‘Catastrophe Fails to Materialize’: Global polar bear population size INCREASES

Via: https://polarbearscience.com/2017/04/12/global-polar-bear-population-size-is-about-28500-when-updates-are-included/

Polar bear numbers have risen since 2005, no matter how you look at it:

Svalbard polar bear Jon Aars_Norsk Polarinstitutt

USGS estimated 24,500 (average) polar bears in 2005.

IUCN estimated 26,500 (average of 22,000-31,000) in 2015
(assessment completed in July, released in November).

Subpopulation surveys completed or reported after July 2015 (Baffin Bay, Kane Basin, Barents Sea) added ~2,000 bears.
