Bill Nye: IRS needs to impose a ‘carbon fee’ – ‘I strongly believe it would change the world’§ion=green

“We have the system to collect it,” Nye said. “We have the Internal Revenue Service. It’s a bureaucracy that exists. People love to hate it. People also love to not die. But there’s two things you can count on: death and taxes. So we could do this if we we’re motivated. I’m a big supporter of it. I strongly believe it would change the world.”

Nye explained that the high cost of such a fee on carbon would force changes in many industries, from transportation to agriculture to meat production, creating a domino effect of environmental consciousness.

“The price of meat would go way up, or up a little bit. People would be less motivated to buy expensive meat. Ranchers who produce the meat would now do it in a less carbon-producing or methane-producing way. Everybody would be motivated to do more with less, to do a better job,” Nye said.


18 Responses

  1. Yes, Bill and you strongly believed that air temps could not affect the psi of a football as well. And this in the face of both the ideal gas law AND empirical evidence.

    Didn’t even issue a retraction or apology when proven how wrong you were.

    Doubt you’d apologize after a carbon tax is proven to neither lower CO2 or alter mean global temps as well.

    Warmistas – is this the science of which you speak?

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  2. Bill Nye is delusional about AGW. First of all, Congress would have to approve a carbon tax before the IRS could collect one, and the Republicans are not going to allow that particular theft to occur – other thefts are a different story.

  3. Bill, with his engineering degree, was funny as a failed scientist and comedic actor decades ago on Seattle’s Almost Live show. He is funnier now as a nationally known failed “scientist”. The pinnacle of his career has been his participation in “High Fiving White Guys” skits.

  4. I am sure that everyone would like to pay out more in taxes. It is the patriotic thing to do What budget cuts are being proposed to go along with these new taxes as part of the President’s balanced approach to deficit reduction? The budget cuts should be in addition to the President’s sequester cuts as well is the much anticipated cuts that are suppose to have gone along with the tax hike on the rich and the ACA taxes.

  5. what this rich elitists fails to understand, is that carbon fees only hurt the poor. Bill Nye, is a rich, white person who can afford to buy the latest low emission or zero emission auto. He must think that if a person can’t afford a car like his, they should just walk. He is another lunatic, prepared to sic the irs on anyone who does not subscribe to his “science” religion. He also doesn’t want to even consider that, not one of the dooms day prediction that nuts like him have made.

  6. I have lost all respect for Nye. Calls himself the “Science Guy” and ignores the science and both sides of the argument. Additionally, he wants the American taxpayer to foot the bill for India and China. He’s not about science, he’s about agenda.

  7. Tell me Mister Nye, do really believe that the politicians driving this madness will ever live like they want everyone else to. One has but to look at the Presidents travel for vacations, or the number of homes Hillary and Al Gore have.

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