UAH Global Temperature Update for November 2022: +0.17 deg. C
The Version 6 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for November 2022 was +0.17 deg. C departure from the 1991-2020 mean.…
The Mirage of Electric Vehicles
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach For those who think that electric vehicles make a difference … think again. The Department of Energy’s Argonne National Lab has just released a study……
World’s Northern Hemisphere Tropical Storm Accumulated Cyclone Energy Plunges 33% in 2022
This readily available tropical storm data has been consistently ignored, hidden, concealed, misrepresented and otherwise falsely manipulated by climate alarmist politicians and media.…
Contra Yahoo News, “Weather Whiplash” is not Threatening Autumn Weather
Cold snaps, and even heavy snowfall, are not unusual in the fall, and data show no evidence of a significant change from past transitions from summer to fall when compared to more recent ones.…
Energy Storage Report: Hydrogen as An Alternative to Batteries
It’s no wonder that green hydrogen is all talk.…
GREGORY WRIGHTSTONE: “Reasonable” Concessions to Climate Hysteria Lack Reason
Energy sources are not equal, and carbon dioxide poses no threat to the planet.…