Renewable Experts: Undeterred and Unmoved by Failed Ideas
The truth is that integrating increasing amounts of solar and wind is complicated, expensive and poses reliability risks. …
Addressing Wind/Solar Instability: Hardwiring the Grid
…and there were predictions that Texas was going to be in trouble…
Claim: Droughts developing more rapidly says global study
…global warming has made the world wetter on the whole.…
Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #548
“It is easy to forget that science offers more than a body of knowledge and a process for adding new knowledge. It tells us not only what we know but what we don’t know. It identifies areas of uncertainty and offers an estimate of how great and how critical that uncertainty is likely to be.”…
Russian walrus and polar bears continue to thrive US researchers tell the Washington Post
… the larger estimate seems more plausible as an average for this subpopulation, although the authors of the report did not draw that conclusion.…
Michael E Mann Goes Humpty Dumpty on “1000 Year Event”
…we shouldn’t have witnessed it if we lived for a thousand years.…