EPA Chief: ‘Climate deniers are not about’ science, they’re just selfish about ‘the solutions’

Speaking at Planet Forward 2016, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy says that climate change is “impacting public health” and “every human being on the face of this Earth”. McCarthy says that ‘Climate deniers are not about a lack of data. They’re deniers as to whether or not the solutions, once you recognize the problem, are going to be to their advantage or not.”

ADMINISTRATOR MCCARTHY: “…if you think that climate change isn’t impacting public health then you have to open your eyes and take a closer look because the data is there, the understanding is there. And, so while EPA struggles to bring good quality air to everybody, safe drinking water, healthy safe places for kids to live and work, we also have to recognize that an unstable climate is impacting every human being on the face of this Earth, and if we do not do something, you are the very people whose future is being robbed and taken from you.” […]

FRANK SESNO: “How about more science in our leaders? How about more data?”

ADMINISTRATOR MCCARTHY: “You know I don’t know if it’s more data or forcing people to look at the data. I mean really. Climate deniers are not about a lack of data. They’re deniers as to whether or not the solutions, once you recognize the problem, are going to be to their advantage or not.”

Planet Forward 2016
April 21, 2016


32 Responses

  1. Well, there you have it. The head of the EPA confirms she has the data on the public health issues caused by climate change. So perhaps in her next vlog, she might tell us where the EPA has published it, hopefully citing the sources as well so we can access the raw data.

    In the meantime, its nice to know that, as well as being labelled “deniers” by this head of a government agency, climate skeptics are also a selfish lot, looking out for personal advantage in this highly profitable area of the economy!

    Of course, as a public official, she wouldn’t make either of these statements without having evidence, would she? I mean, she is accountable for her comments, isn’t she?

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  2. Translation: “Climate deniers are selfish with their own money. Unlike me, I’m always willing to spend other people’s money.”

  3. Gina McCarthy graduated from the University of Massachusetts Boston with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Anthropology in 1976. In 1981 she received a joint Master of Science in Environmental Health Engineering and Planning and Policy. She is a trained eco-bureaucrat with no background in the hard sciences.

          1. I pointed out that Gina McCarthy has no background in the hard sciences even though she heads the EPA. Her lack of any hard science background goes to her qualifications. It is not a smear. It is factual.

            You responded with a red hearing argument smearing Morano. Morano is not relevant to whether McCarthy is qualified to head the EPA and Morano is probably not qualified to run the EPA either (but he would likely do a better and more honest job than McCarthy).

            You raised Morano as a red herring and smeared him to deflect from McCarthy’s lack of scientific qualifications to head the EPA.

            1. You called her a trained “eco-bureaucrat” (whatever that is) and, without any knowledge of her experience, suggested she is not qualified to run the EPA. Sounds like a smear to me and that you are an overly sensitive little fellow about your hero.

              My point about Morano is not a red herring… it was a blatent shot at his lack of qualifications to run a climate change website and make any statement regarding this issue. A totally relevant and parallel issue since he is a source of misinformation regarding climate change or any scientific issue. He is…. a paid shill, a plant, a stooge for the fossil fuel industry and nothing honest comes out of his mouth.

                1. Which does not make her unqualified to run the agency. No one person is trained in all the disciplines within the EPA so you assertion is clearly meaningless.

                  I find your comments confusing and inconsistent with your devotion to Morano’s balony website – it is not even a good attempt at pseudoscience.

                    1. When climate deniers cannot reject the scientific facts, they smear and sneer. It is a propaganda ploy and an admission of weakness.

    1. Imagine you can suspend (via some cognitive estrangement) your denial (your greed and deep seated love for crank theory), what will it take for you to accept ACC??

  4. “They’re deniers as to whether or not the solutions, once you recognize the problem, are going to be to their advantage or not.”

    Harsh rhetoric from someone who stands to post immense gains from ANY action.

    Wonder how she’ll feel about that once she’s replaced by President Trump?

  5. “solutions” sounds like a one way street – tax. Funny how these ignorant chiefs don’t go after actual environmental issues like monsanto’s poisoning of our planet.

    1. Agreed. It’s unclear how taxes can be a solution to a scientific problem. Even more, how taxes can be the ONLY solution to the problem.

  6. Lets see, the US government controls about what..25 to 100 chemicals that get in our water. They allow proven unsafe amounts of arsenic lead and mercury etc. They don’t even consider about 7000 chemicals that are in our water. They frankly don’t give a damn if we all die from poisoned water.

    On the other hand, the most prevalent greenhouse gas is H2O. It covers 70% of the earth. It reflects the sun, it filters the light waves and radiant heat, it captures heat and holds it to the earth.

    So what do these liars do? Instead of trying to understand the gas that COVERS 70% of the earth (1% of total atmosphere) and find out HOW the earth moderates its atmosphere and climates, they choose an obscure gas that is only .038% of the atmosphere and try and tell us that this gas is the cause of all ills.

    However, strangely, this gas has been in much higher percentages in the earth’s atmosphere in millennia past. Strangely also, the higher this gas is concentrated, the faster and better plants grow, which also moderates climate by cooling and conversion of energy!

    Then we just look at WHO started the Carbon Exchange, Obama was right there in Chicago and in the middle of the fraud. This is a MONEY DEAL and these criminals are using false science as their weapon to change laws and rights and to steal from the people of the world. Oh, they are powerful people and out for themselves.

    But then, what do I know? I only looked up pretty much all the temperature data that exists…and guess what. We have only between 60 and 100 good years of data…and most of that data was sparse in itself and pretty much useless to create any kind of acceptable averaging values.

    We do know that NY and Atlanta and other cities create their own weather. We also know that NYC is warmer by a few degrees than its historical average…We also know that UPSTATE NY is cooler by a degree or two..and guess what? the numbers seem to average.

    These SAME IDIOTS crying global warming were scaring the cap out of me when I was a kid telling me we are going into an ICE age. I remember it. I remember being scared. This is FEAR MONGERING and they are doing it again. Trying make children believe their lies through FEAR. Just like when I was a kid!

    Liars and thieves and idiots and self serving bureaucrats…All on the government TIT sucking us dry and then trying to make us drink their coolade.

    1. “the Carbon Exchange, Obama was right there in Chicago”

      Senator Obama was a director of the Joyce Foundation which funded the Chicago Carbon Exchange CCX. Founding members and directors listed here, includes Al Gore, Maurice Strong, Rajenda Pachauri, Lehman Bros, Hank Paulson…http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/2086494/posts

      CCX is now dead of course, Strong also departed, Pachauri charged with sexual harassment in India, Lehman Bros gone. Gore still making millions.

      Check out the network behind it here: http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/shorebank.php

      (Hillary and Bill get a mention)

      More here: http://www.forbes.com/2010/12/22/chicago-climate-club-carbon-barack-obama-opinions-contributors-larry-bell.html

  7. ADMINISTRATOR MCCARTHY: “…if you think that climate change isn’t impacting public health then you have to open your eyes and take a closer look because the data is there, the understanding is there. And, so while EPA struggles to bring good quality air to everybody, safe drinking water, healthy safe places for kids to live and work, we also have to recognize that an unstable climate is impacting every human being on the face of this Earth, and if we do not do something, you are the very people whose future is being robbed and taken from you.” […]


  8. Isn’t she admitting this is about politics? Isn’t she saying it’s about income redistribution, crushing industry and punishing oil companies and “deniers” are just too narrow to be in favor of these solutions?

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