Column: Wake Up, West – a new energy world order is building, fast
But storm clouds are on the horizon for the existing superpower order.…
‘Evoke eminent domain’: JP Morgan CEO Says Gov’t Should Seize Private Property to Build Wind & Solar Farms: ‘The window for action to avert…climate change is closing’
Even private land ownership is in the crosshairs, as global food production and the world economy are transformed to meet the global sustainability goals,…
Power Showers May Be Banned
Why does the Telegraph not check simple facts before printing rubbish like this?…
Germans Overwhelmingly Fed Up with Move to Green Energies as Massive Costs Loom
Green energies no longer have the support of Germans due to high costs and technical limitations.…
Climate Fact Check: March 2023 Edition
Ten pieces of climate propaganda from March 2023 exposed and debunked.…
Cut CO2 Emissions or the Canadian Ticks will Get You
If warmer weather breeds more ticks, why aren’t we who live in warmer regions overrun with the nasty bugs?…