Fact-checking Al Gore’s controversial, apocalyptic climate conference


Former Vice President #Al Gore is back and our future has never been bleaker. That was the message he delivered at a Climate & Health meeting he hastily organized after a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) #Climate Change conference got postponed. Despite having a 10-year record of failed climate predictions, Gore blamed everything from contagious diseases to food shortages to #Extreme Weather on global warming.

At the meeting held yesterday at the Carter Center in Atlanta, Gore and invited guests said climate-related risks were “obviously” increasing. Every night on TV, he said, was like a “hike through the Book of Revelations,” his favorite refrain. But Gore was misleading the attendees and the media as he often does in his movies and lectures.

With many areas becoming much more densely populated, when a storm does strike more damage occurs. Storms have not increased, only populations and expensive items. Data shows there hasn’t been an increase in floods, droughts, tornadoes, or other climate-related weather. And a category-3 or higher hurricane hasn’t made landfall in the United States in over 11 years.

Study: Cold kills 20 times more people than heat:
1985 – 2012: 5.4 million people dead from the coldhttp://usat.ly/1SeUPaB  via @usatoday

Photo published for Study: Cold kills 20 times more people than heat

Study: Cold kills 20 times more people than heat

Cold weather is 20 times as deadly as hot weather, says a new study out today. From 1985 to 2012, 5.4 million people died from the cold while 311,000 died from the heat.


Cold kills more than heat

Heat waves, Gore said, were the number one climate-related cause of death in the United States. And a scientist from the activist group Natural Resources Defense Council said the rate of warming in the last 30 years was unlike anything in the past 1,000 years. Again, untrue. Tony Heller, who operates Real Climate Science, plotted out the frequency of hot days (those over 100°F) showing they have actually plunged in the last 80 years.
