Climate Depot Exclusive
Washington D.C.- A total blackout of a House Science committee occurred during a House Hearing on Climate Change and the EPA’s power plans. The lights went out and the room was plunged into total darkness at 10:23 AM in the Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing was titled: Full Committee Hearing – “The Administration’s Climate Plan: Failure by Design” – 2318 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 | Sep 17, 2014 10:00am
The lights continued to blink off and on and then stayed off for nearly one minute. Everyone remained seated and the dark room descended into a quiet chatter among the crowd as they waited for power to be restored.
Climate Depot was in attendance and provides these exclusive photos and video of the House climate and power hearing as it was plunged into involuntary darkness. Photos & Video here
Exclusive Video Here:
The irony of a climate and energy hearing being plunged into darkness was made even more ironic by the fact that Holdren has warned that the U.S. is ‘threatened” by what he termed “the hazards of too much energy, too soon.” Obama EPA’s Real Motive?! Flashback 1975: Obama Science Czar John Holdren warned U.S. ‘threatened’ by ‘the hazards of too much energy’ – Flashback 1975: Obama Science Czar John Holdren Said Real Threat to USA Is Cheap Energy: ‘The U.S. is threatened far more by the hazards of too much energy, too soon, than by the hazards of too little energy, too late.’
“Mounting evidence suggests that the United States is approaching (if not beyond) the level where further energy growth costs more than it is worth,” Holdren added.
This is the at least the second time that a hearing dealing with EPA climate and energy regulations has been hit by a blackout. See:
EPA forced to move climate hearings on coal plant restrictions due to ‘large scale power outage’ – EPA’s own version of ‘Gore Effect’?
Reaction: ‘EPA’s hearing session on their proposed guidelines to hammer existing coal plants has to be moved due to electrical outages. Feels a bit like the ‘Gore effect’. Perhaps a harbinger of things to come.’
Is economic ‘graceful decline’ the true agenda of some warmists‘
NYT: New EPA regulations may prompt blackouts — ‘May Strain Summer Energy Supplies’
Analysis: ‘Obama’s War on Coal Killing jobs, causing blackouts’
Climate Depot response: A war on affordable energy is just what the greens want. Obama science Czar Holdren in 1975: Holdren Says Real Threat to USA Is Cheap Energy
Is this coming to U.S. Via EPA regs? Britain ‘may be forced to use ‘last resort’ measures to avert blackouts in coming winters’ – Factories will be paid to switch off at times of peak demand in order to keep households’ lights on, if Britain’s dwindling power plants are unable to provide enough electricity, under the backstop measures from National Grid.
32 Responses
Let’s pull the plug on the federal govt. for good.
Let’s start with the EPA.
Who’s John Galt?
I know.
I dont see why we the people do not pull the plug on the Fed, it certainly appears that they will be pulling the plug on plenty of us, and damn soon…..
See what the EPA does for you Americans?
ROFLMAO. This is the biggest hoax played on the USA right up there alongside OBAMAdoesn’tCARE.
Que pasa , Jesus??
You look like Dicaprio , posing for cheap holy pictures….
Ironic, is it not. Leave it to these lefties and we”ll end up like some third world countries getting 1 hr. per day of electricity.
It’s worse than that; it’s Stainless Steelic!
Record low temperatures when Algore and global warming nuts have rallies and speeches and now this. God definitely has a sense of humor.
Ya just can’t make this stuff up.
Follow the money………
What happened, a cloud pass over the solar array on the White House roof? 🙂
What a horrifying group of clowns.
You flat-earthers don’t understand that this incident only proves the existence of
Global Warming,Climate Change, I mean Climate Disruption..
It’s time for this hoax called global warming to end! It was created for the sole purpose of taxing Americans.
Carbon Dioxide IS OUT FRIEND..!
You can inhale but you are not allowed to exhale!
The lights have been out in Washington for years now. All thats left are a bunch of dim candles that only flare up when we the people threaten to blow them out. We need to blow a bunch of them out this November people.
It’s like the Global Warming coferences that get snowed out.
This John Holdren character appears to have mental issues regarding his reasoning abilities. He is not normal.
Winter cold is going to be the worst drain on power supplies. You can’t get much solar or wind energy with panels and windmills frozen over. Hydroelectricity is not much help on frozen rivers. That means coal and oil and nuclear all winter long…. What’s the over/under on the body count from EPA stupidity??
The U.S. government “experts” have no understanding of power management issues like peak versus average demand, the need for “excess” capacity cushion, power distribution losses, and other technical matters. The EPA is run by sociologists, not engineers or scientists. A bunch of fanatical dumbkopfs.
LMAO you can’t make this stuff up
Someone is tapping their lying asses on the shoulder…..
This is pure awesome like climate scientists getting stuck in ocean ice while studying the diminishing ice.
I remember back when they had hearings on what was then called Global Warming. They carefully planned the hearings on the hottest day of the year. Then turned the A/C off so everybody would look hot and sweaty on TV.
Much of what happens in Washington is nothing more than political theater. Even if this was just a coincidence.
Oh sweet Irony…
This doesn’t quite cover the whole hearing, however. I’m more interested in what questions were presented and answers they gave. The lights are ironic but not the best type of proof of climate change or a lack thereof.