Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer weighs in on Kevin Trenberth’s legacy of political ‘science’

[Note: For updates on the Trenberth scandal, see here.]

Related Links:

NEW SCANDAL: Trenberth, the P-word? Steve McIntyre on ‘Trenberth and Copygate’ — ‘Some of Trenberth’s most objectionable language was lifted verbatim from an article in nature earlier this year’ — Say it ain’t so!? ”Kevin Trenberth’s entire paragraph is actually word-for-word identical to the corresponding paragraph in Hasselman’s Nature article’

Kevin Trenberth’s Copy Problem: Will ‘Dr. Bradley move to file a similar complaint against Dr. Trenberth to maintain the standards and integrity of climate science?’

Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer weighs in on Kevin Trenberth’s legacy of political ‘science’: Spencer: ‘In my experience, Trenberth is the UN’s chief gatekeeper, preventing proposals from being funded and papers being published that might hurt their political agenda’ — Spencer’s website here.

Steve McIntyre on ‘Trenberth’s Bile’ or ‘bilious diatribe’: ‘Unfortunately, we’ve seen too many incidents where climate scientists make false claims that are readily shown to be incorrect’

Physicist warns of Kevin Trenberth’s ‘attempt to change the rules of science’ as a ‘back-door means of bolstering UN IPCC’s diminishing credibility’

Trenberth’s Religious Views: ‘Scientific facts are not open to debate or opinion because they are evidence and/or physically based. Moreover a debate actually gives alternative views credibility’

Meet The Astrologer Kevin Trenberth, the man the Media presents as a ‘top scientist’: ‘Trenberth has gone totally off the scientific reservation into astrology or the occult’ [email protected]Trenberth’s Unscientific Rubbish: ‘Trenberth is saying that there is a high probability that if CO2 levels were 120ppm lower, that the floods in Pakistan would not have occurred. This is pure conjecture, absolutely without facts, and probably bad conjecture at that. Similar events of similar magnitude have occurred through all of recorded history in exactly these locations’

Climatologist Roger Pielke Sr. On Trenberth: ‘Unfortunately, these individuals have been elevated to control much of the climate assessment process and the funding of climate science research’

Trenberth the Doomsday ‘Revolutionary’: The ‘steps required are so revolutionary as to be highly unlikely to be achieved’ [email protected] — ‘It is also essential that much stronger steps be taken to plan for and adapt to the change that is surely coming…we should be more accepting that climate disasters are inevitable, along with environmental refugees’

Climategate & UN IPCC’s Kevin Trenberth’s reveals ‘mindless worshiping’ of IPCC – Offers ‘weird opinions about climate’ – Slams ‘Deniers’ — Calls for a planned economy ‘for decades ahead’

Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl Rips Kevin Trenberth: ‘We’ve had enough of the arrogance by mediocre and obsessed pseudoscientific hacks such as yourself, Mr Trenberth’ [email protected] — Dr. Motl: ‘Kevin Trenberth and other fringe kibitzers want to become universal dictators. The last thing you should think about is how to extend your power. Instead, you should be thinking how to undo your inexcusable behavior so that you will spend as little time in prison as possible’

Warmist Ruling Class: Trenberth’s wants Warmist Scientists to Help Rule Over ‘environment, but also energy, water, sustainability, the economy, foreign policy and trade, security and defense’

Contact Trenberth: [email protected]

Trenberth the Population Expert now claims ‘the planet is already over-populated’ — Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl Slams: Trenberth’s ‘mindless worshiping of a completely discredited political institution called the IPCC is the only thing that the ‘climate scientist’ Kevin Trenberth offers the American Meteorological Society’

Kevin Trenberth, The Coward: ‘Debating skeptics about the science is not an approach that is recommended’ [email protected] — Trenberth’s Child-like Faith: ‘Given that global warming is ‘unequivocal’, to quote the 2007 IPCC report, the null hypothesis should now be reversed, thereby placing the burden of proof on showing that there is no human influence’

Climategate Con Man Kevin Trenberth on Oct. 10, 2009: ‘I have found that the only scientists who disagree with IPCC report are those who have not read it and are poorly informed’ [email protected] — But Trenberth wrote in ‘private’ 4 days later on Oct. 14, 2009: ‘The fact that we can not account for what is happening in the climate system makes any consideration of geoengineering quite hopeless’

Flashback: Ignorant Skeptics?: UN Scientist Prof. Trenberth says only ‘poorly informed’ scientists disagree with UN – Appeals to Authority: ‘The IPCC has spoken’

Trenberth’s Wacky Activism Distorts His Science: ‘The scientific portion of [Trenberth’s presentation] is superficial and plagued by elementary logical fallacies’ [email protected] — ‘Trenberth spends most of the time by explaining conspiracy theories about the deniers’ influence on the media; he uses the term ‘denier’ six times’
