Victorian State Government Begging for Private Renewable Energy Investment
“… We need to see 25GW of new [generators] between now and 2035 …” – but Victoria is consistently voted the hardest place to do business in Australia.…
Reality Versus The Tesla Energy Report, Part II
Basically the entire idea that these geniuses have come up with is to build lots and lots of wind turbines and solar panels.…
Climate TV LIVE at 1PM ET ‘Fact Checks’ and Fecklessness
Join us for Episode 59 of Climate Change Roundtable. This week’s episode features a smackdown of the recent “fact check” that AFP conducted on Heartland’s best-selling and highly acclaimed book,……
Ross McKitrick: The important climate study you won’t hear about
…the atmosphere has warmed at half the average rate predicted by climate models over the same period.…
If Global Warming Is Causing More Homeruns in MLB, It’s Also Causing More Strikeouts
Baseball statistics clearly refute the claim that climate change is leading to more homeruns in Major League Baseball.…
More on Cloud Reduction. CO2 is innocent but Clouds are guilty.
Statistical uncertainty in the CERES and Cloud data seem to retard acceptance of alternative GW theories.…
Operation Hymn-Sheet: identifying points on which skeptics agree
The imagined “consensus” that recent warming is chiefly anthropogenic was fabricated.…