dollars in Government grant money was used in the making of that chart?

              1. Fritz – “How many dollars of government grant money”

                About the same amount of money that is expended in the U.S. military budget over 6 hours.

                Why do you ask?

                    1. Now you are claiming to be a Shrink as well as a Climate expert too? Does the hospital staff know your off your meds? I understand they really get upset with you when you draw your climate models on the walls there with your crayons.

                    2. The extent and nature of your mental illness is obvous Fritz.

                      You should seek the assistance of a psychologist immediately. There are chemical treatments for your condition.

            6. Atlantic City is single location.
              Perhaps the apparent sea level rise is due to subsidence.
              Perhaps the water channels have been narrowed.
              That apparent sea level rise of 0.45 meters in 100 years must have seemed like a tsunami. People had so little time to prepare for the udder destruction.

              1. “Perhaps the apparent sea level rise is due to subsidence”. – JohnFlob

                That is why satellites that are designed to measure altitude, are used.

                Here is what the satellites tell us.

                1. Subsidence IS a change in relative altitude.
                  Why is the “reported submersion” limited to Atlantic City. Sounds like a local problem.

                  Are you next going to blame the frequent sink holes in central Florida on rising sea levels too instead of the depletion of the aquifers? What about the subsidence in Venus Italy.

                  We can send all the million of people from Bangladesh to the same places we have sent the million of refugees from the 1,000’s of submerged island nations. Or they could simply be relocated further inland IF Bangladesh is flooded. How many decades have we been warned of the immediate inundation of sea level flooding refugees?

              2. “People had so little time to prepare for the udder destruction.” – Flob

                How many years do you think it will take to evacuate 156 million people from Bangladesh?

                Where are you going to put them?

                  1. Boston has never held 150 million people. In fact the evacuation your graph illustrates represents only a few thousand people at best and spans a period of over 200 years.

                    My goodness you are a Kook.

                    How do you intend to evacuate the 150 million people in Bangladesh?

                    Where do you intend to put them?

                1. If sea level were to rise mMs the Bangladeshis would gradually abandon areas where brackish water interfered with their agriculture.
                  Increasing salinity may also be due to damning the several great rivers that empty in this vast delta.

              1. “faked data” – Mine

                And you know it’s faked because it doesn’t tell you what you want to hear.

                You are the kind of person who insists that the Illuminati have stolen your money because the bank won’t recognize your claim to money that you never deposited.


                1. LOL. I can’t imagine how you will react when you find out that I own the bank. LMAO. The evidence of faked data has already circled the world. Poor little child, you can stop crying when you finally realize that you have been duped. Now run along little boy, run along.

            7. Notice that the rise is essentially linear – not unusual, but CO2 has accelerated massively during the same time period – over 30%!!!

              Do you see ANY acceleration in the rate of Sea-Level rise. Do you think CO2 has ANY affect on Sea-Level rise rate increase? As SLR is linear over the 100 years, and CO2 rise is exponential over the same period, you know where to place your bets when you visit!!!

              1. But The climate God AlGore told us all that the sea levels are going to rise by 20 feet by 2100 in his nobel prize winning docudrama. He had scary graphics showing how florida, sf, ca, London, new York city et al were going to flood. then there was his computer generated polar bear suffering in its computer generated world. How can this possibly not be true? There was a computer animation to prove it!!!
                Who cares about the tiny details like how much actual latent heat it would take to cause that much ice to melt in 95 years. Something like a 40 C increase in global temps in 5 years to do that. a 8 C increase would requires 1000s of years to melt enough ice to make the sea levels rise 40 feet. Damn details.

                1. Greenland ice melting faster than scientists thought, sea-level rise underestimated, study says

                  ” the new Nature study, which leaned on advanced computer models and an improved understanding of the processes that have affected sea-level rise in the past, concluded that sea-level rise from Antarctic contributions alone could exceed a full meter by the year 2100 in a high greenhouse gas emissions scenario.”


                  And that is just Greenland. The Antarctic is contributing an additional 50 cubic kilometers of water to the ocean per year, and that rate if melt is increasing as well.

                  1. Hmmm…. Ever wonder why Greenland is called Greenland? Could it be that it was once green and vikings farmed grain crops on it in the very recent geological past? Then it got cold and froze over. And now we’re still coming out of that little ice age and it’s warming up again. Meanwhile AlGore predicted an ice free Arctic by 2013 and Antarctica is supposed to be melting at an alarming rate to raise the sea levels instead if growing the continental ice mass.

                    AlGore predicted a sea level rise of 20 feet by 2100. Impossible due to the latent heat required to melt that much ice that fast. Instead we have a prediction of less than a few inches by 2100. Hardly catastrophic and even that prediction is not even coming to fruition. Go smoke more of your magic dust and keep believing in your fantasy religion.

                    1. “Hmmm…. Ever wonder why Greenland is called Greenland?” – jburr36

                      It was so named to trick dupes like you into going there.

                      You are the fool who is born every minute.

                    2. yet vikings farmed grain there in places where there wasn’t so much ice as it is now.. Dupes like you think the world’s climate history began the day you were born. As if there was no climate history before then.

                      Oh well. This must be inconvenient for your AGW religion:

                      “NASA data shows Arctic was warmer in the 1930’s and warmed 75% faster”


                      Then there’s this:

                      “Cache of historical Arctic sea ice maps discovered”


                      Hmm… the arctic ice seems to melt and recover in cycles? Say it ain’t so. Such heresy.

              2. The issue is whether warming causes massive glacier melt and it’s clear by now that they missed the “rest of the story” – warmer temperature brings more precipitation causing more snow at high elevation. So while many low altitude glaciers are receding thanks to warmer temperature, high altitude glaciers are growing because of more snow.

                Every part of their doom agenda is one sided whether it is to hide the benefits of warming and more CO2 or hide the stability of high altitude glaciers such as in Antarctica and Greenland which are both currently GAINING mass.

                  1. Typical false information from a cartoonist clown. Here is the actual current SCIENTIFIC data as opposed to lies on his entertainment web site.



                    Even at the peak of the Eemian optimum – Greenland’s high altitude ice remained despite global temperature FIVE degrees higher than it is now! That essentially BLOWS AWAY your lame alarmism that Greenland s somehow quickly melting away right now.

                    In Alaska several high altitude glaciers are ADVANCING just as I stated such as this one- http://www.glacierresearch.com/locations/hubbard/data.html

                    Even one glacier in CALIFORNIA is growing! http://www.foxnews.com/story/2008/07/09/mysterious-california-glaciers-keep-growing-despite-warming.html

                    Your glacier melt alarmism is most easily confirmed as false by sea level rate = no sign of acceleration in 20 years http://sealevel.colorado.edu/content/2016rel1-global-mean-sea-level-time-series-seasonal-signals-retained

                    1. Dances provides a description free plot of something that has a duration of 5 months above and 1 year + 5 months below.

                      He things this means something.

                      Climate is defined over 30 year intervals.

                    2. What is shown is a model output, and not measurement.

                      From your own site…

                      “The snow and ice model from one of DMI’s climate models is driven every six hours with snowfall, sunlight and other parameters from a research weather model for Greenland, Hirlam-Newsnow.”

                      I thought you denialist kooks hated models.

                      But I guess you only hate them when they don’t tell you what you want to hear.


                      Your graph extends over 1.6 years. Climate is defined over 30 years or more.


                    3. “What is shown is a model output, and not measurement.” –

                      BZZZZT! Guess what Einstein , the GRACE data is ALSO a modeled product! — ftp://ftp.csr.utexas.edu/pub/grace/GGM03/GGM03_Notes.pdf

                      Yours might be the most convoluted reply I’ve ever had! Do you expect
                      someone to go there and WEIGH the snow and ice? The snow and ice accumulation measurements are REAL DATA – the mass calculation from those HAS TO BE modeled!

                      “Your graph extends over 1.6 years. Climate is defined over 30 years or more.”= STRAW MAN It wasn’t intended to “define” a climate trend,merely refute your SKS kidz map which is only 6 years BTW not 30.


                    4. Get your hockey stick checked nobody wants in on your sick global warming cultic religion

                    5. Which hockey stick? There are now several dozen of them, all produced with different data, using different methods and done by different scientists.

                      Be specific, rotard.

              3. “essentially linear” – tomwys

                The data shows your claim to be false. There is an upward acceleration that makes the plot of ocean level over time concave downward.

                If your Denialist eyes can’t see it, then just put a piece of paper across the end points and note how non-linear your claimed “essentially linear” trend is.

                The ocean has tremendous thermal inertia. This is why Global climate change takes place over periods of hundreds of years.

                Ocean temperature equilibrium will not be reached with the Current CO2 levels for several hundred years.

                So the CO2 that is emitted today is going to continue to raise global temperatures for hundreds of years.

                  1. Your plot shows a line that moves to the right and up.

                    That upward slope represents a rise, not a fall as you have just claimed.

                    You clearly don’t know how to read a graph.

                    Yes. You are that stupid.

            8. “Rise of sea levels is ‘the greatest lie ever told’ ”


              “One of his most shocking discoveries was why the IPCC has been able to
              show sea levels rising by 2.3mm a year. Until 2003, even its own
              satellite-based evidence showed no upward trend. But suddenly the graph
              tilted upwards because the IPCC’s favoured experts had drawn on the
              finding of a single tide-gauge in Hong Kong harbour showing a 2.3mm
              rise. The entire global sea-level projection was then adjusted upwards
              by a “corrective factor” of 2.3mm, because, as the IPCC scientists
              admitted, they “needed to show a trend”.”

              You look mentally ill to me.

              1. “Until 2003, even its own satellite-based evidence showed no upward trend. But suddenly the graph tilted upwards” – jburr36

                The data doesn’t corroborate your fantasy story.

                When it comes to denialism, it never does.

                No zero trend before 2003. Why do you feel a need to lie about it?

                Are you mentally ill?

                1. Your data is manufactured. That’s why it doesn’t corroborate with the detailed information reported by expert scientists who contributed to the article I linked.

                  It’s obvious you didn’t even read the article considering you are going off on me like I wrote it. Obviously you are mentally ill.

                  1. “That’s why it doesn’t corroborate with the detailed information reported by expert scientists who contributed to the article I linked.” – jburr36

                    You didn’t link to an article written by expert scientists.

                    You linked to a story written by a well known kook, and published in a British tabloid.

                    Other articles from your newspaper source.

                    Spectacular ‘UFO clouds’ spotted over Cape Town
                    Mysterious UFO sightings around the world – five best
                    UFO’ crashes onto road in West London
                    UFO files: Is Bonnybridge in Scotland the UFO capital of the world?
                    UFO files: Lancaster bomber seen with mystery UFO
                    UFO photographed over Devon
                    UFO Files: top 10 UFO sightings
                    UFO spotted hovering in Hertfordshire
                    UFO filmed over Bristol

                    Do you believe your own source?


          1. “it’s under water Fiscally.” – agcala

            You are right, Denialists are fiscally, intellectually and morally bankrupt people.

