Solar Optimism and Coal Alarmism a Century Ago
The notion that the sun’s energy can be converted into electricity because it is just there to be concentrated is naivete.…
The End of Cheap Flights
It’s the new reality for flying as airlines face a huge decarbonization challenge and tightening climate-compliance laws…
US Drought: What a Difference a Year Makes
…what alarmists were calling Extreme Climate Change in the US, was in fact, simply weather.…
“The Day After Tomorrow” to Happen in the Next Few Decades?
A claim that a “The Day After Tomorrow” style global warming driven ice age is imminent – but we’ve been looking at the wrong ocean.…
Jennifer Marohasy on TNTRADIO.LIVE: Mercury Thermometers Versus Probes in Automatic Weather Stations
I will be talking about these issues this afternoon on TNT radio with the legendary Chris Smith.…
NYC Mayor to Cut Carbon Emissions by Cutting Off Food
“20 percent of New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions come from household food”…