A salvo of silliness: Pope’s climate activism a ‘result of a workshop of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences’

A salvo of silliness


The Pope, it seems, has decided to involve himself in the climate debate, apparently because he wants to ensure that the 2015 Paris summit is a success (if you can call condemning millions of people to destitution “a success”). Via Andy Revkin I also learn that the Pope’s new-found enthusiasm for green issues was the result of a workshop of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences held in the middle of last year. The proceedings of the workshop have been published online and they make interesting reading. For example, the list of attendees tells a story in itself, with familiar names such as Naomi Oreskes, Peter Wadhams, Martin Rees, Hans-Jochim Schellhuber, Jeffrey Sachs and Joseph Stiglitz. There was also Daniel Kammen, the editor at Environmental Research Letters who is threw scientific integrity out of the window in a bid to prevent John Cook’s fictions from being exposed. Needless to say, there were no familar names who could be put in the “global warming not a catastrophe” camp.

— gReader Pro