      3. Which scientists are lying?

        The Scientists at NASA?

        The Scientists at the NOAA?

        The Scientists at the MET who produce the Hadcrut temperature reconstruction?

        The Scientists at BEST who produce the BEST temperature reconstruction?

        The Scientists at JMO who produce the JMO temperature reconstruction?

        The Scientists who produce the UAH satellite temperature reconstruction?

        The Scientists who produce the RSS satellite temperature reconstruction?


            1. You are a dumb one. Al Gore said 10 years ago that the planet would burn up in 10 years. Are we still here, you stupid freak???????????

        1. LOL. And I am so glad Rush took the Algore up on his ten year “we are going to burn up” global warming prediction as televised by CBS News and corroborated by Larry David and Larry’s then wife etal. As you probably know the Algore Doomsday Clock ran out in January.
          Global warming is not a climatological issue but rather a spiritual issue about man’s narcissism. Man is too puny a creature to even reach up and touch the thermostat. As you well know, the switch is only accessed by a very large hand reaching from above (not to mention the sun).
          For a really funny take on global warming’s foolishness YouTube “George Carlin Global Warming”. Warning :NSFW.

            1. The nonsense comes from the Algore himself. Gore said just over ten years ago that we had just ten years before global warming would be out of control. The seas would rise, there would be unbearable heat (aside: perhaps the Hillabitch IS feeling this on the emails thing but I digress), etc.etc. As I indicated, CBS covered this. If you are less than ten years old then you missed it. OK.
              But, the Davids also gave an interview corroborating the speech. Rush just took Mr. Snippy up on his own words.
              Now perhaps you are really just attempting to punk us all here. Actually, I will concede that when Algore got into trouble sexually pestering that masseuse in Oregon one could make an argument that at that moment Algore experienced global warming in his shorts.

            2. Here’s how CBS reported it:10 plus years ago

              “The former vice president came to town for the premiere
              of “An Inconvenient Truth,” a documentary chronicling what has become
              his crusade since losing the 2000 presidential election: Educating the
              masses that global warming is about to toast our ecology and our way of

          1. Al Gore and the Internet

            By Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf

            Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development.

            No one person or even small group of persons exclusively “invented” the Internet. It is the result of many years of ongoing collaboration among people in government and the university community. But as the two people who designed the basic architecture and the core protocols that make the Internet work, we would like to acknowledge VP Gore’s contributions as a Congressman, Senator and as Vice President. No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution over a longer period of time.

            Last year the Vice President made a straightforward statement on his role. He said: “During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” We don’t think, as some people have argued, that Gore intended to claim he “invented” the Internet. Moreover, there is no question in our minds that while serving as Senator, Gore’s initiatives had a significant and beneficial effect on the still-evolving Internet. The fact of the matter is that Gore was talking about and promoting the Internet long before most people were listening. We feel it is timely to offer our perspective.

            As far back as the 1970s Congressman Gore promoted the idea of high speed telecommunications as an engine for both economic growth and the improvement of our educational system. He was the first elected official to grasp the potential of computer communications to have a broader impact than just improving the conduct of science and scholarship. Though easily forgotten, now, at the time this was an unproven and controversial concept. Our work on the Internet started in 1973 and was based on even earlier work that took place in the mid-late 1960s. But the Internet, as we know it today, was not deployed until 1983. When the Internet was still in the early stages of its deployment, Congressman Gore provided intellectual leadership by helping create the vision of the potential benefits of high speed computing and communication. As an example, he sponsored hearings on how advanced technologies might be put to use in areas like coordinating the response of government agencies to natural disasters and other crises.

            As a Senator in the 1980s Gore urged government agencies to consolidate what at the time were several dozen different and unconnected networks into an “Interagency Network.” Working in a bi-partisan manner with officials in Ronald Reagan and George Bush’s administrations, Gore secured the passage of the High Performance Computing and Communications Act in 1991. This “Gore Act” supported the National Research and Education Network (NREN) initiative that became one of the major vehicles for the spread of the Internet beyond the field of computer science.

            As Vice President Gore promoted building the Internet both up and out, as well as releasing the Internet from the control of the government agencies that spawned it. He served as the major administration proponent for continued investment in advanced computing and networking and private sector initiatives such as Net Day. He was and is a strong proponent of extending access to the network to schools and libraries. Today, approximately 95% of our nation’s schools are on the Internet. Gore provided much-needed political support for the speedy privatization of the Internet when the time arrived for it to become a commercially-driven operation.

            There are many factors that have contributed to the Internet’s rapid growth since the later 1980s, not the least of which has been political support for its privatization and continued support for research in advanced networking technology. No one in public life has been more intellectually engaged in helping to create the climate for a thriving Internet than the Vice President. Gore has been a clear champion of this effort, both in the councils of government and with the public at large.

            The Vice President deserves credit for his early recognition of high speed computing and communication and for his long-term and consistent articulation of the potential value of the Internet to American citizens and industry and, indeed, to the rest of the world.

              1. Yup, it was. It was arpanet. Limited to military and university communication.

                Gore took the initiative to open that network to public access, and provide a means of commercializing it, thereby creating what is now known as the internet.

                You should heed the words of Vint Cerf in the above article.

                Vint Cerf

                Widely known as a “Father of the Internet,” Cerf is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet. In December 1997, President Bill Clinton presented the U.S. National Medal of Technology to Cerf and his colleague, Robert E. Kahn, for founding and developing the Internet. In 2004, Cerf was the recipient of the ACM Alan M. Turing award (sometimes called the “Nobel Prize of Computer Science”) and in 2005 he was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George Bush.

                – See more at: http://internethalloffame.org/inductees/vint-cerf#sthash.kqgZoRQ1.dpuf

              1. One of the authors of the above article was Vint Cerf…

                Vint Cerf

                Widely known as a “Father of the Internet,” Cerf is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet. In December 1997, President Bill Clinton presented the U.S. National Medal of Technology to Cerf and his colleague, Robert E. Kahn, for founding and developing the Internet. In 2004, Cerf was the recipient of the ACM Alan M. Turing award (sometimes called the “Nobel Prize of Computer Science”) and in 2005 he was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George Bush.

                – Internet Hall of Fame.

                – See more at: http://internethalloffame.org/inductees/vint-cerf#sthash.kqgZoRQ1.dpuf

          1. Yup. Gore is right on. His claim in the video is that some models of ice melt show that there is a 70 percent chance that summer ice will be gone in the Arctic in 5 to 7 years.

            Piomass provides a measure of Arctic ice volume. Here is the trend.


            The arctic is losing about 3,000 cubic kilometers of ice per decade.

            The total ice volume can be seen here. Note that at a minimum now, ice volume is around 4,000 cubic kilometers.

            So a linear projection is a total loss of summer ice in just over 1 decade.

            Ice melt is non-linear though so it will certainly come earlier.

            5 to 7 years is a reasonable estimate. But does it differ in any significant way from the assured 7 to 10 years?

            I don’t think so.


          [COURTESY: CAPT Les Horn, USN (Ret)]

          My name is Ed Coet. I am a retired US Army Intelligence Officer. In my last job in the army I was the Chief of the Human Intelligence Branch for the US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany. In that capacity I was also the Designated Program Manager for a Special Access Program (SAP) like the SAP that Hillary Clinton is alleged to have compromised in the most recent State Department Inspector General report to congress and which has been widely reported in the news. Here is what I personally know about SAP’s and what I can attest to in an unclassified forum:

          1. The names of each SAP are themselves classified Top Secret because the information within the SAP are far and above Top Secret.

          2. SAP’s are so sensitive that even people who have security clearances giving them access to Top Secret Sensitive Compartment Information (TS SCI), an enormously high security clearance level, cannot have accesses to a SAP’s unless they receive a special indoctrination into the SAP based on an operational “must know” that exceeds all other “need to know” standards.

          3. Being “read on” for a SAP is far more then acknowledging in writing that you have been briefed on the SAP. It is an in-depth “indoctrination” into the given SAP, and each SAP is itself compartmented separately from other SAPS. Having access to one SAP does not give you access to another SAP, and in fact rarely does. Only a tiny handful of people have knowledge of all SAP’s. SAP’s are the most stringently compartmented and protected information in the entire US government.

          4. Unlike Top Secret SCI which is maintained in highly secure Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilitates (SCIF’s) managed by specially trained Special Security Officers (SSO’s) at various levels of command, every single SAP is managed by an individually designated Program Manager for each individual SAP covering an entire theater of operations. In other words, SAP Program Managers are far fewer in number than there is SSO’s. SSO’s are not cleared to even know about SAP’s or to maintain information about them in their already enormously secure SCIF’s. How SAP’s are secured cannot be discussed because of the sensitive beyond Top Secret nature in which it is done.

          5. Unlike individuals with the highest Top Secret SCI access security clearances, who must undergo a special background information with periodic “bring-up” background investigation, those tiny few who have access to SAP’s must also endure periodic polygraph tests in addition to the most comprehensive of special background investigations. I used to have to schedule four-star generals and admirals to be polygraphed in order for them to maintain their access to my SAP. Many generals and admirals who obviously have the highest security clearances still did not rate being indoctrinated into my SAP. In fact, they didn’t even know the SAP existed.

          6. Compromise of a SAP is the single most dangerous security violation that can ever happen to the USA. Even the enormously damaging revelations of the Edward Snowden’s TOP Secret SCI security compromise does not reach the level of a SAP compromise.

          7. To put SAP information in to an unsecure sever like Hillary Clinton’s unsecure server is a class one felony that could, in some cases, result in life in prison. That is because such a compromise is so dangerous that it could and likely will result in the death of people protected by and within the scope of the SAP.

          As a former SAP Program Manager I believe it is inconceivable that if it is verified that Hillary Clinton’s server actually had SAP information on it that she could possibly escape indictment and criminal prosecution. As hard as it is to imagine, that would even be worse then electing to not prosecute a mass murdering serial killer because even they could not inflict as much damage on our country as the compromise of a SAP. Compromise of a SAP not only could — but without doubt would — cause serious damage to our national security.

          If it is true that Hillary Clinton had SAP information on her unsecure server, whether it was marked or not, you can be sure that the FBI will strongly recommend that charges be brought against Hillary Clinton and continue in an exhaustive investigation to trace back to every single person that had even the tiniest role in this unbelievable security compromise.

          If the Attorney General, through “prosecutorial discretion,” elected not to prosecute this crime, I believe congress would have no alternative but to impeach her, and the FBI would then have no choice but to conduct a criminal investigation of her for a deliberate cover up –- so grave is this security violation.

          If President Obama were to pardon Hillary Clinton for a compromise of this magnitude he would render himself in the historical record as an “enemy of the state,” and could himself face criminal prosecution –- so grave is such a security compromise. Nobody, not even the POTUS could gets away with something like this in our system of government. If anyone could escape persecution for compromising a SAP, we are deep trouble as a nation. No president who loves this country and is true to his oath would ever allow anyone, not even his or her closest and most loved relative, to get away with a SAP compromise. It is simply unimaginable that this could ever happen.

