Scandal Coverage Spreads in the Media
Canadian CBC TV commentator Rex Murphy, unleashed on the top UN scientists involved in the growing Climategate scandal during a December 3, 2009 television broadcast. CBC’s Murphy declared that Climategate “pulls back the curtain on a scene of pettiness, turf protection, manipulation, defiance of freedom of information, loss or destroyed data and attempts to blacklist critics or skeptics of the global warming cause.”
“You wouldn’t accept that at a grade 9 science fair,” Murphy stated. Murphy’s commentary appeared on “The National” program, CBC’s flagship nightly news program.
Watch Full Rex Murphy Video here. Murphy was a former a executive assistant to the leader of the Liberal Party of Newfoundland. (Also see viewers growing frustration at lack of coverage of Climategate on broadcast TV. See: Video: Canadian news heckled on live TV: ‘Climategate: It Wont Go Away. Report it, CBC!’)
“Climate science and global warming advocacy have become so entwined, so enmeshed into a mutant creature,” he added.
“Climategate is evidence that the science has gone to bed with advocacy and both have had a very good time,” Murphy continued.
Murphy’s criticism aims directly for the top UN scientists involved in this scandal.
“Too many of the current leadership on global warming are more players than observers. Gatekeepers not investigators. Angry partisans of some global reengineering, rather than some humble servants of the facts of the case,” Murphy explained.
“Read the emails, you will never think of climate science, quite the same way again,” Murphy implored.
“Let’s here no more talk of the ‘science is settled’ when it turns out some of the principle scientists behave as if they own the very question of global warming,” he added.
‘Climate science has been shown to be in part to be a sub branch of climate politics,” Murphy explained. “Climate science needs its own reset button,” he added.
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