Author Chris Mooney, who wrote the 2009 book “Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens our Future,” appeared on Boston’s NPR affiliate on September 17, 2009 to discuss the book and accuse Climate Depot of spreading climate science “misinformation.”
Mooney, who also wrote the 2006 book “The Republican War on Science,” boasted on his Discover Magazine blog, “I also manage take on Marc Morano to boot!”
In the NPR interview, Mooney lamented how difficult it is to get out accurate climate science to the public because ”the scientific committee is losing the communication battle.” (Comments to Mooney on his blog can be left here.)
Mooney said on NPR: “Marc Morano, who used to work for Sen. Inhofe in Senate, and now he has got his own website, Climate Depot and he is out there just putting out all of this misinformation about global warming all the time.” (To listen to audio go here. Climate Depot reference around 11:30 mark.) [Climate Depot’s Editor’s Note: For the latest accurate science, please see: Science of man-made climate fears continues to collapse – August 26, 2009 & Wash. Post Fires Back: Accuses Climate Depot of having ‘an anti-science and anti-science journalism agenda!’ — Climate Depot Responds – September 2, 2009]
“And there is nobody that I can think of in the world of the science that exists that is the equivalent of the counter-Morano, there are some people who try,” Mooney added. [Also see: Casting Call Issued! Mooney: We ‘need some kind of PR counter to the work of Morano’ – ‘Climate Scientists Need A War Room’ – April 9, 2009]
Did Mooney Duck CNN Debate with Morano?
Mooney, was originally scheduled to debate Climate Depot’s Morano in July of 2008 on CNN about the alleged claims of “censorship” during the Bush Administration, but according to a CNN producer Mooney had to cancel and a representative from the League of Conservation voters was found to fill in for the absent Mooney on the July 13, 2008 broadcast. [Climate Depot’s Editor’s Note: To find out the real story of who is censoring who, please see: Morano on CNN debates alleged ‘censorship’ of global warming science (Video & Transcript) – July 13, 2008) I even went out and purchased a copy of Chris Mooney’s book to prepare for the scheduled CNN debate. Update: Chris Mooney responds: “I was at my now parents’ in law’s place out in semi-rural Wisconsin when the invite from CNN came in, and as I recall, we couldn’t make the logistics work to get me to a studio for the program,” Mooney wrote. “Anyways, Marc, the next time CNN wants a debate, and presuming we can both do it (logistically speaking), you’re on,” Mooney added.]
Mooney also lamented that many news outlets have cut back and fired their science journalists in recent times, during his NPR interview. [Climate Depot Editor’s Note: What is Mr. Mooney referring to here? CNN’s coverage of global warming has radically improved since the news network let go its climate fear promoting science reporter Miles O’Brien and his CNN producer Peter Dykstra! Same goes for The Weather Channel. The network’s coverage of climate issues has improved dramatically since the woeful Heidi Cullen was let go. These are two ironclad instances where budget cutbacks and staff reductions noticeably improved climate news coverage.]
Mooney, who advocates against “censorship” in science, inexplicably defended the EPA’s censorship of Dr. Alan Carlin in 2009. “If Carlin were on the correct side of the science with Obama as president, I would also be all over it. But he isn’t on the correct side of the science, which is precisely the point–and you conservatives miss it once again. It’s all about the substance,” Mooney declared on July 1, 2009 on his Discover Magazine blog.
‘Purported champion of uncorrupted silence hides behind the veil of ‘correct side’ science’
Climate Depot’s executive editor Morano responded back to Mooney with this reaction: “How sad Chris [Mooney]. Your main concern is that the ‘science’ have the predetermined outcome that you agree with. To hell with the process if you disagree with the ‘correct side’ of the science? No wonder so many man-made climate fear promoters want to shut down any dissent. (See this report featuring a small sampling of threats, intimidation and censorship).”
Morano added, “Chris, you really should reevaluate your position on [EPA’s censorship of Alan Carlin], there is still time for you to redeem your reputation. Your current view will only lead to the best science politics can manufacture. How sad that the purported champion of uncorrupted silence hides behind the veil of “correct side” science justifies the means. And that is the real ‘substance’ of the matter.”
Related Links:
Morano on CNN debates alleged ‘censorship’ of global warming science (Video & Transcript) – July 13, 2008 (Chris Mooney was originally scheduled to appear with Morano, but according to CNN producer had to cancel)
Excerpt: Key Quote: MORANO: “Al Gore himself called Ted Koppel in 1994 and told him to go after scientists skeptical. This was a sitting vice president with an agenda on global warming telling Ted Koppel to go after scientists. Now, how come there was no outrage from the AP, from the League of Conservation Voters, from the media there? The real story here the media is missing is skeptical scientists are being suppressed across the board. The U.N. recently came out and said it’s ‘criminally irresponsible’ for someone to deny global warming fears.” […] The notion the American people aren’t getting, the global warming fears ingrained into them is laughable. You pick up any school book, you go watch any movie, TV show, man-made global warming fears are everywhere.
Update: Chris Mooney Challenged: ‘Most effective anti-Moranos on planet would be IPCC Chairman Pachauri and Gore’ – July 13, 2009 – Excerpt: Their refusal to debate ‘looks like they can’t disprove the skeptics!’
Update: Scientist Defends Climate Depot: ‘Gee, Mr. Chris Mooney, we all need a lobotomy!’
Update: Chris Mooney Challenged: ‘Most effective anti-Moranos on planet would be IPCC Chairman Pachauri and Gore’ – Excerpt: Their refusal to debate ‘looks like they can’t disprove the skeptics!’
Morano to Mooney: ‘Your main concern is that the ‘science’ have the predetermined outcome that you agree with’ – Mooney Exposed! Favors ‘the best science politics can manufacture’