          If the ongoing investigation finds that Hillary Clinton compromised a SAP, then we all should know with certainty, regardless of political persuasion, that she is entirely unfit to hold public office of any kind let alone President of the USA — and ALL Americans should never tolerate it. Compromising a SAP is an absolute “disqualifier” for public office and access to our nations most sensitive information – period.

          ED COET

          Major, US Army (Retired)

              1. Science tells us the the Earth has warmed by 1 to 1.2’C over the last 100 years or so, and that the rate of warming is accelerating.

                8’C means human extinction, along with the extinction of most other higher order organisms on earth.

          1. If you read the comments following that article you’ll see that VD also called those data points false…then was called to explain by the rest of the readers…and was never again seen…

    1. Yeah, go to the Antarctic to cry over the melting ice and get iced in until help come to rescue you from the ice and then go to a tropical isle to warm up and get snowed on! Definitely global warming. Must be Bush’s fault. Let’s go send the climate deniers to jail—- Gore that is!!!

      1. Current global emperatures have risen by about 1.2’C, and most scientists think that a rise of 3’C will be hard to prevent.

        A rise of 8’C is a human extinction level event.

          1. If your desire is to see the extinction of the human race – and most other life on this planet, then your comments are sound.

            Otherwise I will have to conclude that you are also mentally ill.

              1. Extinction risk from climate change – Nature

                Climate change over the past ~30 years has produced numerous shifts in the distributions and abundances of species1, 2 and has been implicated in one species-level extinction3. Using projections of species’ distributions for future climate scenarios, we assess extinction risks for sample regions that cover some 20% of the Earth’s terrestrial surface. Exploring three approaches in which the estimated probability of extinction shows a power-law relationship with geographical range size, we predict, on the basis of mid-range climate-warming scenarios for 2050, that 15–37% of species in our sample of regions and taxa will be ‘committed to extinction’. When the average of the three methods and two dispersal scenarios is taken, minimal climate-warming scenarios produce lower projections of species committed to extinction (~18%) than mid-range (~24%) and maximum-change (~35%) scenarios. These estimates show the importance of rapid implementation of technologies to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and strategies for carbon sequestration.

                Chris D. Thomas1, Alison Cameron1, Rhys E. Green2, Michel Bakkenes3, Linda J. Beaumont4, Yvonne C. Collingham5, Barend F. N. Erasmus6, Marinez Ferreira de Siqueira7, Alan Grainger8, Lee Hannah9, Lesley Hughes4, Brian Huntley5, Albert S. van Jaarsveld10, Guy F. Midgley11, Lera Miles8,15, Miguel A. Ortega-Huerta12, A. Townsend Peterson13, Oliver L. Phillips8 & Stephen E. Williams14


                1. Your problem is you think humans exist outside nature. Maybe self extinction is the natural order of things.
                  What you blather on about is controlling other people. Thats is wrong.

                2. Yeah and we were supposed to be flooded by 2015. Your religion is showing. These guys cant even predict the weather tomorrow. What makes you think they can predict anything 30 years from now? LOL

                3. Also let me point out that your source “Nature” is a well know biased organization, so all facts have to be taken with a grain of salt. Also it is owned by the Mamillan Publishing group who is well known as crorrupt and has been found so in a court of law.

        1. And the greenhouse effect of atmospheric CO2 diminishes considerably with greater concentrations. This means the more CO2 in the air the less of an impact the extra CO2 has as a greenhouse gas. This is not in dispute. It’s even in the IPCC reports. You globull warming freaks are always trying to swindle everyone into believing some bull**** about runaway globull warming effect but there is absolutely no evidence that has ever happened when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were more than 1200+ PPM in the past. There are no records of a warming climate causing mass extinctions in the past however there is ample evidence that global cooling (ice ages) has caused mass extinctions on a global scale.

          Life thrives in a warmer world. Just like it did when the temperate zone on earth was from pole to pole and there was a lush dense populated rain forest on antarctica 55 million years ago.

          Oh, by the way, we are still recovering from the little ice age which ended in the mid 1800s. It’s not unprecedented that the world is still warming from that event.

      1. Actually, Al Gore took the initiative to create the internet. Without his effort you wouldn’t have a forum in which you could lie about him.

        Al Gore and the Internet

        By Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf

        Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development.

        No one person or even small group of persons exclusively “invented” the Internet. It is the result of many years of ongoing collaboration among people in government and the university community. But as the two people who designed the basic architecture and the core protocols that make the Internet work, we would like to acknowledge VP Gore’s contributions as a Congressman, Senator and as Vice President. No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution over a longer period of time.

        Last year the Vice President made a straightforward statement on his role. He said: “During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” We don’t think, as some people have argued, that Gore intended to claim he “invented” the Internet. Moreover, there is no question in our minds that while serving as Senator, Gore’s initiatives had a significant and beneficial effect on the still-evolving Internet. The fact of the matter is that Gore was talking about and promoting the Internet long before most people were listening. We feel it is timely to offer our perspective.

        As far back as the 1970s Congressman Gore promoted the idea of high speed telecommunications as an engine for both economic growth and the improvement of our educational system. He was the first elected official to grasp the potential of computer communications to have a broader impact than just improving the conduct of science and scholarship. Though easily forgotten, now, at the time this was an unproven and controversial concept. Our work on the Internet started in 1973 and was based on even earlier work that took place in the mid-late 1960s. But the Internet, as we know it today, was not deployed until 1983. When the Internet was still in the early stages of its deployment, Congressman Gore provided intellectual leadership by helping create the vision of the potential benefits of high speed computing and communication. As an example, he sponsored hearings on how advanced technologies might be put to use in areas like coordinating the response of government agencies to natural disasters and other crises.

        As a Senator in the 1980s Gore urged government agencies to consolidate what at the time were several dozen different and unconnected networks into an “Interagency Network.” Working in a bi-partisan manner with officials in Ronald Reagan and George Bush’s administrations, Gore secured the passage of the High Performance Computing and Communications Act in 1991. This “Gore Act” supported the National Research and Education Network (NREN) initiative that became one of the major vehicles for the spread of the Internet beyond the field of computer science.

        As Vice President Gore promoted building the Internet both up and out, as well as releasing the Internet from the control of the government agencies that spawned it. He served as the major administration proponent for continued investment in advanced computing and networking and private sector initiatives such as Net Day. He was and is a strong proponent of extending access to the network to schools and libraries. Today, approximately 95% of our nation’s schools are on the Internet. Gore provided much-needed political support for the speedy privatization of the Internet when the time arrived for it to become a commercially-driven operation.

        There are many factors that have contributed to the Internet’s rapid growth since the later 1980s, not the least of which has been political support for its privatization and continued support for research in advanced networking technology. No one in public life has been more intellectually engaged in helping to create the climate for a thriving Internet than the Vice President. Gore has been a clear champion of this effort, both in the councils of government and with the public at large.

        The Vice President deserves credit for his early recognition of high speed computing and communication and for his long-term and consistent articulation of the potential value of the Internet to American citizens and industry and, indeed, to the rest of the world.

        1. WOW—-Ye!! Such a long and boring read about a joke—-Did you know he was also the main character in the “love story”—He is mentioned in the BIBLE—But of course you do. You must have written his autobiograpgy?? Right??

            1. I do not listen to or endorse any political party okay!! But if you want to be nasty——–Less talk about AlBore’s political party you know the one that created the KKK!!!

          1. The science is demonstrated in basic science classes all over the world every day and uses nothing more than a candle a cylinder and a thermometer.

            Can you explain to us how “common core” is altering the basic laws of radiative physics?

            You are clearly mentally ill.

            1. It is called heat balance. Do they still teach that in meteorology school? Energy in, must equal energy out, or the earth heats up. The amount of co2 affects nothing! It might trap heat closer to the earth, but a corresponding cooling somewhere else would occur temporarily.

    2. You people are idiots. The low temperature on the island is in the mid 70s with highs in the 80s. The story was “reported” on April Fools Day. No legitimate news organization has reported this as actual news, including in the region itself. Get a grip.

      1. Yep, global cooling, right? I was around in the 70’s when all you eco nuts were screaming about the next ice age coming. Eco nuts are great entertainment, but unfortunately very dangerous to our liberties. What amazes me is that people seem to forget the whole Chicken Little “the sky is falling” meme that these nut jobs are on about. Why anyone listens to them is absolutely amazing. Of course, it is ALL about taking control and eliminating individual liberty.

          1. Because I was around then and idiots like you WERE walking on about global cooling and the next ice age. Sticky your propaganda website and research the papers of the day. Frankly, I don’t care if fools like you believe the truth or not.

      1. Why do that when Al Gore is right on the money with virtually everything he says?

        He is very well respected in the scientific community.

        1. First off, you’re taking a small mosaic of a much larger picture. Scientists have been taking ice samples going back 20 thousand years in the Arctic and Antarctic and surprisingly most of the past 10,000 [years] have been warmer than the present. The chart below shows temperatures from the GISP2 Greenland ice core.
          With the exception of a brief warm period about 8,200 years ago, the
          entire period from 1,500 to 10,500 years ago was significantly warmer
          than present. Notice the spike in your graph compared to the bigger picture.

    3. This is exactly why the government needs to implement a carbon credit tax, strict energy, fuel, and water rationing to citizens IMMEDIATELY! In addition the government should nationalize ALL INDUSTRIES!!!

        1. Nah, I just love how anytime it gets cold people from Drudge flock to sites like this and post about how it is not possible since it is cold out. Just very predictable. Fun to watch

          1. yeah, that’s true. just like whenever there is a heat wave, the global warming cult comes out ans says this is the end. Grandpa had it right…the one thing you can say about the weather is it is always changing. The weather = climate change.

          2. It’s not just that ‘it gets cold’, it’s that the climate trends are looking pretty bad for the AGW crowd. Aren’t you beginning to feel a bit lonely and used by now?

          3. Time for you to really panic. I read the article and comments on this thread all without using Drudge. You hate Drudge because it may provide links/leads that contradict the dredges of AGW.

            1. Never said I hate drudge, I love it actually, but I do find many of his links to be from fame fanning sites that have little to no substance or actual credibility, the other stuff is usually good stuff. The comments that follow his links are also good for a good laugh…

            1. “Radiosonde Data Shows No Warming For 58 Years” – David Paul

              So now that none of the satellite records agree with you, you have to fall back on the balloon record.

              The problem with the balloon record is that the balloons have not been released at the same time every day. They do not travel in the same direction every day, or ascend to the same altitude every day.

              The balloon records is not adjusted for these time of day measurement issues.

              Once the time of day measurement issues are dealt with you obtain the following…


              Why did the non scientist at your site – RealScience – post the corrected data?

              It is because he is lying to you, and you are a sucker who believes it.


          1. Naw…I gave up after that hocky stick bulllshiit thing you guys tried to pass as science. You have no credibility. I’m sure Gore or Moore would appreciate your donation ya dummasss!! OK…no more time for you snowflake.

