It gets worse – the ‘Kill Climate Deniers’ play funded by the ACT Govt is specifically portraying an armed siege of the Australian Parliament

It gets worse – the “Kill Climate Deniers” play funded by the ACT Govt is specifically portraying an armed siege of the Australian Parliament

This Parliament House – The Aspen Island web site now says this describing their upcoming drama – material that was not online earlier yesterday – So for the benefit of overseas readers what we have here is like the The District of Columbia funding a play about an attack on the Capitol. And all at a time when security at the Australian Parliament House has been tightened with armed guards. Yesterday the ABC commented – Climate play draws fierce criticism from Andrew Bolt, ACT Opposition – I see now the Canberra Times has a story – Liberals outraged that ‘Kill Climate Deniers’ play is funded by the ACT government. I have been told by a Labor MLA that the – “title of the play is a satirical one”. Well we all know that but there are subjects too serious for satire. Just try making satirical jokes about “a bomb in the luggage” when you are going through security checks at an airport – or when you are onboard your flight.

— gReader Pro
