EPA Global Warming Regulations Have Split The Country

The Environmental Protection Agency’s power plant regulations have split the country.

President Barack Obama put tackling global warming at the top of his agenda in recent years, and the EPA has been more than happy to oblige and issued a sweeping set of regulations last year to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.

Liberals hailed the so-called Clean Power Plan (CPP) as a good first step in the fight against global warming, while conservatives derided the rule as a federal takeover of states’ rights and a backdoor way to impose cap-and-trade.

That fight has also played out among states, and maps created by E&E Publishing showing where each state stands on CPP illustrates just how divisive the rule has been.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/02/22/epa-global-warming-regulations-have-split-the-country/#ixzz40w561qY0