            1. If you don’t have the capacity to read a graph as you state, then you simply don’t have the ability to comment on science. Indeed, 8 year old’s have a greater ability than you do.

        1. “Radiosonde Data Shows No Warming For 58 Years” – David Paul

          So now that none of the satellite records agree with you, you have to fall back on the balloon record.

          The problem with the balloon record is that the balloons have not been released at the same time every day. They do not travel in the same direction every day, or ascend to the same altitude every day.

          The balloon records is not adjusted for these time of day measurement issues.

          Once the time of day measurement issues are dealt with you obtain the following…


          Why did the non scientist at your site – RealScience – post the corrected data?

          It is because he is lying to you, and you are a sucker who believes it.


  1. This is obviously the fault of the Obama administration for putting in place policies to fight the fallacy of global warming. The result, the world is cooling below norms

          1. agree- many charts out there that show no warming- and then there are the charts from the scientists that print made up ones to ensure they can continue to get government grants (like the one posted by that VD guy

          2. “Radiosonde Data Shows No Warming For 58 Years” – David Paul

            Real Science is a blog created by a “numerologist to the stars”, not a scientist.

            So now that none of the satellite records agree with you, you have to fall back on the balloon record.

            The problem with the balloon record is that the balloons have not been released at the same time every day. They do not travel in the same direction every day, or ascend to the same altitude every day.

            The balloon records is not adjusted for these time of day measurement issues.

            Once the time of day measurement issues are dealt with you obtain the following…


            Why did the non scientist at your site – RealScience – post the corrected data?

            It is because he is lying to you, and you are a sucker who believes it.


  2. Why the Koch brothers set up snow making machines and these are all paid actors and rented cars and trucks! This does not happen inside computer generated climate models!

  3. The argument against global warming is based on the expense to combat it. What people don’t realise is that every loan a bank makes creates brand new money (just numbers in a computer). 97% of our money is not cash, but Main Street bank created money (nothing more than numbers in your bank account). The central bank of the UK explains it in their bulletin ‘Money Creation in the Modern Economy’ which you can Google. CNBC also explains it here: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100497710 So, ask yourself, where does money come from. And, if there is only a certain amount of momney how it is the prices keep gloing up, and wages keep going up. Where does the money come from? Again, whenever your local bank makes a loan, it creates new electronic money, and expands the money supply. So, it’s not too expensive to combat climate change as money is the only resource that can be created at will. The Financial Times explains this as well: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/93c4e11e-ec39-11df-9e11-00144feab49a

          1. The term Climate Change is found in the scientific literature at least back to the early 1900’s.

            Are you so unaware of the world around you that you don’t realize that the CC in IPCC stands for Climate Change.

            Hahahahahaha…. You are so foolish.

            1. Dumbass there has been climate change from the beginning of climate. You keep showing us the same stupid graphs that are unfortunately not accurate. You just keep putting them up like they are gospel and they clearly are not. How many times are your delusions going to be disproven. Man made global warming has been proven to be a hoax by liars time and time again and now, like a typical loser libtard, you have attempted to hid it by changing the name. Can’t fix stupid but we just keep trying. What is it a religion or do you have money in this hoax?

      1. We’ve always had blasts of Arctic air descending from the Arctic. It’s what the jet stream does. There’s nothing new or different about it. You’re insane, miseducated, and obnoxious.

        1. If so then why is this article claiming that snow in the Caribbean in early spring is unprecedented?

          Is Climate Depot lying to you?

          1. You’re the one who has swallowed all of the lies. Are you more concerned about what Climate Depot publishes, or that that we’re headed for a dangerous period of colder global temperatures?

  4. The earth is cooling big time!! Global warming is a scam so they can trade carbon credits and make more money it’s all about making money. Trump 2016!! Don’t listen to mainstream media!


    HOW are record low temps possible ANYWHERE, if Temps are ring EVERYWHERE…..huh, DEMOCOWARD LIARS????

    democrats are too stupid to know the definitions of 7th grade vocabulary words, much less understand the complex science of Thermodynamics.AND METEOROLOGY

  6. “In just a few short years, children will no longer know what snow is”
    “Snowfalls will soon just be a thing of the past”

    That’s according to the expert “Global warming Scientists” at East Anglia Univ. IN THE YEAR 2000…..

    Now raise your hand if you still believe in the manmade global warming fairy tale!

  7. GW was never about the planet’s weather. It’s to lay the groundwork for the coming one world government that the UN is putting together. This is the ONLY way to make nations give up their sovereignty and independence. The fact that they want to make it a crime to oppose GW shows that they will not let anything stop them.

  8. Those on the left NEVER answer the question as to WHY the exalted global warming “scientists” colluded to destroy all the data that didn’t agree with their hypothesis. Answer: They’re NOT scientists. Their ‘hypothesis’ is their political agenda.

  9. Clearly caused by man-made global warming. I wonder if the loony prediction models might need to be dialed back to the 1970’s when they said there would be a coming ice age…….due to man-made global cooling.

  10. in the 70s when i was a kid i remember our babysitter telling us hairspray was bad for the environment because of global cooling.
    all aerosol products were gonna bring the world to its knees because they were to blame for global cooling and the coming ice age..
    so they all started producing pumps eliminating the need for aerosol cans and thats how we got pump liquid hairsprays and gelslol.

  11. “…the greenhouse effect could turn New York City into something with the climate of Daytona Beach, Fla.”
    -New York Times, 1985

    Snow has been reported in Daytona Beach three times since 1989.
    –The Daily Caller, March, 2015

    “We have 10 years left to save the oceans, or pay the consequences, which will be death.”
    –Ted Danson, 1988.

    “…senior environmental official at the UN, Noel Brown, says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000.”
    –San Jose Mercury News, June 30, 1989

    “There could be as little as eight years left to avoid a dangerous global temperature rise of 36 degrees or more.”
    -UN Panel on Climate Change, May 3, 2007

    “Global warming is worse than terrorism”
    –Al Gore, 2007

    New York City will be under water from global warming by June 12, 2015.
    –ABC News, June 12, 2008

    “We have hours to act to avert a slow-motion tsunami that could destroy civilization as we know it.”
    –Elizabeth May, leader of the Greens in Canada, 2009.

    “…only 50 days to save the world from global warming.”
    –UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, 2009

    “Ocean could be ice-free by 2015” — Daily Beast, 12-13-2013

    Arctic will be ice-free by 2013 — BBC News & Sierra Club Canada

    “…two kilometers down in most places it’s several million degrees…”
    –Al Gore, on the Tonight Show, November, 2009

    Polar ice cap may disappear by Summer, 2014 — Al Gore, 2009

    “…we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.”
    –French foreign minister Laurent Fabius, May, 2014

    “The best scientists in the world know climate change is happening.”
    –Barack Obama, May 20, 2015

  12. Al Gore was correct.
    It will be warmer in some places, colder in others.
    It will be drier in some places, wetter in others.

    Now open your wallets, we have to tax all America, citizens and Businesses, and Goldman Sachs will be handling the purchase of carbon credits.

    That is the reality of what they’re trying to do.

  13. well ya know, it is getting warmer so all that snow is to be expected…..wait, that doesn’t make sense. Ok, I got it…back in the 70’s it was settled science that global cooling was going to eat us. This snow just proves that the settled science of the 70’s was correct.

  14. OHHHHH t know the next lie the ELITE AND RICH A–HOLES like Georgey Soros—-ABore–[ AL GORE]–And all the others will come up with. They all actually make me sick!!

  15. Global warming models didn’t/don’t work for the leftie, tree worshipping moon bats with odd weather like this. The solution for them? We will dispense with the term global warming and call the process “climate change.”

  16. No one should find major April snowfalls surprising. In 1982 ~8 inches fell in the Champaign, IL area around April 8. The following April 20 about that much snow hit Omaha. I know this because I was there for both of them.

  17. Didn’t Obama just give yet another “rousing” speech on global warming to a crowd of foreign dignitaries who slept through the speech and at the end checked-in with Obama to collect their pay for attending the speech?

  18. The world signed the Paris Climate Change Agreement in December. World climate change was solved. Of course the rising temperatures would immediately drop. Well….? What did you folks expect?

  19. So much for the global warming whackos. Real scientists have been warning for several years about the sun going into a severe minimum which is what caused the mini ice age two centuries ago. It’s not CO2 it’s the sun and man has no control over it

      1. Except for, you know, the scientific community overwhelmingly says it does exist?
        Gravity has also never been proven. I encourage you to jump off a cliff – it’s just a theory!

        1. Nope. A collection of government-funded professors have declared that the question is settled by popular vote. A real scientist knows that nothing is ever settled. The Dumb man thinks he knows everything. The Smart man knows how much he does not know. Sorry, Play again.

                1. Quick, without googling it. What is % composition of CO2 in the atmosphere that is supposed to be the root of all this crap – 40%, 4%, 0.4% or 0.04 %. I will tell you it is 0.04%. Argon is more prominent than CO2. CO2 is not a boogey man. It is a convenient vehicle to overwhelm the ignorant.

                  1. The 2000 presidential election was decided by 537 votes in a county in Florida. Small numbers don’t inherently mean something is irrelevant. It only takes 2-3 degrees of change in the temperature of the oceans to wreak havoc on our coastlines. That’s not a large number either.

                    Let’s assume there’s a 99% chance you’re right and a 1% change I’m right. If I’m right, millions of people die, are displaced, or lose nearly everything they own to flooding. If you’re right, nothing happens. Isn’t it worth even LOOKING INTO?

                    1. Stupidest, most nonsensical analogy ever. The rest is just ridiculous scaremongering by people who don’t have the data, facts or science on their side. Don’t you think we need to spend every penny that every one has building a giant net over the planet JUST IN CASE a meteor hits? If I am wrong, nothing happens, but if I am right BILLIONS DIE!!!! Ahhhhhhh, the sky is falling….falling…..falling……falling……

                    2. The point is that climate change is happening. I hope you live on a coast, because your denial means you deserve what happens to you.

                    3. “The point is that climate change is happening.” Only if you agree that we are entering a cooling period due to reduction in output from the sun.

  20. Oh no, global cooling will shrink our oceans ….what will ocean life do? Save the beach houses like Al Gore bought from becoming inner city once the oceans recede! We need carbon debits immediately!

  21. To all of you Man Made Climate Change deniers, I have this to say to you: ENJOY ETERNITY IN HELL!! You will surely pay for what you have done to our Mother Earth!!

    1. Hold it, what? Did al bore die? Doesn’t he know that decomposition gives off heat! He is contributing to global warming, traitor!

  22. The global climate change industry is worth an annual $1.5 trillion, according to Climate Change Business Journal. That’s the equivalent of $4 billion a day spent on vital stuff like carbon trading, biofuels, and wind turbines. Or — as Jo Nova notes — it’s the same amount the world spends every year on online shopping.

  23. This is not Global Warming, This is not by chance. Biblical Events are occurring all over the world.
    Scientists keep coming up with outrageous excuses but right down to the blood water in Jerusalem, something is going on. God help us all.

