Climate Depot Editorial
The media and climate fear promoters appear to be in overdrive trying to spin recent global cooling and particularly the “year without a summer” in many parts of the U.S. [See: Earth’s ‘Fever’ Breaks! Global temperatures ‘have plunged .74°F since Gore’s film released and Climate Fear Promoters Try to Spin Record Cold and Snow: ‘Global warming made it less cool’ ]
The New York Times reports that the record cold of 2009 is due to natural variations and even warned skeptics of man-made global warming not to be “buoyed” by the brutal cold.
The New York Times’ remarkable front page article on July 31, 2009 titled “In New York, It’s the Summer That Isn’t” by reporter Sam Roberts detailed the record breaking cold summer in New York. The article warned “this could be the coolest summer on record” and “this will have been the coolest June and July since either 1903 or 1881.”
But the 2009 article explained “this summer’s unusually mild temperatures should not buoy global warming skeptics.”
Why? The Times has the answer, noting “a persistent high-level jet stream has sent cooler air streaming from the north and northwest.”
Ok. Fair enough, “natural variations” caused a record cold breaking summer in 2009, according to the Times. But the question looms, how did the paper explain record warmth nearly a decade ago? Surely, if natural variations in climate can cause a record-breaking cold summer, then it would stand to reason that record breaking warmth would have a natural cause as well?
Not exactly. The Times effortlessly attributed record warmth back in 2000 to man-made global warming, noting the warm temperatures were “consistent” with model predictions. [Climate Depot Editor’s Note: At least NYT is light years ahead of the BBC, which in true “climate astrology” fashion, blamed “intense” deadly cold on global warming! See: BBC: ‘250 children under the age of 5 died’ due to freezing temps in Peru — ‘Experts blame climate change for the early arrival of intense cold’ – July 12, 2009]
A March 11, 2000 New York Times article by reporter William K. Stevens entitled “U.S. Sets Another Record for Winter Warmth” had no hesitation in blaming record warmth on man-made global warming.
The article from 9 years ago noted: “Shorter and milder winters are consistent with a century-long global warming trend that mainstream scientists believe has been at least partly caused by emissions of heat-trapping waste industrial gases like carbon dioxide.” [Climate Depot Editor’s Note: Are the recent global cooling and record breaking cold “consistent” with global warming climate models? See: U.S. Government Scientist’s Shock Admission: ‘Climate Model Software Doesn’t Meet the Best Standards Available’ ]
The New York Times article from 2000 continued: “The warming has been especially significant in the last quarter-century, amounting to more than three times the century-long warming rate of about 1 degree Fahrenheit. Computer models predict that the temperature rise will continue at that accelerated pace if emissions of heat-trapping gases are not reduced, and also predict that warming will be especially pronounced in the winter.”
”We are beginning to approximate the kind of warming you should see in the winter season” based on the model projections, especially over the land masses of the Northern Hemisphere, Mike Changery, [a climatologist at the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C ] said” according to the 2000 article.
The New York Times article did — belatedly — add “the jury is still out” however on the complete causes of record warmth in 2000.
As the Earth has failed to warm, it continues to be great entertainment to watch the promoters of man-made climate fears and their message pushers in the mainstream media contort and squirm to explain the lack of heating. The media, sadly, continues to ignore major new developments in the global warming debate. See: Climate Revolt: World’s Largest Science Group ‘Startled’ By Outpouring of Scientists Rejecting Man-Made Climate Fears! Clamor for Editor to Be Removed! – July 29, 2009 & Peer-Reviewed Study Rocks Climate Debate! ‘Nature not man responsible for recent global warming…little or none of late 20th century warming and cooling can be attributed to humans’ – July 22, 2009]
Related Links:
Geologist Chides Revkin of New York Times for ‘Strange, Silly’ Climate Article – April 23, 2009
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Gore Mouthing-Off About Make-Believe Madoffs
More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims
Andrew Revkin’s attempt to smear skeptics detailed! – March 10, 2009
Update: More Revkin Woes – Was Climatologist Christy accurately quoted in NYT? – March 11, 2009
Challenge to Andrew Revkin of NYT From Marc Morano – January 16, 2009
Scientists Counter AP Article Promoting Computer Model Climate Fears – September 24, 2007
Newsweek’s Climate Editorial Screed Violates Basic Standards of Journalism – August 5, 2007
“Hot & Cold Media Spin: A Challenge To Journalists Who Cover Global Warming” -September 25, 2006
ABCNEWS Climate Reporter: ‘Scientists tell us civilization as we know it is over’
“I don’t like the word ‘Balance”- Says ABC News Global Warming Reporter – October 30, 2006
New York Times Op-Ed Heat Wave Hype Melts Under Scrutiny NY Times Aug 2006 oped
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