Lomborg Responds to Polar Bear Abundance Challenge
“It does more good for polar bears, and the rest of us, if those trying to help them use accurate facts.”
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Guardian: Google Are Not Trying Hard Enough to Demonetise Climate Deniers
Essay by Eric Worrall An example greens want demonitised: “Wind Turbines Not Only Shred Birds But Are Piling Up In Landfills“. Google let Daily Wire advertise on ‘climate change is…
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India’s Uncompromising Commitment to Coal
In Asia, the need for sustained economic growth outweighs fanciful visions of a “carbon-free” utopia, making coal the obvious choice for at least several decades.
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Intersectional Climate Scientist Goes on Rant Against ‘White Men’
“OK, so you have this three-legged dog. The three-head dog. Now the heart of this dog is CO2. OK. Carbon dioxide.
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No Matter Your View on Climate Change, Pricing CO2 Is Harmful… Why?
because pricing one externality but not others leads to economic and environmental distortions… causing human suffering.
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NYT: Bomb Cyclone? Or Just Windy with a Chance of Hyperbole?
Wouldn’t it be a tragedy if journalistic weather hyperbole got so bad, people started ignoring all the climate change hype?
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