  24. Another story that leaves out the pics! (for the Caribbean part). Something that unusual that warrants a story about it, but no pics to be seen. What gives?

    1. al bore, with his vast knowledge of the internet after inventing it, intercepted all the pictures and erased them so people wouldn’t leave the church of global warming over this.

  25. Man made global warming. Yes, the ticket to mass funding by the government. Best bought results ever. What you pay for you get. However, old man sun still has the upper crust thermostat for earth. Below the mantel it a function of hot core and tectonics banging into each other. Public education has dropped so far that it is now a joke and that is man made.

  26. Too much snow? Global warming!
    Too little snow? Global warming!
    Too much rain? Global warming!
    Too little rain? Global warming!
    Hotter than average summer? Global warming!
    Cooler than average summer? Global warming!

    1. Women find me ugly? GLobal warming
      Speed cops like me? GLobal warming
      Can not run a 9 second 100 yard dash? You guessed it Global warming.
      To short a d…….. We will leave that one out.

  27. Global warming is indeed a very serious problem with serious consequences for those nonbelievers. In fact, the weather can and should be controlled for ideal outcomes, including bountiful crops and a healthy supply of wildlife. Further, the weather has been controlled in the past by the Druids, my ancestors, who have passed down the secrets of weather control to me, and only me. I simply require 5 or 6 attractive teenage virgins, an annual supply of food and, of course, a beautiful palace to guarantee that the weather gods shall look favorably upon us. Dig into your pockets and send the alms to my Paypal account, along with the names and addresses of the attractive virgins, and I will make this global warming nonsense go away.

    1. Mike: Damned be you! That is my idea! I thought of it first. Please send me 50% of your residuals. Only difference is that I’ve requested 72 female, nubile 20 somethings, single, blondes from Sweden. [part of my religious values!]

  28. here is a fact for everyone man does not control the weather nor does he have any effect on it but GOD does control the weather and uses it for his purposes. none of the weather events are a result of man made effects on said weather in other words it is a scam to bleed countries dry. what are people going to think in the tribulation when most of the waters on earth turn to blood and at one point there are such violent earthquakes the cities of the earth will be destroyed and the mountains are destroyed guess they will be making up lies to blame global warming then also. oh yeah almost forgot at one point the sun is so hot that it burns and scorches all man kind if they are outside guess that will b real global warming so all the mother earth global warming gurus get over yourself the earth and the weather are going to continue to get worse and worse so get used to it there is nothing you can do about it.

  29. I enjoy commenting on Breitbart, but the one issue that I find the most egregiously insane is this scam called Global warming. This federally funded scam should be seen for exactly what it is, a way to relieve taxpayers of a load of money for willing and corrupt faux “researchers”. I would be willing to bet you, although this couldn’t be proven given the anonymous nature of the posting method, that the vast majority of posters who defend global warming are actually just defending their receivership of the Federal money that keeps them from having to find a real job.

    Having said that, I will say no more about this insanity.

  30. Ah, global warming scientists, not only were you folk not on top of this(no prediction) but there is still silence from the scientific popcorn gallery?
    Come on now, at least blame this Global warming event on something, anything, perhaps the mating habits of the three toed sloth

  31. Dang, how do we ELITES of the WORLD/Obama convince the Fly Over American Tax Payers of the U.S to Fund this Redistribution of OUR WEALTH.

  32. Stand by while I race to the “Bat Phone”, uh I mean the “Gore Phone” and ask the Dali lama of the phony climate change religion what’s going on.

  33. AGW is pure BS and their hair-brained solutions to fix it are even worse.

    President Fecal Midas’ solution? Kill the most abundant fossil fuel natural resource we have in coal. Additionally, create Mount Everest piles of regulations that send American businesses scurrying to foreign countries that don’t care (nor should they) about the hoax of AGW. So what’s the net effect of this inspired strategy for carbon output on a global scale? ZERO, nadda, zip, zilch….. In fact, one could argue that had they stayed in America and conformed to REASONABLE regulations (Nothing reasonable about the EPA) things would have been a better net result in terms of CO2 ppm on a planetary scale. Instead all we get from this idiotic strategy is a decimated middle class.

    Thanks libtards.

    1. The destruction of America by any and every means possible is the goal of the leftwing pigs. The Globule Warming agenda is just one avenue of attack. The most dangerous by far is the invasion by scores of millions of 3rd world paupers. The recent influx of Muslims is the worst turn of events in quite a while.

  34. Oh the horror!
    It must be Global Warming.
    Global cooling.
    The Holy Climate is just changing and we must create a new bureaucracy of rain dancers and witch doctors, very wise and educated rain dancers and witch doctors, not ordinary rain dancers and witch doctors, to lead us to the promised land of Climate Equality and Climate Security so the brainwashed zombies hooked on this con job can feel good about themselves and each other.

  35. How many ignorant people – I mean REALLY STUPID people are on here saying this is due to “man-made global climate change”?
    Are there any brain damaged morons here professing their sheer ignorance of this HOAX???

  36. I needed some Ice Cubes for my lemonade. So following the wisdom of algroe and obamass, I put water in a pot and then set it on my stove. When the water begin to BOIL, SUDDENLY it turned into ice cubes. That Gentlemen and Ladies is how global Warming occurs. Please all you sucke………. er Thinking liberals, send me your CASH because I would not LIE!

      1. sinds its two mis CHUCH OF DA HEAVEYS BUCKS. $29.95 a mouths gits yu salavation. IFn yus don’t gits it, whins yus die, whin yu be dead, yus can com bad fur a FULL reefend. Sing Hardly knew ya!!

  37. If only carrier could discover how to make warming create COLD, maybe they could make air conditioners in the USA instead of super hot Mexico.

    1. If “Global Warming” is true than I picked the right profession. Air Conditioning contractor in the south western US. LOL But unfortunately for my future fortunes its just a scam.

  38. The climate is always changing, or temporarily staying the same. There’s a 33% chance that it’s warming. If it is warming, it likely has nothing to do with carbon dioxide. The fact that the climate is currently cooling (due entirely to the sun’s activity) shows these climate morons can’t even guess right with 1 in 3 odds.

  39. Global Cool…, ah, no … Warming, er, no … Climate Change (That’s the ticket!) Science from the Kuduna, Nigeria University of Weathery Pokery. It takes a libt2rd.

  40. It sounds like the earth is getting warmer to me. And didn’t they predict by now all ice would have melted from the planet never to be seen again? And can you remind me what AlGore’s movie predicted would have happened by now? Yep, the science is settled; and the science says warmers are insane.

      1. Like typical libtards, when they are proven wrong they just double down on stupid. Liberalism, as in socialism and communism, is a mental disorder. Show them that these governmental models are total failures and they will scream and cry like little babies and try to run for their safe space..

  41. Surely by now they know we know global cooling / global warming / climate change is complete BS why do they continue? Just come out and say you want 110 Trillion in taxes to go to the globalist movement… They have the exact same effect

  42. Seems to me that the word science is being used a little too loosely. I figured that out the first time I heard of someone graduating as a “Political Science” major. To me, not having much more than a high school diploma, that meant, ~ a political B.S. Expert.
    Seems I may have still been right all along. Some years the summers are hotter, and yet the ice is thicker on the lakes, come winter.
    But you college educated genius;s can rant and rave all you want. I believe the weather will change again.
    I just wish you’d quit blowing MY money for your mistaken findings.And please don’t tell me that a politician is an honest man.
    How’s “ol” what’s his name, VP, uh, ~ help me here, please~ I have a hard time remembering people that have no importance to me.
    Except when I get GORED!

  43. You cannot refute long-term climate trends based on short-term weather anomalies. They will occur even when the general trend is rising temperatures. No one disputes that CO2 is a potent greenhouse gas surpassed only by methane. Look no further than Venus to see the consequences. The global annual mean concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by more than 40% since the start of the Industrial Revolution, from 280 ppm in the mid-18th century to 402 ppm as of 2016. The present concentration is the highest in at least the past 800,000 years. The increase has been caused by anthropogenic sources, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

    1. Sources, please. Sound pretty self-serving and off-hand otherwise. The Wall Street Journal reports on May 26, 2014, “Surveys of meteorologists repeatedly find a majority oppose the alleged consensus. Only 39.5% of 1,854 American Meteorological Society members who responded to a survey in 2012 said man-made global warming is dangerous.”

        1. Nice Gov Source. What could go wrong? Let’s continue playing, shall we?

          Well, that’s enough show and tell for me, but do try and stop looking at this virtually cooking, frying, baking scorching old world down your long, pointy know-it-all nose. But be of good cheer. The sun is very slowly but inexorably heating up. Add to that myriad variables like spin, perturbation, orbit, and other cosmic factors, sooner or later you will have your treasured Global Warming. But that will probably be interspersed with more ice ages, too.

      1. Last year at this time and years prior I doubted that man-made global warming existed. I am a conservative who has voted a straight GOP ticket for the last 36 years. There is evidence both ways but from what I’ve seen the preponderence of the evidence shows that man-made CO2 emissions are increasing, atmpsopheric CO2 is increasing and no one in their right mind refutes that CO2 concentrations make planets warmer by trapping solar radiation. We only have one planet and if there is any chance at all that we are causing it eventually become less habitable for humans and other animals, best to err on the side of caution.

    2. Nonsense. Nearly everything weather related that is out of the norm is touted as proof positive of anthropogenic climate change (Bad humans!). Everything within the norm is merely weather.

  44. Uh, care to comment, former vice president and (must . . . not . . . smirk) climate activist Al Gore? Doesn’t the pla-yann-et have a fa-hee-ver?

    Yes, I see and no, you can’t do THAT to me or the horse I rode in on. I don’t even own a horse.

  45. Man cannot control the solar system !!!!
    not all the income redistribution in world will change anything. Climate hustle is all about control of what you can do and use.

  46. Ozone recovery shock: Nasa says hole in Ozone Layer should be ‘half closed in 5 years’

    THE INFAMOUS hole in the ozone layer discovered around 40 years ago is repairing and should have half closed within five years, Nasa has sensationally claimed.

    Unveiling a new ozone layer monitoring system SAGE III, the US space agency said evidence shows it had been recovering for the past 18 years.

    Depletion of the ozone layer, which blocks out harmful UV radiation rays from the sun, was one of the great environmental scandals of the 1970s, when the hole first came to light, and more so 1980s when it was flagged as an international crisis, and led to bans on the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in aerosols and fridges.

    Earth’s stratospheric ozone layer is a belt of naturally occurring ozone gas that sits 10 to 30miles above Earth and serves as a shield from the harmful ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun, which can cause skin cancer and cataracts, and damage crops and marine plant life.

    In 1987 most countries signed up to the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer by limiting the use of or banning certain chemicals.

    Use of chlorine, one of the main contributors to ozone depletion, continued to peak, until 1997, and Nasa’s Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) and SAGE II studies showed that since this dropped off, the ozone has begun to recover.

