Climate Hypocrisy Wednesday Part Two: It’s Not Hypocrisy if Your Heart is Pure
I believe I can sum up the following bafflegab in three short bullet points.…
It’s Climate Hypocrisy Wednesday Part One: Climate Activists Channel Michael Crichton
He also suggested that private jets be banned as they add more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the benefit of the few who could afford them.…
“California’s Duck Curve Hits Record Lows”
The forced energy transformation crowd continues to be in denial about how badly the California grid has been compromised by wind and solar…
ExxonMobil is Right, Net-Zero Efforts Will Cause a Lower Quality of Life
If voters were aware of the true costs of net-zero, the alarmist media and politicians may have a harder time forcing it on the public.…
Feds play shell game with wind / whale impacts
In short there is no EIS for the proposed LOA.…
Are the Large Alberta Fires the Result of Climate Change?
In summary, there is little evidence that the Alberta wildfires represent a climate event. …