    Now a SAGE III instrument, an updated version of 1990s technology, is being placed on the International Space Station (ISS) to continued monitoring the ozone to ensure it keeps repairing.

    Researchers have found that even a 1% change in ozone layer can lead to a 4% increase in skin cancer.

    In a Nasa interview about SAGE III posted online, Joe Zawodny, Nasa project scientist at the Langley Research Center, in Hampton, Virginia, USA, said: “with SAGE III, we’re gonna be coming on here in the 2016 time frame through 2020, and the expectation for models is that we’ll be in a period of recovery.

    “We should have recovered roughly half of the ozone that we lost from 1980 to 1997.

    “So that’s why we’re doing this mission is to figure out what the pattern of recovery is, whether the models are showing the same pattern of recovery.

    “If they’re not, what subtle things are they getting wrong in their model that will help improve their ability to predict future changes?

  47. Mind-Blowing Temperature Fraud At NOAA

    Posted on July 27, 2015by stevengoddardThe measured US temperature data from USHCN shows that the US is on a long-term cooling trend. But the reported temperatures from NOAA show a strong warming trend.

    ScreenHunter_10009 Jul. 27 12.16

    Measured : ushcn.tavg.latest.raw.tar.gz

    Reported : ushcn.tavg.latest.FLs.52j.tar.gz

    They accomplish this through a spectacular hockey stick of data tampering, which corrupts the US temperature trend by almost two degrees.

    ScreenHunter_10008 Jul. 27 12.08

    The biggest component of this fraud is making up data. Almost half of all reported US temperature data is now fake. They fill in missing rural data with urban data to create the appearance of non-existent US warming.

    ScreenHunter_10010 Jul. 27 12.20

    The depths of this fraud is breathtaking, but completely consistent with the fraudulent profession which has become known as “climate science”

  48. I do NOT support a carbon tax. I do NOT believe the U.S. and Europe should impose caps on emissions unless the rest of the world, including China and India do the same, but I have nevertheless concluded that man-made CO2 emissions are a serious problem. There is a reasonable medium.

  49. GeoEngineering the climate/weather is what they have been experimenting with the past few decades. They blame what they are doing to the weather on all the sheeple masses as “global warming” and these people believe it. For some reason people think that scientists can’t be corrupted or bought. If they don’t push the agenda then they lose their government funding and career.
    They have been trying to weaponize the weather for a long time. Whoever can control the weather can then control entire nations.
    The chemtrailing campaign is one major component to controlling the weather along with HAARP…but you have all been conditioned to immediately call foolish anything that is termed a “conspiracy theory”.

  50. Ok…We got your names and IP’s…soon Obama and AG Lynch will come for you and your families to FEMA camp you and torture you as Global warming deniers. Get ready

  51. The climate is changing. The climate is always changing. The only constant IS change.

    It’s pure hubris, typical of our species, to believe that we can control the very CLIMATE.

  52. Considering the track record of the mainstream media: if they tell me the globe is warming I’m likely to assume it’s actually cooling.

  53. So the climate prophets are re-thinking their prediction that American children will no longer see snow. Unlike real science, when global warming predictions don’t match reality they just make new predictions. The hypothesis stays the same.

  54. 16 state AGs have decided to sue anyone who commits the heresy of the one true faith of man made climate change. I wonder how long before they go after weather forecasters for a blasphemy like this?

  55. How do you explain that ALL the planets in our Solar System are
    changing… and heating up!!! Scientists are baffled. Even the Sun has
    changed in these last 150 years. The BIGGEST threat is our Congress and
    President NOT reinforcing our American electrical GRID. If that ever
    gave out from an enemy attack or a Solar flare like the 1859 Carrigton
    event. All Americans would be de ad within a year. Study Astronomy for answers !!!

  56. the magnetic poles have really moved this year….the arctic is turning back into the tropic as they once were…..the dinosaur bones are coming to the surface……since the ice melt from the ice age…the climate is adjusting back to where it was millions of years ago…..amazing how mother nature works

  57. There’s a major problem with this website’s cred when if refuses to recognize chemtrail spraying and EM manipulation of the weather thru HAARP.

  58. Look for Obama and Gore to blame global warming or in this case, climate change. Then watch when they are done hop on planes that pump out more co2 in one flight than a normal person does in years. Then of course the Hollywood left in their jets and gas guzzling SUVs will warn us how we need to cut back even more to save the planet.

  59. “Never seen before”. What are we calling it this week? Warming, change, manmade, or whatever fits your narrative. Per Al Gore, Florida should have already flooded and the polar bears extinct. Surely we should trash the economy and waste unlimited tax dollars to prop up the failing “renewable energy” companies. Corp welfare anyone? SunEdison -the largest, goes under next week.

  60. Glow-ball catastrophy caused by Barry Hussein doing too many tango steps and causing the earth to pivot off it’s orbit. We need to get the man in a straight jacket and put him in a room with rubber walls before he destroys the entire glow-ball eco-cyclamatic phenomenom. Only swift action will save us. Nab this twisted sister before it’s too late.

  61. So they have record snow at Winter Park. Big deal.

    I saw it snow at Denver’s old Stapleton Airport on July 4th in the 60’s – and no climate change was in play. Also experienced 24″ snowfall in Boulder in May in the 70’s – no big deal and no climate change.

    Time to quit the chicken little “sky is falling” routine people – its just weather.

  62. Some epic failed predictions:

    – Man made Global Cooling caused by Deforestation. And Life Magazine in 1970 reported that “by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half.” Carl Sagan said Global Cooling was the coming doomsday scenario.
    -Year 2000 was the next doomsday. That’s when there will be 7 billion people, then we’ll all die because the earth cannot support that many. We reached that number in 2012 and we’re all still here.
    -Also by 2000, the world will die from mass starvation except for only a few countries.
    -Year 2000 again. Depletion of natural resources and oil. If we don’t develop renewable energy by 2000 we are doomed when the oil runs out, or so they said.

    1. Carl Sagan told us in the 80s we’ll die from global cooling caused by deforestation. Guess we need to chop down trees to cool the planet if it gets too hot.

      1. When I lived in NYC, its streets were HOT. When I entered Central Park it felt a LOT cooler. Trees give our oxygen that we need to breathe.

  63. Obama, Gore, Hillary, Kerry, and all Democrats and global socialists are lying scum, trying to create a false crises to force all free people to give up their liberty and money and authority to the global socialist-communist cabal. Global warming was the perfect vehicle for finally ending resistance, they thought. Who could oppose their oppression when nothing less than the life of the planet was at stake. Vile pigs. Resist forever. Never surrender to these totalitarian frauds. They will kill you rather than see you be free. The scope and success of their big lie should wake up all people and put them on guard.

  64. Obama must be planning another GoreAl Warming Summit somewhere.Every time he plans a One World Government Fraudulent Climate event it snows like crazy. 🙂

  65. Global warming? F U Pay me.
    Global cooling? F U Pay me.
    Climate change? F U Pay me.
    Al Gore saw the movie Good Fellas and really liked it.

  66. Well there you go. That has the be last nail in the coffin of Global Warming debate. It’s official folks, Global Warming is real, it’s coming to a theater near you, and you must be jailed if you disagree.

  67. Oh my God, it’s Global Warming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We’re all going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. we have had several warming and cooling periods prior to mankind and also prior to the industrial revolution.im assuming during the ice age the climate cooled and as the ice receeded it warmed.i would classify that as climate change but not manmade natural.the climate always changes thats what it does thats why they call it climate lol do you realize more particulate matter was put into the atmosphere during the eruption of krakatoa in 1883 than all the particulate matter put into the atmosphere by man in all of mans existence. you can find fish fossils in the deserts of the world. why is this. it implies the geography and climate has changed in those areas. again before man. we are just a fly on a camels back. volcanism the sun and the earths verying dynamics play a much bigger part than man can ever play. carbon is the liberals enemy which is funny considering anyone who knows science its the building block of life.

  69. Planet Earth has experienced some eight ‘glacial periods’ over the past one million years. Eight. We’re now basking in a relatively brief (and mild) ‘interglacial period’. The glacial periods last about 100,000 years. The interglacia periods last about 15,000 years. This is the current view based on Ice core samples and assorted geological evidence. Since the Ice Age (last glacial period) ended about 14,000 years ago, we’re due for another onset of very very cold weather. When that happens, most of mankind is doomed.

  70. In actuality, it’s all about Volcanoes. An Indonesian volcano called Tambora in 1815 cooled the earth by several degrees and caused famines and disease outbreaks around the whole Earth. Huaynaputina in Peru 1600 caused Russia’s worst famine. An Icelandic Volcano caused a historic famine in Egypt. The volcano killed 9,000 Icelanders and reduced the population of the Nile Valley by a sixth. The eruptions caused drought in northern Africa. In the modern era, we just don’t get that many huge volcanoes eruptions. That’s why the earth might seem to be heating up. Bottom line volcanoes cause earth cooling.

  71. Cliff High’s Web Bot as been predicting storms and weather in regions that are not accustomed to storms (unusual weather occurrences for those regions).

  72. Don’t worry they’ll find a way to blame this on AGW. This so called modern science is more primitive than those who pursecuted Galileo. The sun is pissed at not getting the respect it deserves and will now withold the heat we need.

  73. Typical AGW mistruths and outright lies. From Joe Bastardi, “‘Never before seen’ spring snowfall in the Caribbean islands NONSENSE. It was plus 17C at 5k feet. No mtns over 5k feet on Guadeloupe”

  74. The following quote is from the NASA Website: http://climate.nasa.gov/400ppmquotes/

    “The global concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere – the primary driver of recent climate change – has reached 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in recorded history, according to data from the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.”

    I believe it is an outright LIE that CO2 is THE primary driver of climate change. From what I have read, for example, the effect of water vapor in the atmosphere is so much stronger that CO2 is barely a blip in comparison. And read the personal comments from various “scientists” on that Web page. Some are actually comical, such as:

    “However, Earth’s climate had never had to deal with such a drastic change as the current increase, which is, therefore, likely to have unexpected implications for our environment.”

    Never? Really? Just where did I misplace my complete book of weather data covering the last 4 BILLION years?

    And they never really explain how an inert gas, at 400 parts per million, can cause the planet’s temperature to rise. Just for laughs, try comparing it to keeping your body warm with cotton fibers; at 400 ppm. What would you have, 1000 individual cotton fibers? Not much of a “blanket”.

    But the absolutely best part of the whole global warming story is that after all the time, effort, and countless billions of dollars invested by the bureaucracies of the world in order to convince all of us that this is a real threat, relatively few people believe them. If global warming theory was a car it would be doing worse than the Edsel.

  75. Global cooling thanks to lack of sunspots. I hate being right. This better not be another Maunder Minimum, I can’t stand constant cold weather.

  76. Two facts: 1)The colder the water the more quickly it absorbs CO2. Ancient air bubbles captured in ice can not give an accurate indication of atmospheric levels ages ago. 2) Melting floating ice does not elevate the sea level any more than a melting class of water and ice will run over the top.

  77. Democrats are so stupid that they have just now figured out that THE WEATHER CHANGES…..



    Don’t Democowards know what a Synonym is either?


    Democrats are too stupid to know the definition of 3rd grade vocabulary words, yet claim “the science is settled”……

    Face it, Democrats are lying cowards who repeat the lies, they don’t explain them!

    Warming = Rising temperatures

    HOW are record cold Temps possible ANYWHERE, if Temps are rising EVERYWHERE?

    Democrats are too stupid to know what Global and Warming mean, and far too cowardly to honestly answer my questions…….

  79. Global warming is a $22 bn/year hoax in the US alone. This theory was developed by liberals as a way to “spread the wealth”. but amongst themselves. Any geologist worth their salt can tell you the earth has warmed and cooled over millenniums. The story of earth’s temperature can be seen in deep core boring.
    Now the DOJ wants to fine and even jail deniers of global warming, climate change or just the damned weather.

  80. Which LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS allows “heat to hide in the ocean depths”…..?

    I imagine that if Democrats are too stupid to know what “Global” “Warming” and “Climate” mean, they are too stupid to know what Thermodynamics is, and are 100% ignorant of the LAWS OF SCIENCE!!!!!

    Prove me wrong and answer the question, lying cowards!

  81. Your’e all Climate deniers. And should be placed in DOJ Obama re-education camps and fed Mooche’s carrot root and arugula diets. For your own good education, you should be forced to listen Algor lectures and audio versions of Earth in the Balance read by the author himself while your eyes are kept open with toothpicks watching the poop polar bears balancing themselves like circus bears on a slippery ball teetering on the last remaining ice caps floating in the Arctic Sea.

    Encounter groups will be offered where you confess your sinful climate denying ways. Therapy will include repeating after Barark Hussein Obama:

    ”It’s not who we are: It’s NOT who we ARE.

    Climate denying is not our shared values. It’s not who we are.

    This is my social justice prayer”

  82. “From the standpoint of an anthropological view, a religion is a collective set of beliefs. There is a leader (or leaders) who promote the beliefs among the followers. The followers make some kind of contribution, or change in their lifestyle based on their religious belief. The religious belief gives them a total view of the world in terms of how the world
    is structured: what’s right, what’s wrong, what’s good action, what’s bad action…”

    -Michael Crichton, “Environmentalism as religion” (viewable on You Tube)

  83. Recently I heard one of the anthropogenic global warming alarmists chime in (I forget which one), who reminded us (those of us who have healthy doubts about the AGW theory) that it is possible to have instances of severe cold and unusual cold-weather events occurring during periods of global warming. I, for one, have no doubts that this is 100% true. I’m sure most AGW skeptics will agree with me as well.

    Having said that, I find it amusing, sometimes even laughable, that these there are so many AGW alarmists who absolutely refuse to believe that it is equally possible for there to be instances of severe warming and unusual warm-weather events occurring during periods of global cooling.

    1. What the “anthropogenic global warming alarmists” (Bro, it’s too early to have to look words up) are describing with their “instances of severe cold and unusual cold-weather events occurring during periods of global warming” is “weather”. It’s a little known phenomenon that has fallen out of favor with the enlightened left who think they know better than the rest of us.

  84. I live in Wiesbaden just down the A3 and or A66 from Frankfurt and it’s been pretty Spring-like weather since 1 April. Perhaps a bit cool but nothing like they claim here.

  85. What further proof that climate change is upon us and the world will end unless massive taxation and wealth redistribution is imposed on those with jobs? The horror. The horror.

  86. Obama and the Dems, “you can keep your doctor”. Obama and the Dems, Climate Change (new name for Global Warming) is our greatest threat. Obama and the Dems (can’t say Islamic Terror) ISIS is a JV team. Now snowing in the Caribbean, didn’t they get the talking points.

  87. Climate Depot and all climate change deniers don;t believe in climate change because they think it will cost businesses too much money. WHAT IS MONEY?????????????????????????? 3% is cash, the rest, 97%, is nothing more than numbers in a computer created when a bank makes a loan. EVERY LOAN A BANK MAKES CREATES BRAND NEW ELECTRONIC MONEY (just numbers in a computer). So the climate change deniers, and the complete total assholes who run this website, can FUKK THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUKK YOU!!!!!!!! YOU’LL WRECK THIS PLANET TO SAVE MONEY (which, unlike everything else on this planet, is the only unlimited resource, as it can be created at will).

  88. Clima-Phobes are such fakes. If they actually cared about saving life on Earth, they’d by crying about asteroid impacts, disease, and the Yellowstone threat, all much more likely to occur than imaginary “global warming.”
    The simple reason for this is……………well…………..simple. They can’t blame America for any of those other threats.

      1. Weather is driven by the energy contrast of air masses. It’s simple meteorology that tornadoes are a function of warm wet air coming northward from the Gulf of Mexico meeting cold dry air coming down from Canada in the springtime.

        Low IQ people are as unable to identity those with high IQ as they are to assess their own shortcomings.

  89. Yes Sir! This is Global Warming at it’s best! Alrighty then! Many people have disagreed with the Green movement, and Global Warming crowd were brutally chastised for it. Here is the evidence that the Earth is cooling toward an ice age. What better proof do you need? However it is “Climate Change” as it has been from the begining.

  90. (Post Prius weather. We’re starting to make a difference but there’s still so much more to do.) This will be the next taxable lie. I just wanted to say it first.

    1. No, they will NEVER allow the boogie man to die because THAT is the key to their agenda. The earth could cool 2 degrees and glaciers start threatening Canadian crop lands but these charlatans can be counted on to keep blaming human CO2 for it in order to foist their new world order on us with THEM in charge of it.

      They already had the opportunity some time ago anyway, back when
      they saw the hiatus coming and switched from “Global Warming” to
      “Climate Change”. They could have claimed that their agenda was working but ….. NOOOOOOO!

  91. So if I’m following this thread accurately, the idiots from Drudge seem to believe that snow in April on Guadeloupe is evidence that ‘global warming’ is a hoax. Whoa! I’d call it cognitive dissonance, but it doesn’t appear that there’s anything remotely cognitive going on.

    1. OK, Einstein, whatever you wanna believe is fine with the rest of us; but you’ve got to promise us that you’ll stop straying so far from your medicine cabinet.

    1. This version of global warming is causing panic and mayhem in DPW’s across New England, most all switch over from snow plowing/treating equipment to street cleaning equipment and road repair details starting in April.

  92. Just follow the money when it comes to Global warming bell ringers. Never in the history of man has such a hoax been perpetrated on a world basis. The governments of the world are all being duped by bad science and phony claims. Its the biggest money and wealth transfer the world has ever seen.

    1. Not only just government – but billions $$$ from putrid phony eco-terrorist NGO’s like WWF or Sierra Club who see nothing wrong chopping down forests to burn in Drax power station and “planting” their solar “farms” where nothing can ever grow again in order to get “free” electricity at 10X the price of coal generated power.

      More CO2 and warmer temperature are better for life on earth no matter whether humans have anything to do with them or not.

  93. This is why the lying loons on the left HAD to switch from “global warming” to “climate change.” It’s because only a “Ted Kennedy for President AFTER Chappaquidick” would buy this drool

  94. You have to have more faith to believe in Global warming than you do to believe in God. You have to suspend the scientific method and logic to make a conclusion from incomplete data. Any scientist that is willing to use incomplete data to base these conclusions should have their credentials taken away. There is not a single scientist who believes in Global Warming that can tell you what the optimal temperature for the planet is supposed to be. They simply don’t know. They also cannot prove that man induced actions created on a small percent of our 24 percent land mass can impact the other 76 percent water and warm up the entire earth. This is sheer nonsense. The who point of global warming has more to do with global control of the population.

  95. The manmade global warming folks will continue to press their agenda in spite of weather evidence to the contrary. The sun is continuing its cooling phase and regardless of any computer predictions or models based on data that is not ground data, we are going to get colder, a lot colder over the next couple of decades.

  96. Lol! Any warm day is absolute proof of global warming to it’s true believers, but record cold and Santa moving to the south pacific means nothing!

  97. The more that the global warming hoax is debunked, the more frantic it’s fanatics get!
    Now they want to put you in prison for pointing out that it is all a HOAX!

  98. Scientists gave you guys everything in the modern life you are enjoying so much, electricity, medicine, transportation… etc. Yet when comes to climate change you guys’ attitude toward those hard working scientist is absolutely disgusting.

    So keep pretending you are deaf and blind. Keep scandalize scientists you don’t like. Your children’s future is doom, partly because of you, ignorant arrogant self-centric bastards who actually know nothing about science.

  99. Now….about that “global warming” thing…

    C’mon, warmies. How ’bout telling everyone that little myth you like to tell one more time? The one about how all the polar bears are dying off, and all the oceans will rise….or is it fall? I can’t remember anymore. But tell us again. It’s such a wonderful little story.


  100. The coming of the ice age?? Is this the 1970’s again? Or maybe all
    those experts were just off about 40 years?? Or they don’t know a thing
    of what they say they do?

  101. If global warming continues the way it’s been going for the past 18 years, we will all freeze to death and not be able to afford the electric bills to keep us warm.

  102. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold, heat, snow, rain, drought, flood. Global Warmanistas will blame any extreme weather on “Global Warming.” They’re brainwashed and indoctriinated.

  103. Every time Owl Gore flies in on the USS Carbon Footprint to bleat about global-warming, he gets snowed in. He’s on the island somewhere.

  104. Warmer temps in the Arctic and snowing in the Caribbean. The global climate is CHANGING. Call it want you want but the fact remains earth’s temps are crazy. Colder in normally warm places and warmer in cold places. NOT everything is about politics- liberals vs conservatives. Nature does not care weather you believe in man inspired theories- it does what it does.

  105. Well they changed things to “Climate Change” when it was secretly discovered things were not warming as predicted… and the catch all phrase was created. Its a perfect religion, you are right no matter what happens with the Climate.

  106. The Earth is much better off being warmer than cooler. Look back in history and it proves it. There was a time when Greenland was green, and grapes could be grown in England. During warmer periods humans prosper. Compared to the cooler periods which bring famine and disease like in the Dark Ages. This solar cycle is almost over, very little sunspot activity. If, and I am just saying if, we are enter a less active sun, the earth can cool like in the Maunder Cycle from 1645-1715, it will get very cold. They called it a mini-ice age back then. Let’s hope not.

    1. The PRIMARY LIE from which all other lies flow is that getting warmer is bad. Without that lie – none of the other things matter at all so it’s the one to fight. Inconveniently, the advantages of more CO2 and warmth are are being scientifically documented more and more every day-




      Over 90% of earth’s biodiversity lives in the tropics – not at the poles.

  107. What’s the difference between a liar and a lawyer? A slight variation in pronunciation.
    First, say liar, liar, liar, liar, liar. Second, now say lawyer, lawyer, lawyer, lawyer, lawyer…
    Not much difference in the phonemes, eh?

  108. GW/CC is nothing more than an attempt to gain total control of America’s economy and use it as an excuse to divert $trillions to various special interests while dramatically lowering the living standers of the average American. It is not just the left that wishes to do this. The GOP Leadership has already begun to join in and will use it as an excuse to divert $trillions to the “donor class” and to enrich themselves, their family and friends.
    The GOP “establishment” no longer represents the American people. It is not that they “don’t understand” the wishes of their voter base, it is much simpler than that. They simply DON’T CARE WHAT ANYONE WANTS UNLESS THEY COME WITH A SIX FIGURE CHECK & HAVE AN OFFICE ON K STREET.

  109. Where are all you Global warming misinformed, undereducated assholes now?

    You know WHO you are -With all of your “the data is in and is conclusive” and all of your ” data is indisputable” nonsense -attitude to everyone who doesn’t support your claims -which your series of beliefs are based on cooked/skewed data you rely off of to argue we have increasing temperatures.

    Which one of you out there are the sayers that global warming is the worlds number one problem (above monetary deficiencies, and economic desparity and lack of jobs, here at home in the US)?
    What does your “data and your science” say about it snowing in the tropics?

    Oh wait, we’re going to boil our planet over the next few years and like gore said in the late 90’s -that after 2012 the earth would be almost inhabitable?

    Oh wait, none of you idiots heard him say that? right? You’re still believing we’re going to be out of water in a few years. right?

    Fact is – YES!-We have climate change, and we are on the tail end of a “solar cycle”. IT’s been documented over millions of years the earth goes through cyclic extreme earth temperature changes, on queue, as predicted.

    Of course temps will go to some of the highest our planet has seen in perhaps over a million years, but at the same time, our earths temp will also dip to the coolest we’ve seen to?

    how do you explain all of that man-made global warming trends when we’re seeing the coolest temps the Carribean has every seen and recorded?

    But you’d rather focus on the drama and this artificial idea that focusing on our international business arrangement and the macroeconomics of this country are of a less important stance than this idea that we’re going to cataclysmically be destroyed by us getting too hot. Perhaps this is an idea that serves as a distraction so that you wouldn’t have to think about the idea of having to work, make money, and build a career or future for yourself. Much easier to hang out on campus in your pajamas, eat cereal at noon and complain on social media about how unfair life is and how you’re not made to feel comfortable because of anyone who says anything you don’t agree with is committing :”hate speech” at you, and how the country needs to give you free everything so you don’t have to get off our ass and work. I’d want to believe that the world is going to end, so that I don’t have to wake up in the morning and be someone on time!

    Shut up the next time you get on a soap box in front of a bernie sign and proceed to lecture the world on how we must cut deprive ourselves of modern technology and our ways, and how you think we need to tax the industrialized nations need to have trillions of OUR dollars taxed by a “carbon tax” that would miraculously cool down our planet, while the greatest offenders of the earth’s pollutors – China, india, Mexico..etc. are exempt from this globalist, gangster corrupt tax to benefit the elites only – not the countries they tax – including the US.
    That’s a fascist AND a communist move right there IF you’re supporting BErnie who is for a global, selective carbon tax, aimed to punish the countries who are playing fair, and reward the countries who have no ecological controls set in place.o.
    And goes to show how easily misinformed and undereducated you are for supporting this ideology. Wake the F@#k up!
    THe useless idiots can now shutup and just not show up at the polls in several months.

  110. yeah, the “experts” can’t even correctly predict the weather in one city, one week into the future but we’re supposed to believe that having almost unlimited additional variables they can somehow be more accurate? I’ll take The rapist for a thousand Alex.

  111. Only in the fantasy world of left wing politics manufactured man made global warming hoax (also known as a new world order tax scheme) does it get COLDER (not actually warmer) and create snow where no snow has ever been (since the last ice age that is). Hahahaha, and that’s air you are breathing Neo?

    1. So, your claim is an isolated weather phenomena is evidence of global??? So if I cited some local high temp record on the same date that would be evidence of global???

      1. My point exactly… what I stated is no different than what has been done in defense of the hoax… with the slight difference of it being humorous to me and will not lead to a world wide excise tax on exhaling carbon gas or flatulent cattle being charged or higher taxes because of ones weight (in carbon molecules), to say nothing of the extra fuel required to move a “larger” person around or heat and cool them or extra manufacturing/energy costs associated with their clothes… etc… its a self licking lollipop… a cornucopia of silliness and not something to enslave people over.

          1. A. I am not your son… do you still beat your wife? That is what you sound like… your “ok, troll” didn’t make any sense, so you should practice what you preach.

  112. Of course efforts to reduce CO2 output is is going cause a ‘transfer of wealth’. It is going to cost the wealthier more industrialized nations more to do so. There isn’t really any way around this. This is what the IPCC official was stating: the obvious.

  113. To claim that record snowfall is inconsistent with a warming world betrays a lack of understanding of the link between global warming and
    extreme precipitation.

    . More specifically, around 95% of active climate researchers actively publishing climate papers endorse the consensus position.
    The only people left that are climate change deniers are people who click from the Drudge Report and deny it because Fox Noise,Limbaugh and other right wingers tell them what to think.

    1. Oddly, you got here by clicking from drudge… and are eerily familiar with what’s on fox and Limbaugh… so you are either a denier yourself or your examples of same are as well correlated as the hoaxers data (and false too).

      1. my right wing BS detector brought me here.

        and are eerily familiar with what’s on fox and Limbaugh

        An attempt to try and find out why you folks are so bassackwards.

                1. its not man made warming… its a pity you can’t think for yourself and it is people like you that are the problem… nasa also said temps are up on all the planets… we didn’t cause that… the sun and orbital mechanics cause that (hint: that is real science).

        1. You keep talking badly about yourself… you are a self identified troll by your own actions… and a racist below… you should get a new vocabulary.


          I have personal proof of this global warming being caused by orbital mechanics not green house nonsense: when I bought my trailer Aug 2004 (you’ve seen my front door, it has a square window) I noticed, when the sun was setting its light shown through the window and fell directly (like a picture frame) on
          the thermostat that was on my living room wall… it did this reliably (like clockwork around 4PM) every day in September (fall equinox when there are 12hrs in a day and 12hrs in a night). It caused my air conditioner to come on… I had to put a towel over the window.

          Three years ago I had taken the towel down (cleaning, believe that or not) and noticed (in September) the light did not shine on my thermostat, instead it was shining much lower on the wall several feet away… the wall is at an angle to the door not directly across… and I realize our orbit had changed… so I went looking online for other examples of this phenomenon and found several references from american indians that also were puzzled about the the sun not rising and setting as it should….


          1. You are outnumbered.
            Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree:

                1. I didn’t say I was right winger… must you always resort to name calling with the “FACTS” are not on their side… besides you said you were leaving… you can’t even keep your own story straight… because you are still here…

                    1. You seem like the type that wants to sit around and compare the size of our PhD’s (problem being you don’t have one).

                1. You keep telling yourself that, you weak kneed progressive. Go live in a cave and withdrawl from the human race, which would be better off without you.

  114. Governments around the globe long ago made the decision to alter and manipulate Earth’s weather and climate systems. This decision was made without the knowledge or consent of the public. geoengineeringwatch.org

  115. Each of the following facts completely dispels the nonsense of global warming.

    -Glaciers were Already Retreating Before 1900
    -Ice ages have been coming and going for eons.
    -The last 20 years have shown zero warming.
    -Man produces less than 1/2 of 1 percent of C02 on the planet.
    -It was warmer in the 15th century than it is now.
    -The greatest warming in the 20th century was between 1935 and 1950.

    1. “Facts. Don’t tell me ’bout No facts. If we win this election we will be the biggest Nigg… in New York.”
      The Reverend Al Sharpton.

  116. Funny how the one thing that controls 99.9% of climate globally isn’t even given consideration to the cause of this so called climate change debate… That’s right folks, the sun controls the climate and about the only other thing that has an affect on the climate is chemtrails and that is man made, or should I say made by globalist demons!

              1. Nope, happily informed! You should try it, that way you wouldn’t have to make min wage trying to discredit legit commenters hahaha.

                    1. Yep, furious. Well done, you accomplished your goal and you’ve made a whopping $4.50 the last half hour, congrats!

                    2. Oh, you must be on welfare and just do this for fun because your life is so fantastic. In that case, I do feel sorry for you. Sorry for your luck bru.

        1. I’m told this piece of human trash is a troll that wants you to respond to it. Somehow it makes a living from this foolishness. I have the fifty cent cure for Mr. Frankie.

  117. The AGW kooks are out in force on this one. They must be having fits because they can’t convince any THINKING person that their scam is real…….LMAO!!

  118. More signs yet the world is blind… oh yea, climate change… could be, God never said how the end time disasters would occur or who would cause them…

    Always be a light that is .shininginthedark.

  119. Burrrrrrr………Can some group of wackos please do a global warming hookus pookus dance and chant to the earthmother to make it warmer?

  120. In fact there are not one but TWO camps on the alarmist side; the useful idiots who are certain rain is falling on their backs … and the ones peeing on them.

  121. “http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/2015-arctic-sea-ice-maximum-annual-extent-is-lowest-on-record” Oh Noooo! It’s globull warming!!

    “2015 Antarctic Maximum Sea Ice Extent Breaks Streak of Record Highs” Oh Noooo!! It’s globull Warming!

    It can’t be because of El Nino.

    Global warming make the earth explode? ==> http://sci-e-research.com/geophysics.html

    And globull warming alarmists call skeptics mentally ill.

    By the way, who is anyone to decide what the earth’s climate is supposed to be. It has always changed and always will regardless. The earth once had no polar ice caps and life flourished from pole to pole. The earth didn’t explode then. Perhaps that’s the right climate for earth.

  122. Sooooo….according to the local weather from Pointe-À-Pitre, the high temp for April 1st was 86F the low temp was 75F.
    As any amateur meteorologist could tell you, the warmer it is, the larger the flakes. A fine small flake snow, as described here, would be in relatively cold, dry air. It’s a hoax. It is amazing with other cell cameras in view in the image, all we get is blurry crap.

  123. “my .room mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet.”….

    two days ago new Mc.Laren. F1 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month .,3-5 h/r of work a days ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Hereo!160➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsJobs/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:::::o!160………

  124. I bet half the people in this thread didn’t even go to college jeez uneducated fools. ” IM A REPUBLICAN THERE AINT SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING HURR DURR.

  125. Try to find a meteorologist named Alain Museleque on the web. You will find that he seems to have appeared on earth at the exact moment the snow fell in Guadeloupe. You’ve been pranked. There’s no such person. There was no snow on Guadeloupe. If you want to be taken seriously, stop promoting this nonsense!

  126. The UN’s IPCC has ignored Dr Henrik Svensmark’s cosmic ray/solar activity/cloud theory. It will also ignore the work of Dr Jasper Kirkby and his team at CERN. The reason is simple. Anything that challenges or threatens the IPCC mantra – that CO2 emissions from human activity causes catastrophic global warming and is the key driver of climate change – has to be ignored by the IPCC.

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